Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 1094

Chapter 1094

Game of Thrones: Wrath of the Sleeping Dragon Chapter 1092

The divine light blooming around Viserys repelled the ghosts who were swarming like mad dogs.

Viserys finally finished telling the origins of the two gods "shadow hunters" Edric and Nissa Nissa, who are now imprisoned beside Azor Ahai.

Diana and Helos were already a little surprised and even stunned.

"Azor Ahai made a sword with his wife, and then kept his soul imprisoned to this day?"

They never expected such a terrible thing to happen in the heart of the legendary hero who saved the fate of mankind.

Everyone was trapped in the bright and stalwart image he created. In fact, Azor Ahai, as the king of the gods, turned out to be such a person.

However, Viserys also saw the trump card of Azor Ahai from the Old God, who did not love his wife as deeply as he said.

If Azor Ahai really loved his wife, he could not have sacrificed his wife to the sword.

Therefore, before meeting Azor Ahai, Viserys actually knew what kind of person he was, and he had already raised twelve points of vigilance in his heart.

"Perhaps because of the low level of human civilization at that time, for Azor Ahai, his wife was just an insignificant accessory to him, like a piece of clothing and a pair of shoes."

"He was never really in love with this Nissa Nissa."

At this moment, Heros, the **** of fire, said coldly.

He was surrounded by black mist, and a big river of flames appeared in front of him. The souls of all the Red God believers rushed over like crazy, and then turned into ashes.

But Helos' words made Diana slightly unhappy. She glanced at her brother and snorted, but didn't care.

"Azor Ahai, this man is too cruel."

Perhaps after becoming the God of Cold and the God of Fire respectively, because of their attributes, the characters of the two were more or less affected, and they became a little disliked by each other, but fortunately they have a common enemy right now. Infighting.

Now with Diana's feet as the center, the ice continued to spread forward as if it had life, and then tore all the remnant souls it touched to pieces.

"Father, it's not a way to consume divine power like this."

Then Diana turned her head and asked her father.

But Viserys was actually already prepared for the situation in front of him.

Although these lonely ghosts are of no importance to them, even if there are many ants, they can't kill the gods in the sky, but if they spend all their divine power here, they have already fallen for Azor Ahai's plan.

"Leave it to me, daughter."

Immediately after Viserys raised his hand, a teleportable black hole was suddenly torn behind him.


In the next second, countless souls of soldiers wearing the armor of the Valyrian Empire walked out of it.

They are the souls of the soldiers of the Empire who have fallen in battle over the years.

All warriors who believe in Viserys and believe that mortals will inevitably defeat the gods who enslave them will enter the kingdom of Viserys after death.

And they still retain their own sanity. Although the number is far less than that of the believers of the Red God Cult, they are very elite. When they came out of the black hole, they were the first to see Wesseryston, who was caught in the endless siege of souls. Slightly stunned.

An Imperial general killed in the Battle of the Long Night, with a beard on his chin, was the first to recognize Viserys when he saw him.

"His Majesty!"

However, they reacted immediately, and this must be the start of a new war.

Now their emperor is under attack from the enemy.

"Kill all these lonely ghosts!"

"Protect our majesty the emperor!"

"Show them the means of mortals!"

The old general raised his arm, and all the soldiers of the Valyrian Empire responded in unison.


Immediately, the souls of the imperial soldiers poured out like a tide and began to skillfully form a battle formation to resist the crazy attacks of hundreds of millions of the souls of the Lord of Light believers.

Looking down from a high altitude, the souls dragging black resentment endlessly are frantically besieging the imperial soldiers bathed in golden light around the black hole.



However, the souls of the elite imperial soldiers are as tough as the reefs in the sea that are beaten by the sea, and they stand firm.

At this moment, the soul of an imperial commander riding a warhorse in the teleportation black hole was teleported over.

His soul is obviously much higher than that of other soldiers. He is dressed in golden armor and is bathed in divine light shining brightly. He holds a snake spear cast in gold that is also bathed in divine light. Her hair was hanging down on the cold armor, and her eyes were as cold and dangerous as sharp poisonous snakes.

"Oberyn, I'll leave this to you."

And Viserys, who was wearing the armor of the gods and holding the Divine Sword Dusk, turned his head slightly and said to the general under his command. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"I see."

"do not worry."

Hearing Viserys' words, Oberyn raised his head to look at his Emperor, nodded, and said in a low voice.

As one of Viserys' most reliant commanders, the founder of the empire, Oberyn died in battle outside King's Landing, and his soul also ascended to Viserys' kingdom of God.

And he already knew what to do next, and then made full preparations for this battle of the kingdom of God.

When Viserys received Oberyn's affirmative answer, he just nodded slightly, and then his eyes turned to his son and daughter.

"Diana and Heros."

"let's go!"

The God of Cold and God of Fire, who had just stepped onto the long steps to the gods, looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"Okay, father!"

They know the battlefield here is not theirs.

They still have more important enemies to deal with, and they can't waste their precious divine power on eliminating these lonely ghosts.

Immediately, the golden divine power of Viserys stirred, tearing a ray of light in the darkness, spreading his huge wings, and then rushing straight to the world above the kingdom of God, where the real battlefield of the gods was.

Back then, the Red God and the Seven Gods faced off there, because if the top-level gods' decisive battle was placed in the realm of the gods, it would be a disaster for the realm of the gods.


Viserys and Diana and Heros rushed into the universe above the Dominion.

And here, Azor Ahai, his wife Nissa Nissa, and the giant lion "shadow hunter" Edrick have long been waiting here. +Bookmark+