Fuyuu Gakuen No Alice And Shirley - Vol 2 Chapter 1.2

Vol 2 Chapter 1.2

Within the elevator.

Hey, is Suou Reiji famous because hes strong?

Shirley nodded at Masakis question.

Thats right. In Canaan, the detailed number of his evaluation is the highest.

Huh? So does that mean hes the strongest in the school then? You and Alice arent the strongest?

Its said that all of the Level 7s are the strongest!

That measure is worthless. My Wonder Carnival is absolutely the strongest, theres no point in comparing it to anything else.

Alices confidence in herself was the same as ever.

Although Masaki had no doubt that she was strong, Masaki was curious.

What does Suou Reijis Dialect do?

Its fast! It feels like whoosh, thud, bya.

Ah, I see.

He didnt quite understand Shirleys explanation.

Do you think that hes stronger than you?

Hmm, I wonder? I dont know since I havent fought against him.

Could his ability only be determined in a fight? Her Dialect was also strong in quite a crazy way. Assuming that it was similar, then it must have been considerable.

Alice glanced at the display that showed which floor the elevator was on.

In a fight between Globalizers, the compatibility and situation are important. Its hard to change that fact, that is to say, I think that might be the main factor that enhances the evaluation of Suous Dialect.

Ah, I see.

This is a question from me to Masaki-kun. It seems like you knew Suou from before.

Yes, three years ago, I knew Suou-senpai.

Alice silently urged him to continue.

Its not like I have a reason to hide it. I picked up a certain cookery magazine. In a French confectionary contest, Suou-senpai, who was a middle school student then, was chosen to receive the highest award.

I seeif its him, he probably would have done something like that.

Because of his wonderful skill, he was urged to go to a famous overseas cookery school. However, when it was discovered that he was a Globalizer he was transferred to Canaan.

The news was small, but Masaki was shocked.

He had become his fan and wanted to be like him.

Alice gave a small sigh.

Globalizers have a high ability to concentrate. In the world of arts and sports, there are lots of people who are talented.

It seems like that.

However, when its confirmed that you have Dialect, everything youve achieved until that point is treated as if you cheated.

I think I understand.

For example, ever since they were children, Shirley hadnt lost in fights even against stronger adults.

She might have been using her Dialect unconsciouslyMasaki thought.

Since there were virtually no rules in fights, he couldnt judge her butin the world of sports and arts, it might be judged as unfair.

Nonetheless, the existence of that supernatural power might have no connection to that persons will.