Fuyuu Gakuen No Alice And Shirley - Vol 1 Chapter 4.1

Vol 1 Chapter 4.1

Why did this happen?

Masaki wondered this as he walked the short distance from the bus stop to the schools entrance.

The staring eyes around him were painful.

There was a parasol in his left hand.

But since it was a girly black parasol decorated with lots of frills, he didnt open it. Alice used it so that she could block out the sunlight.

Hey, Alice arent you going to hold your optical illusion parasol?

Im feeling black today.

Come to think of it, wasnt it white before?

If it was an optical illusion, it would be simple to change such a thing.

This morning, Alice and Shirley came on the bus together. Since they lived in the same place, it was a natural thing to do.

When they got off from the bus, the parasol was handed over to him with a Hold it. The school entrance wasnt too far away, but he thought that it might have had some kind of meaning so he held onto it.

There must have been a meaning.

From Masakis point of view, it seemed like they were well-known.

No matter how you looked at it, he was a servant.

Even just holding the parasol of one of the most well-known girls in the school attracted lots of negative attention. To make the situation even worse, another girl was pulling on his right hand.

Masaki, what will you do for lunch today? Hey, I recommend the buffet on the 53rd floor!

Hey, Shirley, are you going to stop pulling on my hand?


She laughed abundantly.

Masaki walked to the front, holding Shirleys right arm. Masaki left his arm as it was and increased his pace.

Alice was walking slowly at her own pace, and Masaki was holding the parasol and pulling Shirley from behind.

Ah, its similar.


What is it?

The large dog being taken for a walk in the neighborhood. Another guy was doing it for the old man with the bad back, but as soon as they left the house, the dog started to run, pulling hard on the lead.

Heh, that dog isnt disciplined is it. So how do we look similar?

Its a stupid dog.

Even though a conversation like this was taking place, from a bystanders point of view, it looked like they were on good terms with each other.

As soon as they reached the classroom, boys started to gather around.

Uh, hey, Kusunoki-san.

Huh? In this school, you add san to other boys names?

No Im just showing you respect.

You just said something ridiculous. Its fine for you to address me without honorifics as you would normally. If you like, you can call me Masaki.

N-No, thats too much! Are Kusunoki-san, Sakurazaka-san and Clockheart-san on good terms with each other?

He used honorifics for some reason.

They still hadnt gotten to know each other very well. Since he was a transfer student, it would be hard to get used to him.

Weve become partners in Breaker. But I think that the combination of Alice and Shirley is better.


Ah eh, right now that is to say

Masaki just called them by their first names.

The voices of the others was rising and falling like a wave.

Hey, he isnt using san! Did he just call her Alice!? Wait a minute! If Clockheart-san hears that, will she kill him!? Kusunoki-kun is sick! Its true that hes a Level 7! It seems like he and Sakurazaka-san are childhood friends, but the Queen If hes the Queens partner then hes the King.

On that day he received the nickname King.

It was really discomforting.

Since his hobby was making confectionary, he had been affectionately called Patissier and Cookie as pet names in his previous school.

This was wrong.

Masaki wanted to have a friendly conversation with his male classmates. When it was break time, he went to where a few of them were gathered.

Hey, if its okay with you guys, could we have lunch together?

Huh? Uh, King in the school cafeteria?

You can use my name. Yes, Sakurazaka-san wanted to go to the buffet on the 53rd floor, but I dont think we should go there together.

He tried not to call her by her first name in front of other people.

But his classmates were indecisive.

So you wont be going with Clockheart-san?

Ah, well, maybe.

Shirley said that she couldnt leave him alone, so she wasnt the type to let him eat alone. Masaki was also the same. Because they were friends.

His classmates shook their heads.

We should accept only the Kings sentiments! Or rather thats overdoing it a little how should I put it, we would be out of place right!?

He was asking for agreement, so everyone around him nodded their heads.

Yeah! Eating lunch with Hell Cat is too dangerous! Hey you! Idiot! Dont get us involved in this! Please excuse me, King. This guy is an idiot!

Masaki waved his hand around frantically.

It seemed like they were more afraid of Help Cat than Masaki had imagined.

He gave the most courteous and pleasant smile that he could.

Haha S-Sorry. It takes time for those two to calm down I understand how you feel. Erm lets do this next time.

Masaki dropped his shoulders as he thoughtThis is different from what I imagined it would be before I transferred.

If his friends from his old school told him Youre being called King, he would either burst out laughing or worry about being bullied.

He left his classmates and returned to his own seat.

The moment he sat down to prepare for the next lesson, his Ring Gear started flashing.

What is it?

A window opened.

An email had arrived.

Can you come to classroom 2808 during lunch break? Id like to have a discussion with you alone.

The sender wasMinamishima Miyako.

Who is that?Masaki thought as he tilted his head to the side in confusion.

He thought about it for a little and then remembered that she was one of the girls in his class.

In the morning, his classmates had introduced themselves to him, but he didnt remembered all of their names yet.

However, he remembered her since he talked to her by herself in the first PE class.

She was sitting about three seats away diagonally from him and was looking around the classroom.

When he looked at her, she turned away.

She had a hairpin in her flowing, shoulder-length hair. She had a tender atmosphere around her.

She must have had quite a strong Dialect to be in this class, but she looked so normal that he wouldnt have noticed her if he passed by her in town.

Her expression darkened a little.

She gave off the feeling of having something that troubled her.


Yesterday, they had only had a short conversation with each other, as well as the discussion with the others; he didnt have the slightest idea about what was going on butthe mail was probably sent with the hope that hed be reliable. It would be inexcusable for him to turn her down coldly.

Masaki sent an e-mail to Shirley saying I have something to take care of at lunch. Ill be a little late so you can start eating without me.