Fuyuu Gakuen No Alice And Shirley - Vol 1 Chapter 3.6

Vol 1 Chapter 3.6

The world was superscripted by an illusion.

In an instant Alice and Shirleys living room, their location, was changed to the open sky of outdoors.

Roses were blooming in profusion all around them, and a refined fragrance filled the area.

Petals swirled with the wind in a sublime dance.

It was Rose Garden.

Masaki and the others were standing in a circle cut off from the rose-beds that surrounded it. The circumference of the circle was about five meters. It wasnt very wide.

Although the roses surrounding them were as tall as their chest, there was a grass arch in one direction, and continuing from it was a rose promenade.

Welcome, to my world.

The smiling Masaki was wearing a black and white tailcoat. He held a silver tray in his hand.

The look of shock on Alices face was so clear that anyone could understand it.

Shirley suddenly left the round plaza, passed through the arch and left the promenade.

This is amazing! How did you do this!?

Its not an illusion. I dont think that this is anything but real. It should be evening soon and yet its so bright this isnt summer sunlight either. Where is this place?

Its already evening in summer Canaan. You can spend your whole day here and it will still be daytime. Rain doesnt fall too.

Alice~~~! Roses! This place is full of roses~~~!!

Shirley shouted from a distance with a voice loud enough to reach the depths of the rose garden.

A fence with ivy coiled around it could be seen in the distance at the one of the edges the flower garden.

It will take about 20 minutes for you to reach the fence. Even if you climbed over the fence and went out, you probably wouldnt find a gate.

Is this what is called a transfer-type Dialect? Which foreign country did we move to from Canaan?

Thats what I thought at first, but its probably different. If you watch this, youll see the reason.

Masaki turned his eyes and a table appeared on top of the lawn.

It was a round wooden table with a knit-grass design. And two chairs of the same style.

It hadnt been there until a moment ago.

Alice returned to her usual emotionless face.

Its just like fairy-tale magic. However, if you moved us here, then it would be possible for you to move the table, right.

Well, take a seat. Ill be bringing the tea soon. You can have as much cake as you like. Would you like a cookie?

Alice sat down on the chair.

From the tray he held in one hand, Masaki put down glasses of water, spread out a napkin, and lined up teaspoons.

Since he was waiting on them, he only put two sets.

An out of breath Shirley came back.

Haha its amazing Alice! Its really big!

Ill understand if I see it.

Hey-hey, where did you run off to that ended up with you getting leaves on your head?

Masaki took out the small leaves that were entwined in her hair.

I didnt mean to, but I ended up peering into a bush.

Your face wasnt scratched by the rose thorns, was it?

Ahaha, Im fine. Since the thorns of the roses dont have poison.

Thats not a problem. Im going to serve the tea now so sit down.


After she sat down in the chair, Shirley looked around restlessly.

Masaki took out a small hand bell from his breast pocket, held it in his fingertips and shook it.

The sound of the bell rung out.

Is there a waiter?

If you see this, I think youll understand that my Dialect isnt a transfer-type.

A sound rose out of the background and approached.

Both of the girls turned their eyes to the grass arch.

A rabbit the size of a human child appeared.

But it walked skilfully on its two hind legs. It wore a red waistcoat and had a bow tie on its chest.

It was holding a silver tray in its front legs with a perfectly laid out teapot and teacups.

Wooow! Its so cuuuute!

Shirley shouted in a merry voice.

Masaki nodded joyfully.

Thats a relief.

Alice was silent.

He started to get anxious about whether or not she liked it.

Masaki took the teacup and teapot from the rabbit that had come close. The rabbit was a little too short to place it on the table.

He placed the teacups on the table and then poured the tea from the teapot carefully.

As for the tea, every time it was poured into a cup, its flavor would change.


Ah! It smells like roses! Right!?

Masaki nodded at Shirleys words. It seemed like she was trying to savor it because of the conversation from before. It was delightful for the person who served it.

He chose the rose-flavored tea this time.

Alice brought the teacup to her lips without saying a word.

All expression vanished from her face.

Erm, Alice, are you alright?

She looked like she was gazing into the distance. Or you could say that she seemed absent-minded or half asleep.


Hey, are you alright Alice?

A land of dreams?

What are you saying?

Masaki tilted his head to the side. Alice blushed.

Its, its nothing. A, Anyway, this place definitely seems like Dialect. Or perhaps I should say that this place has already become the world itself.

Ah, it seems like that. I was thinking about whether or not other people would also get this kind of feeling.

Shirley waved her hand from side to side.

Alice seemed to have the same opinion too.

This is the first time that Ive seen such a magnificent Dialect. Also, theres no scope for it to oppose us Level 7s.

I can choose who I want to invite here. But its difficult when the number of people increases.

In addition, we should have been sitting downwhen we were summoned to this place, we were standing up.

Thats true.

Masaki groaned.

Honestly, he didnt understand the fine details of it.

Well, somehow or another, it seems like Im able to invite people to my impression of a garden restaurant. At that moment, wouldnt it have felt strange to be sitting on the lawn?

The fantasy that I actualise is characters from fairy tales. Its a little like the rose garden that you actualised.

Really. It might be a little close to my hobby.

Shirley raised her hand.

What about me!?

Rays of light fly out of your right fist right?

Yeah! It can pierce through anything!

Theres nothing similar about it.

Alice declared it bluntly.

Shirley was about to object but, it seemed like she couldnt come up with anything to argue her point.

Masaki arranged the biscuits that another rabbit had brought, on the table.

When the rabbits finished what they were doing, they stood quietly in a line close to the plaza. They were motionless like large stuffed animals.

A sweet, appetising aroma was rising from the freshly made biscuits.

The eyes of the two girls brightened. Shirley was the first one to start eating it.

Its so delicious! Its so delicious!

Is this also an illusion? Is the taste of this tea from a shop?

Alice started on it once she understood that it seemed to be fine.

Masaki didnt really understand the reason but he made a preface.

I think that its probably the biscuits that Ive cooked before. I can only serve cuisine that Ive previously made.

Eh!? Masaki made these cookies?

If I had the tools Thats why I want a large kitchen. I want to increase my repertoire even more.

Come to think of it, cooking is one of Masakis strong points. Like his puddings.

Hahaha, when I was a kid, I only mixed it then refrigerated it. I miss those times.

Before long

The biscuits on top of the plates had disappeared and the teacups were empty.

The two girls sat around the table in a dream-like state.

While standing up straight one of them gently brushed the teacup as if she was enjoying a lingering memory.

Another one looked up into the sky with her back to the chair.

This is paradise isnt it?

Theres a Dialect like this.

Im happy that it pleases you.

Ah, come to think of it, what is the name of this place?

The name? I havent decided yet. But I call it Rose Garden.

Eh~ isnt that too ordinary? How about Rabbit Restaurant!?

Well, I think the roses are the distinctive trait

Then, Rabbit Rose Restaurant!

It sounds like youre misunderstanding things a little.

By the way, the ribbed part of meat is called Baraniku (1).

The rabbits close to them that heard that drew back.

Alice shook her head.

Thats nonsense. We should be paying more attention to the fact that this world is his Dialect rather than rabbits, restaurants and rose gardens.

Eh~, then what name do you think would be good Alice?

The gate invites people to another world in other words, the gate thats right Gate of Rabbit.

The rabbits again!? They must be extremely popular rabbits, Masaki thought to himself.

Well, the name doesnt really matter, right?

Thats no good!

Its important.

Really? Ah, it will be time soon. We cant stay for very long.

The chimes of a bell could be heard in the distance.

Clang, clang, clang

This sounds a bit like a wedding bell

Before Shirley finished what she was saying, the landscape around them changed.

They were back in the room they had been in before, the living room of Alice and Shirleys home. In front of them was a triangular table.

Masaki dropped his raised hand like a conductor.

What do you think?

Nihhyaaaa! That was brilliant, Masaki!

Shirleys smile filled her whole face. She was sitting cross-legged on the floor. Because she was still wearing the skirt of her school uniform, Masaki found it a little difficult to find a place to look at her.

That wasnt bad.

Alice sat on a zaisu (2). She was looking up at the rabbit stuffed toy on the shelf. She confirmed that it was holding an analog watch in its hand.

Time has gone by at the right pace.

I dont think that its a dream or illusion. Is your stomach full?

It is.

Nihaha, today its full of delicious food!

Masaki-kun, what happens if you use it in a bus or train?

When I come back Im the same spot as when I left. I wonder if itd be a little dangerous to invite the driver.

Since the buses and trains were assisted by AIs, an accident probably wouldnt happen.

Alice was lost in thought.

Well then, for example, what about if Shirley was about to hit Masaki-kun?

Thats not nice.

Is it possible for you to escape into Gate of Rabbit by yourself?

I think its possible. But its impossible for me to escape the moment before Im hit since I need time to concentrate to use it.

Its not good for an emergency escape.

After all, its practical use was evaluated to be low.

Shirley clapped her hands.

Then, what about if you invite a rule-breaker? They wont be able to escape, right!?

Ive never gone to the other side of that fence, so maybe?

Why dont you try it out?

What would I do if I cant come back?

Uwa~ No way!!

We cant make a person go missing. Were Breaker, not executioners or hit men.

Thats right.

Do they understand now?thought Masaki as he watched them.

Alice breathed a sigh and Shirley shrugged her shoulders.

I havent seen a Dialect that could be called exceptional. I wouldnt hesitate to recognize it as Level 7 but it isnt cut out for the work of Breaker.

Youre jumping to conclusions, arent you!?

Do you understand now? Then in the same way as before, you two

I refuse.

Eh!? responded both Masaki and Shirley, surprised by Alices words.

She stood up from the zaisu and left for one of her rooms on another floor.

Masaki-kun is my partner I decided that before I even saw your Dialect. Are you going to quit before you even try it once?

That isnt the reason why

Are you unhappy that youre my partner?

Not at all!

Then the talk about what will happen after this is finished

Huh-well-but hey?

Wait, Alice. What about me!?

Naturally, Shirley didnt stay silent. Alice looked back at her with cold eyes.

I dont plan on handing anything over to you.

Whatever you say to me, I dont plan on handing this over Sakurazaka Shirley is Alice Clockhearts friend! That wont change!

She beat her chest. Her words were accompanied with a thump.


Even if we have fights, even if were not partners, the fact that I cant leave you alone wont change!

You are a fool. I changed partners without telling you, stole your childhood friend, and youre still saying that were friends?

That has nothing to do with it. Friendship isnt something that is measured in terms of loss and gain. Whether or not you need me, youre still important to me! Thats a friend!

Shirleys shoulders shook cheerfully.

Alice turned her back to her and bit her lip.

As I thought youre an idiot. A strange person. I could even say that youre a deviant.

That-that much?

Im not your partner anymore there are lots of rooms, so theres no need for you to leave goodbye.

She left the room.

Shirley saw her off by waving one of her hands.

Good night.

Ah, are you going to sleep soon?


I see. Then, see you tomorrow. Good night.

The door closed at the same moment that Masaki finished speaking.

It wasnt evening yet, so he thought that it was early for her to go to sleep, but he couldnt do anything about it.

Ah, once she enters her room, she doesnt come out till the next morning.


What are you going to do Masaki? Will you stay?

Hey-hey Ill leave of course. About the matter of partners, I think wed better talk more about it together, but we cant do it today.

Yeah! Well, see you tomorrow. Should I walk you home?

The opposite of that is normal, you know.


She escorted him up to the entrance. Since he had the Ring Gear, he would be able to get home by himself without getting lost.

Masaki waved his hand and said See you tomorrow.

Shirley responded with See you later!

She hasnt changed since she was a child has she, Masaki thought.


(1) Baraniku is what the Japanese call spare ribs. Bara = rose, niku = meat. Pun?:D

(2) Zaisu is style of Japanese chair that has a chair back, but lacks legs and sits directly on the floor.