Full-Level Rich Daughter Makes a Strong Comeback - Chapter 705: The Past

Chapter 705: The Past

Chapter 705: The Past

Translator:Dragon Boat TranslationEditor:Dragon Boat Translation

Looking at Ye Lengans demeanor, Huangfu Ruiling couldnt help but find it amusing. He reached out, ruffling her hair before speaking with a smile, Whats going on in your head?

Nothing. Ye Lengan snapped out of her reverie and continued, You still havent explained the origin of the murderous aura on your body.

Huangfu Ruiling began narrating in a composed tone, I was around seven at that time. Huangfu Ruixiang and I were kidnapped together. The captors demanded a ransom of two billion. However, Huangfu Jingzhang only paid one billion to free Huangfu Ruixiang. Enraged, the kidnappers threw me into a tropical primitive forest. While in that forest, I accidentally entered a peculiar place. Upon entry, the murderous aura directly entered my body. It took nearly three years to barely suppress it. Later, at thirteen, the murderous aura went out of control again. I had no choice but to temporarily confine it to my legs; otherwise, my entire body would have exploded.

Huangfu Ruilings tone was calm, describing an evidently perilous situation as if it were a simple matter.

However, Ye Lengan understood the grave dangers involved. The murderous aura had the potential to consume everything. One careless move, and a person could become its sustenance.

Huangfu Ruiling had integrated this murderous aura into his body, a fact that outsiders were oblivious to, causing immense suffering.

Thinking of this, sympathy filled Ye Lengans eyes. She expressed even greater resentment towards Huangfu Ruilings parents, Why wouldnt your parents contribute an extra billion? The Huangfu family is immensely wealthy. One billion is trifling for them!

As one of the four major families, it was inconceivable that the Huangfu family couldnt produce a mere two billion. Why did they choose to save only one son?

In response to her question, Huangfu Ruilings lips curved into a sardonic smile. At that time, Huangfu Jingzhang wasnt the head of the Huangfu family. The decision-maker was my grandfather. He intended to bypa.s.s my father, pa.s.sing the family head position directly to me. So, why would my father let go of such an excellent opportunity to eliminate me?

Ye Lengan remained composed, a sharp glint flas.h.i.+ng in her eyes. And your grandfather? Does he not care?

By the time my grandfather found out, it was too late. Huangfu Ruilings sarcasm heightened. Besides, its his own son. What else could he do?

Compared to a grandson of uncertain fate, the son in front of him was more crucial. Hence, upon his return, shock and fear prevailed, but joy was absent.

Yet, this held no significance for Huangfu Ruiling. He never cared about those peoples feelings. Even before that incident, he lacked profound sentiments for his supposed family.

Formerly, he believed himself to be emotionless. In his world, emotions had no place.

It was only after encountering Ye Lengan that he realized he wasnt devoid of emotions. However, all his emotions were merely antic.i.p.ation for Ye Lengans presence.

Pondering this, Huangfu Ruiling gazed at the girl before him with increased tenderness.

Your father is truly shameless! Ye Lengan scoffed, He treats you like this and still dares to pose as a father before you.

So, if he acts like a father in front of you, you dont need to pay him any mind. Huangfu Ruiling smiled. Just confront him.

Even if I didnt know about this matter, I wouldnt comply with Huangfu Jingzhang. Ye Lengan pursed her lips and continued, Im not the obedient elder-respecting type.

Certainly, she wouldnt show respect to elders unless they deserved it. This applied even to her own parents, let alone Huangfu Ruilings parents who were, to her, sc.u.m.

Huangfu Ruiling indulgently smiled, reaching out to ruffle her hair. Thats good.

Regardless of her personality, he found her adorable. Furthermore, he believed that this vengeful nature would not lead to any disadvantage.

Moreover, he knew that this was Ye Lengans expression of concern for him. So, hearing these words made him very happy.

What about the Ye family now? Ye Lengan smiled, s.h.i.+fting the topic. I wonder how Ye Hongxuan and Lian Mengzhu will react to such explosive news!

The one truly in charge of decisions in the Ye family is not Ye Hongxuan. Huangfu Ruiling stated, Although Ye Hongxuan is currently the head of the Ye family, the actual decision-maker is Ye Yikun Ye Hongxuans father and your grandfather.

So, Ye Hongxuan is just a puppet? Ye Lengan widened her eyes in surprise. I really couldnt tell!

Its not accurate to call him a puppet, Huangfu Ruiling pondered before saying lightly, Ye Yikun is, for the most part, uninvolved now. However, Ye Hongxuan cannot make decisions on such significant matters.

What kind of person is Ye Yikun? Ye Lengan asked curiously.

His cultivation isnt low; he should be in the Nascent Soul Stage now, Huangfu Ruiling explained, Moreover, hes an advanced alchemist. Since stepping down as family head, he rarely involved himself in affairs. Nevertheless, he is a very qualified family head.

A qualified family head prioritized the familys interests above all. In his eyes, nothing was more crucial than the familys well-being, not even blood relations.

With a single glance, Ye Lengan immediately grasped Huangfu Ruilings meaning. She nodded, understanding. So, as long as Ye Wanwan has utility, he will continue recognizing her as his granddaughter, right?