From Sidekick to Bigshot - Chapter 1257 - Wedding (2)

Chapter 1257 - Wedding (2)

Chapter 1257: Wedding (2)

Even if were not on the same household registration, youre still my brother.

Why dont you move back into the Jian Residence after the wedding?

As normal tricks no longer worked, Jian Yunmo started thinking about other ways to keep his sister close by.

Otherwise, he couldnt bear to see his sister exit the doors.

The sensation in his heart made him feel incredibly uncomfortable.

Upon hearing these comments, Qin Yufan couldnt help but say: Well, even before the wedding, Yiling lived with her fiance. How can you possibly expect them to live separately after the wedding? Do you really think thats feasible?

It was not feasible at all.

Not to mention, Yiling was determined to have a baby with Zhai Yunsheng.

Jian Yuncheng attempted to rea.s.sure his brother: If you want, we can ask Yiling and our future brother-in-law to move in with us.

It was impossible to separate Jian Yiling and Zhai Yunsheng.


However, it was still possible to get Zhai Yunsheng and Jian Yiling to move in together.

Upon hearing this, Jian Yunnao quickly agreed: That sounds like a great idea. Lets buy a huge house. If we do that, the two families could just live together.

This was a reasonable suggestion.

Well, you can go and talk to your grandparents afterward, Wen Nuan hurriedly said to her sons. Your grandpa can make this suggestion to Master Zhai. After all, the two of them get along well. If they take the lead on this suggestion, things will definitely fall into place.

Will do! the three brothers replied in unison.

By the way, where is our father? Jian Yunnao asked.

Jian Yunnao did not know where Jian Shuxing was.

Why was he missing at such an important time?

Hes in the bathroom, Jian Yuncheng answered.

Whats wrong? Does he have a stomachache? Jian Yunnao asked.

No. His eyes arent feeling well, Jian Yuncheng replied.

Why is he going to the bathroom if his eyes arent feeling well? Jian Yunnao questioned. He didnt understand what was going on.

For the same reason as your second brother. His lover is getting married. He cant stand this blow.

In Jian Shuxings eyes, his three love rivals hadnt gotten married. Yet, his sole lover had been abducted. He couldnt withstand this heartache.

Unlike his son, he couldnt express how he was feeling in words.

And thus, he could only hide inside the bathroom.

Wen Nuan reminded her sons: In a bit, when Zhai Yunshengs groomsmen arrive, you have to make things difficult. Dont let them pick up Yiling easily.

Mother, dont worry about that. The other Jian brothers are already waiting outside. Zhai Yunsheng will not be able to marry Yiling without pa.s.sing many hurdles today! Jian Yunnao happily stated.

In order to plan this, the Jian brothers had several meetings to discuss this. They were more attentive to this task than projects which would cost their business hundreds of millions of dollars.

When the auspicious time arrived, Zhai Yunsheng and his groomsmen appeared at the Jian Residence.

His groomsmen were Yu Xi, Han Mengyu, and Xing Wei.

At the entrance of the Jian Residence, the brothers of the Jane family stood in a row.

They stood in order of their age from left to right with Jian Yuncheng being on the leftmost of the row and Jian Yujie being on the rightmost of the row.

All of them were wearing tailored suits.

Despite their different personalities, they were all incredibly handsome.

Future brother-in-law, my sister is incredibly dear to us. To be her husband, you must meet many requests and conditions, Jian Yumin said to Zhai Yunsheng.

Okay, feel free to ask anything, Zhai Yunsheng replied with a smile.

He was ready for this challenge.

Each one of us has a request, Jian Yumin continued.