The workers cleaned up their dishes, placing them into the drying rack.
Minhyun dabbed his napkin around his lips, in a posh-like manner, before placing it down. He sent Yoona a happy smile.
"Delicious. Honestly, I couldn't have done it better."
She let out a snort. "You wouldn't have been able to do it period."
There was a moment of silence. "It's unfortunate that what you are saying is the truth. To think I, Chae Minhyun, lack talent in something simple like cooking. It's shocking."
Yoona shook her head. "Please. You are already blessed with looks and talent in business. With your money, you don't need to know how to cook."
A sly smirk appeared on his lips. "True."
Then he looked down on the watch on his wrist. "Now that we finished eating, I have a yacht ride planned if you want to get ready."
"A yacht?"
"Yup. There's bedroom and hot tub in there too."
She let out a giggle. "Okay. I'll get ready."
About fifteen minutes later, Yoona walked out of the villa to find Minhyun on the beach waiting for her with another man, who turned out to be their pilot. From there, the pilot lead them to the docks where the yacht was docked.
It was large white vehicle with gold outlining on the side saying 'Chae' signifying that it was Minhyun's boat. Since the steps were already placed, she carefully stepped inside while holding Minhyun's hand for guidance.
The two were leaning against the rail as the boat slowly eased out of the docking area into the waters. The breeze kissed their skin as they were lead further from the island into the depths of the sea. Seeing the island in its entirely from afar, made Yoona realize how exclusive and small it was.
Minhyun wrapped his arms around her waist and placed his face in the crook of her neck. He breathed in slightly.
"It's a pity that we are going to be busy after this weekend working. It's nice being so free."
She let out a sigh. "Yeah. I'll have to really be studying for my exams that are coming up next month."
Luckily, because she had quit Bianchi earlier, Yoona had spent a lot more time studying. She wasn't too scared about the exams to come. She'd still have time to spend with Minhyun as a newly made couple.
"And after exams… You'll be working for me," Minhyun said with a smile.
She nodded. "Can't wait!"
Finally, she was going to take part in Lucas's restaurant project. It was exciting and nerve-racking at the same time. She couldn't wait to work with them and be in the same building as Minhyun.
He let out a chuckle. "Office work isn't as fun as it seems."
"I know," she sang. "But I'm just excited for the experience and actually making a difference in my Lucas's life. He's such a good person and deserves the credit for his amazing cooking. Besides, working with him is fun! Even though he does get grumpy at times..."
Minhyun stayed silent for a moment. "Oh yeah, he's good at cooking. Has he cooked for you?"
"Yeah!" Yoona said, not reading the meaning behind his words. There was a large smile on her face, a bit too excited, for her friend. "His food is absolutely amazing. He cooked for Eunha and me several times and sometimes gave us meals after work hours. Nothing can beat his cooking!"
All Minhyun could think about was his failed cooking episode. For some reason, there was something irking him about that blonde boy. Before, hearing about Lucas didn't bother him at all because he had helped Yoona in her most troubled times, however, seeing his girlfriend talk about him this happily wasn't the best feeling.
But of course, he could handle that.
Now, the real problem was that he could cook and Minhyun couldn't. His pride did not stand still.
"Perhaps, I should sign up for cooking I'm very close with a Chef Eun Bok back in Korea."
She widened her eyes. "Isn't he that famous Chinese fusion chef in that television show?"
Minhyun nodded.
"And wait, so why are you trying to learn to cook again?"
He twirled her hair with his fingers with a light smile on his face. "So that you can compliment my cooking too."
"Oh G.o.d," she said while shaking her head. "You get enough of my compliments already."
He raised an eyebrow. "For example?"
"You're a handsome man," she said while placing her hand on his chin.
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"You're smart."
"You have the best girlfriend in the world."
A chuckle escaped his lips. "Oh G.o.d. You've become too self-conceited."
"But you still love me."
"That is the hundred percent truth."