People buzzed around her, trying to get to their destinations. The flight attendants pa.s.sed by with their suitcases on tow. Since she had never traveled out of Korea, this was her first time at the airport. All the customs were unfamiliar to her.
She was sitting on the black chairs with Ji-ho who was playing a game on his phone. Since Minhyun was going on the plane with them, they were going to meet at this exact location. He was running a bit late due to work but since he had a private jet, it didn't matter how long he took. The pilot would leave whenever he was ready.
It would be Yoona's first time on a plane and it was a private jet. She'd only seen those vehicles in movies so it was exciting to be able to ride one.
Ji-ho looked up, his eyes sparkling. "My fault! I asked Minhyun for my pay last minute."
"Pay? What do you mean by that?"
He let out a grin. "Basically, Minhyun was supposed to pay me money for my work. After all, hackers on my tier aren't cheap at all. But I decided that I didn't want money."
"So... You asked for a vacation... With Minhyun and I?"
Yoona furrowed her eyebrows. Ji-ho had a peculiar personality, she knew that better than anyone; however, she couldn't understand why he would ask for such a thing. Wouldn't it be better to earn money? With the amount Minhyun would give him, he could've traveled all over the world.
She didn't know whether or not to feel flattered or confused. "But why? I mean, I love hanging out with you Ji-ho, you're the best, but I don't understand why you'd pick us instead of money."
Yoona didn't mind Ji-ho's presence and thought he was quite cute. Annoying at times but there was no bad intentions behind his words. So she understood why he would want to go on vacation with her but with Minhyun? He didn't treat Ji-ho well. The amount of times he got annoyed by the white-haired boy was too much to count.
Ji-ho stayed silent. The smile on his face stayed, but his eyes wavered. "Memories."
"I want to make memories."
A strange feeling stirred in her heart. Something personal lingered in his words. A territory she wasn't ready to enter. Although Ji-ho was foolish and immature, there were times where she questioned his words. There was clearly something more to this boy, especially with the foreshadowing comments Minhyun and him made during the gala.
Nonetheless, what he said all made sense. Memories were nice to have. Although she wasn't sure how the whole trip would unravel, there was no doubt it would be entertaining.
"So cute," she cooed before ruffling his hair. "So instead of getting all that money, you decided to hang out with me. How thoughtful of you."
Ji-ho let out a giggle. "I'm already rich anyways. There is no need for that money."
"On that note," he continued. He placed his hand on her shoulder. "If you ever feel like leaving Minhyun, just wanted to let you know that I have an apartment to myself too. My personal nurse is there so it might be annoying but it's a nice place."
Yoona blinked nervously. Personal nurse? He couldn't be...
"Nice try twerp." A large hand suddenly landed on Ji-ho's head, bringing weight down his body.
Yoona looked up to see Minhyun as handsome as ever in his black suit. Surrounding him, there was at least six security guards. She was shocked to see how much people came to protect him. When they were together, he didn't have one by his side.
Nonetheless, she was really happy to see him. Yoona leaped up and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Mini!"
"Yoona," he breathed. His arms wrapped around her body as well and he spun her around. A wave of joy washed over him. They'd only been able to see each other a few times during the weeks. It was great to see her again.
From the calmness in her face, he could tell that she'd been doing great emotionally. During the two weeks, he made sure to eradicate all power stems from the Moon siblings. They wouldn't have had the chance to touch her, and will not be able to in the future. The difference was huge for Yoona didn't need to worry about them anymore.
She whispered in his ear. "So you're free now since the Moon group is down?"
"I am. They are done."
Something about the whole situation was too easy. Was it possible for the Moon siblings to be done this easily? Sure their money and reputation was ruined, but there was something lingering in her heart. A sense of insecurity. Nonetheless, she trusted in Minhyun's words and kept the smile on her face.
"Hey! I want to join too! Don't forget me." Ji-ho squeezed himself inside, trying to join in the love.
Yoona let out a laugh and brought her arm around him as well. "So silly."
Unlike his usual self, Minhyun didn't reply with a comment. He stayed silent and watched the young boy without concern.
"Oh!" Ji-ho exclaimed. He pressed some b.u.t.tons on his cellphone before opening the camera. "One more thing. For our wonderful trip I wanted to take a picture when we all came together. Our first step to the great hours ahead."
He did a peace sign. "Say cheese!"
Yoona placed her palms under her chin with a cute smile.
Minhyun stayed neutral, not changing his expression in front of the camera.
Ji-ho took multiple snaps before placing his phone back in his pocket. Then he looked around. "We should get going. I'm too excited to stay here! Hurry to the jet!"
Minhyun nodded. He glanced at Yoona with the right corner of his lip curled up. "Let's go shall we?"
Ji-ho ran forward, leading everyone, before turning around. He watched the two with a mischievous smile on his face. He had many plans for this trip. It was going to be a blast.