Four Boy Hunters - Part 41

Part 41

"Oh, I am going to wake him up!" came from Giant, and before the others could stop him he ran forward and caught Whopper by the arm. "Wake up, Whopper!" he called. "Wake up, old man! You've got 'em bad!"

At first Whopper paid no attention. "Then his struggles with the bush ceased and he opened his eyes and stared about him in bewilderment.

"Wh-what is the matter? Wh-where am I?" he stammered, gazing around stupidly.

"You've been asleep and dreaming," explained Snap. "You thought you were after a bear."

"So I was---after a dozen bears. Did I---I kill any?"

"There are no bears here. You were only dreaming."

"Oh!" Whopper rubbed his eyes. "No bears at all?"

"None but what we shot yesterday. You went to sleep and the next thing we knew you were out here, pulling at this bush."

"Where am I?"

"Back of the cabin," put in Shep. "You had better go to bed again."

"And please don't dream of any more bears," added Giant, with a grin.

Whopper scratched his head in perplexity.

"Funny how I got here! I don't understand it at all. Oh, but say, I was having the fight of my life!"

"I should say so," answered Snap, looking around. "You must have pulled up those three bushes yonder. Getting strong in your sleep."

"I am glad he didn't dream I was a bear," remarked Shep. "There wouldn't have been anything left of me by the time he woke up!"

"I know how it was," said Whopper, as the full truth dawned on him. "I ate a very hearty supper last night, and when I went to bed my head was full of those two bears we brought down. That gave me the nightmare."

"Then, after this, we'll have to send you to bed supperless," said Snap.

"Not much!" cried Whopper.



Despite Whopper's nightmare and what had followed, the boy hunters slept soundly for the rest of the night. All arose at daybreak and procured what was destined to be their last meal in the camp for that season.

"I rather hate to leave the spot," said Snap, while packing away the breakfast things. "We have had some good fun here."

"We must come back some time, by all means," declared Shep. "Maybe this winter."

"Yes, some hunting up here in mid-winter wouldn't go bad," came from Giant. "We could bring snowshoes along and have jolly times."

"That's the talk!" e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed Whopper. "I have always wanted to go hunting on snowshoes, And we could build a big snowhouse, too."

"Well, that is something to talk over another time," put in Snap.

"Remember, just now we want to locate that mill robber if we can, and also get those bears home."

It took quite some time to pack all of the things aboard the rowboat, and the craft was heavily loaded with the outfit and the game.

"Will it carry us, too?" questioned Shep, as he looked at the boat dubiously.

"It has got to carry us," declared Whopper. "But it will be rather hard rowing."

All tried the boat and found it would carry them, although the gunwale sank low into the water. Then they cleaned up the camp, shut up the cabin, and were all ready for the start.

"Good-by to the camp!" cried Giant, lifting his cap.

"And hurrah for the first outing of our gun club!" added Snap. And they gave the cheers with a will.

Snap and Whopper took the oars first, and the course was out of Firefly Lake and through the narrow watercourse running into Lake Cameron. It was a cool, clear day, with a stiff breeze stirring the bushes and trees of the forest.

"I see some turkeys!" cried Shep, while on the way. "I must have a last shot!"

"And so must I!" came from the others.

All caught up their guns, and as the boat drifted closer to the game, each let drive. Two of the turkeys were killed outright, while two more were badly wounded and easily secured.

"One each!" said Giant.

"Exactly," answered Snap. "And now we have got to stop or we'll sink the boat sure."

"Well, enough is enough," said Whopper. "I think, all told, we have had the best luck possible."

"Even if we didn't get a silver deer."

"That's so---I forgot about that deer. Well, he will keep for another time, eh, fellows?"

"That's right."

It was shortly after noon that they turned into Lake Cameron and landed near the mouth of that body of water. All were hungry, and partook readily of the lunch that had been brought along.

"Now, what's the next part of the programme?" asked Giant, looking at Snap.

"I don't think it will be advisable for us to show ourselves to the Felps crowd," answered the leader of the gun club.

"Oh, let us do a little scout work!" said Whopper. "We can easily hide the boat and get around to the camp on foot."

The matter was talked over while they ate their mid-day meal, and at the conclusion of the repast they shoved the rowboat with its load into a cove and under some overhanging brushwood. Then, taking only their guns and game-bags and some provisions, they set off for their first camping spot on foot.