What? He was going out with another woman? What the fuck? What about mom? I thought you said you wouldnt move on for a long time? Dad, you cant do this.
Its not what you think, he said. Its just dinner. When were done, Ill come back home and thats it. Actually, its not even a date. Its just a thing with a friend.
People having sex after dinner is a date. I was practically screaming at my dad.
Im not having sex with her, he snapped. And dont talk to me like that. I dont care if youre the owner of this house. You will respect me and not talk to me like that.
Scarlet placed her hand on my shoulder. Sean, calm down.
Mom is sitting home all alone. Why dont you have dinner with her?
He gave me a sympathetic look. Sean, I know this is hard for you. But you need to understand that your mother and I are never getting back together. I love her and I always will, but it just isnt going to work.
It took all my strength not to open my mouth and blurt my moms secret.
Im just having dinner with this woman, and thats it. Nothing more. You can calm down.
Then why are you even going? My voice was quiet but it contained my menace.
I got sucked into it, he said with a shrug. Ill be home in a few hours.
If its just dinner, why are you wearing a suit?
Well, were going somewhere nice.
Like where? I said.
That new steakhouse that just opened by the office, Charlies. Were going there.
I kept my mouth shut and stared him down.
Ill be home soon. He walked out and shut the door.
Scarlet rubbed my shoulders. Sean, itll be okay.
How can he go out with someone else? Theyve only been divorced for a few weeks.
She grabbed my face and forced me to look at her. You know how your father is. Hes one of the greatest and most honorable men I know. Im sure theres a reason why hes doing this but he cant tell us.
Theres no reason why hed be going on a date unless he wanted to get laid.
Sean, she said firmly. Calm down.
I grabbed my jacket and put it on.
What are you doing?
Were having dinner at Charlies.
What? Her eyes were wide. Sean, leave him alone. This is his business so stay out of it.
She grabbed my arm. Sean, I mean it.
You coming with me or not? I was so angry I was seeing red.
Dont do this.
Then Ill ask Ryan to have dinner with me.
She sighed in annoyance. Fine. Ill go.
I put her jacket over her shoulders and we left the house. I wasnt sure what I was going to do, but I felt compelled to intervene. I couldnt help but wonder if my dad would still be doing this if he knew the truth about my mother. Maybe I should just tell him. What if he fell in love with this woman and he never got back together with my mom? I had to do something. I had to tell him.
We got a table in the corner so I could see the entire restaurant. If he sat anywhere, Id see him.
Scarlet looked pissed from across the table. We shouldnt be here.
I ignored her.
She tried a different tactic. She trailed her fingers over the top of my hand. Lets have sex in the car.
Not right now.
She sighed. Youre too far gone.
Im going to tell him about my mom.
She gave me a firm look. Your mom said no, Sean.
I dont care. What if he falls in love with this lady?
After one date? she asked incredulously. And Andrew made it sound like there wouldnt be a second one.
Thats not the point, I hissed. He shouldnt be on a date.
She sighed and leaned back. I give up. We could be having sex all over the house but youd rather spy on your dad, a grown man.
I ignored her and watched the entrance.
I finally spotted my dad walk in with a pretty brunette. She held herself like someone who had lived many years, but she still looked fairly young. By my guess, she was a few years younger than my dad. The fact she was attractive irritated me.
My father pulled out the chair for her then sat beside her, being a gentleman, like always.
Jackass, I muttered.
Scarlet turned around watched their table. Sean, were spying. Its wrong.
I drank my wine and watched them like a hawk.
The waitress took our order and I picked the first thing I saw on the menu, not wanting to take my eyes off my dad.
What are you expecting to see? Them going at it on the table? Scarlet asked.
Id better not see that. The woman was sitting next to him at the square table, not directly across from him. I didnt like how close she was. She held her back perfectly straight and kept smiling at him. Her hair was lustrous and silky. My dad stared at her face and nodded every so often when she said something.
I didnt like her.
Then she placed her hand on his thigh under the table. My dads eyes widened slightly but he hid his surprise quickly. And he didnt push her hand away.
Bitch, I muttered.
What? Scarlet asked.
She has her hand on his thigh. Slut.
She raised an eyebrow. Its not like shes giving him a handy under the table.
I didnt want to yell at my wife but it was hard not to. I knew she was trying to be logical, but I was too upset to listen. Could you just be quiet for a little while?
She glared at me with venom before she shut her mouth and avoided my look.
I knew Id pay for that later.
I kept watching my dad. When they had their dinner, she stuck her fork into his steak and ate off his plate. The more I watched them, the more I realized this wasnt a first date. They arent acting like they just met each other.
Scarlet gave me a look of hatred but didnt speak.
Shes eating off his plate and touching him like theyve already fucked. My brain was in overdrive. Shit, do you think theyve been fucking for a while? What if thats the real reason my dad wanted the divorce? What if he was cheating on my mom?
Sean, do you have any idea how crazy you sound? That theory goes against everything your father stands for. It doesnt even match his character. And hes home all day and night with me. When he would he have time to have a woman on the side?
Well, hes acting like he knows her pretty damn well.
Maybe they used to go out a long time ago, she reasoned.
I shook my head. Since college? No. My dad doesnt have any girlfriends.
You still shouldnt make any assumptions.
I eyed her hand. Shes practically touching his crotch.
She rolled her eyes. Youre seeing things.
No, Im not.
She rubbed her temples then ate more of her food, clearly annoyed with me. I didnt eat my food because I was too busy staring.
When the check came to their table, I watched my dad slip his card inside. I waved down my waitress and demanded the check immediately so I could follow them outside.
What are you going to do? Scarlet asked. Follow them? I think your dad will notice a red Ferrari behind him on a deserted road.
You let me worry about that.
This is ridiculous The waitress brought us the tab and I threw the money inside. Just when I looked up, they were walking out the door.
Come on, I said to Scarlet. I took her hand and pulled her up.
Can I get my to-go box?
No. I pulled her out of the restaurant and spotted them get into his Jeep. They were both laughing as he started the engine.
I waved down a cab and got inside. Sean, this car ride is going to cost a fortune.
Dont worry about that.
I sat near the window. Follow that white Jeep.
Okay, the driver said.
I leaned over and checked Scarlets safety belt. Mine didnt work and I had to make sure hers was functional. Otherwise, wed have to get a different cab. Scarlet crossed her arms over her chest and looked out the window, hating me.
We followed the car until it reached a large Spanish style house. It was a mansion, bigger than the house I shared with Scarlet.
Wait for me to get back, I said to the driver.
The meter still runs.
Fine. I turned to Scarlet. Baby, stay here.
She stared out the window and pretended I didnt exist.
I snuck up the driveway until I could see the front door. My father was standing with her, his hands in his pockets. They were talking but I couldnt hear what they said.
She stepped closer to him then wrapped her arms around his neck. Her lips pressed to his and I wanted to gag. It was disgusting. Who would want to kiss my dad? His hands moved around her waist and he returned her embrace, kissing her for a long time.
I felt the betrayal explode inside me. My mom was sick and unable to control her own actions. He should know that. If he did, he wouldnt be having a make out session on the front porch.
The woman opened the front door and stepped inside. But when my dad walked in, I wanted to scream. I knew what would happen next. Without thinking, I dashed to the front door and stopped in front of it.
What do I do? Do I knock?
A red light blinked in the corner. I wasnt sure what it was, an alarm?
Who is it? the intercom went off.
I looked at the speaker and raised an eyebrow. How did she know I was here? I pressed the button. Im here to see my dad.