That was for your girlfriend, I said pointedly.
Whats mine is hers.
But whats hers is hers, I jabbed.
Hows the editing going? Mike asked.
The sudden change of subject made me suspicious. You never ask me about my job.
Because Sean talks about it. But he hasnt brought it up lately since hes been obsessed with getting you pregnant.
That alleviated some of my doubt.
Sean turned to his mom. Hows it going?
Good. Charlie loves running on the beach.
What the fuck? Mike snapped. Who the hell is Charlie? Youre already with someone else after you just divorced Dad?
Calm the hell down, Sean snapped.
Its my dog, she explained.
Oh. Mike actually had the grace to look embarrassed. Sorry.
Its okay, she said. Im glad youre protective of your father.
Girls have been throwing themselves at Dad, Mike said. Its unbelievable. When we went out for drinks last month, two chicks threw their numbers at him"and they were twenty-five.
Sean glared at him. Andrews face reddened in embarrassment. And Diane looked like she might throw up.
Dad is a stud, Mike continued. I didnt get as much tail as he did when I was single, and hes twice my"ouch! The table shook and Mike glared at Sean. Stop kicking me!
Sean kicked him again. Just stop talking.
What? he snapped.
Mike was a sweetheart, but he could sure be dense sometimes.
Andrew looked uncomfortable. Just to clarify, I never went out with any of these women. They may have given me their number, but I threw them away.
Diane nodded. I know you well enough to make the assumption, Andrew.
Phew. Im glad that didnt end badly.
Im glad.
Silence fell on the table. We dug into our meal but it was still awkward.
So, how did you guys get back together? I asked. You never told us.
Mike chewed a big bite before he spoke. We just talked it out and that was it.
I raised an eyebrow. Mike, you were insane. You wouldnt listen to anyone and see reason. And you just changed your mind? Like that?
Cassandra is a sweet talker when she wants to be. He winked.
This wasnt adding up. Mike seemed determined to move on without her. He was a completely different person, dark and broken. And overnight, he was back to normal. I couldnt imagine Cassandra saying everything she already said and suddenly changing his mind. You arent telling me something.
His joking demeanor disappeared. He gave me a hard look. Youre right. Im not telling you something. But its private and I dont want to share it with anyone. So back off.
Wow, he meant business.
Sean gave him a fierce look. Talk to my wife like that again and Ill beat the shit out of you in front of your entire family. The threat was genuine. It was clear in his eyes.
Mike opened his mouth to argue but Andrew cut him off. Apologize.
Mikes mouth closed then he turned back to me. I didnt mean to be rude. I just know how you are. Youll keep pushing until you get what you want.
I accept your apology.
Im still punching you in the arm after dinner, Sean threatened. Be ready for it.
Your wife is going to miss your dick because Im going to break it, Mike countered.
Boys, Andrew said. Knock it off.
They both looked away from each other.
Andrew turned to Diane. Hows the house?
He nodded. What have you been doing?
Volunteering and stuff. She shrugged. Nothing too interesting. Alice and I have been seeing each other.
Alice was her sister. I was glad she was spending time with her family. It was a good support system.
How about you? she asked.
Ive been putting up with the boys. He gave them each a glare.
They are good boys, she said. Leave them be.
He raised an eyebrow.
Even I was surprised by the comment. She usually berated them for being childish.
We made small talk for the rest of the dinner. Andrew made a joke and Diane laughed loudly. When I watched them together, I saw the natural chemistry come to life. They bickered so much before their divorce and it was nice to see their happiness for once.
Mike was more affectionate with Cassandra than he used to be. Whenever his mouth wasnt full of food, he was kissing her or planting a kiss on her neck. I wanted to tease him but I was too glad to see him happy. I decided to give him a break.
We settled into the kitchen after dinner and watched TV. Cassandra wore a loose dress and an unbuttoned cardigan. Diane sat beside her and engaged her in small talk. Judging by their smiles, they were getting along fine. I noticed Andrew kept sneaking glances at Diane, trying to be discreet.
Mike moved to me beside the couch. Sean was in the bathroom so I was alone. Im sorry about before.
You already apologized.
Because I was forced to, he said quickly. Now Im being genuine.
Well, I appreciate it.
I cant tell you what happened between Cassandra and I, but I will tell you when its the right time.
The right time? That sounds odd.
Youll understand when I tell you.
Believe me, its been hard being quiet about it.
I decided to drop the conversation because my curiosity was going to eat me alive. Im glad you took Sean with you to get the ring. It meant a lot to him.
Who else would I take? Hes my best friend.
I smiled. Thats so cute.
I like him"sometimes.
When are you going to ask?
Very soon.
Do you know how?
He nodded. I know exactly how.
Judging by the grin on his face, it was something dirty. Its going to be during sex, isnt it?
Im not telling.
But it is.
He shrugged. Maybe. Maybe not.
I know you better than that.
Youll have to see.
Eww, I really hope not.
He laughed. SureI know youve always found me more attractive than Sean.
Sean approached us then punched Mike hard in the shoulder. Thats for the comment you just made. He punched him again. And thats for disrespecting my wife.
Mike looked at me. Your husband punches like a pussy.
It looked like it hurt.
It didnt.
Sure Sean glared at him. Youre in my seat.
Go sit somewhere else.
I want to sit by my wife.
Youre threatened by me, arent you? Mike taunted.
I knew another fight was coming. Sean, you can sit on the other side of me.
Sean glared at his brother before he sat down, his hand moving to my thigh.
Mike looked at his watch. Its getting late. Cassandra and I like to have a lot of sex before bed.
Sean cringed. Cant you just say its getting late and you want to leave? Why do you have to tell us that?
Mike shrugged. Im just being honest.
Spare us the details next time, Sean snapped.
Are you kidding me? he said. The two of you are worse. He left the couch and grabbed Cassandra. Ready to go, baby?
His arm hooked around her waist, pulling her to him like she was a sticker. Night, everyone.
After they said their goodbyes, they left.
Diane and Andrew sat on the couch and talked quietly.
Lets give them some privacy, Sean whispered.
Good idea, I said back.
We slowly crept from the living room to our bedroom upstairs.