Footprints in the Forest - Part 30

Part 30


The Young Adventurer; or, Tom's Trip Across the Plains.

The Young Miner; or, Tom Nelson in California.

The Young Explorer; or, Among the Sierras.

Ben's Nugget; or, A Boy's Search for Fortune. A Story of the Pacific Coast.


The Young Circus Rider; or, The Mystery of Robert Rudd.

Do and Dare; or, A Brave Boy's Fight for Fortune.

Hector's Inheritance; or, Boys of Smith Inst.i.tute.

By C. A. Stephens.

Rare books for boys--bright, breezy, wholesome and instructive--full of adventure and incident, and information upon natural history--they blend instruction with amus.e.m.e.nt--contain much useful and valuable information upon the habits of animals, and plenty of adventure, fun and jollity.


Camping Out. As recorded by "Kit."

Left on Labrador; or, The Cruise of the Schooner Yacht "Curlew."

As recorded by "Wash."

Off to the Geysers; or, The Young Yachters in Iceland. As recorded by "Wade."

Lynx Hunting. From Notes by the Author of "Camping Out."

Fox Hunting. As recorded by "Raed."

On the Amazon; or, the Cruise of the "Rambler." As recorded by "Wash."

By J. T. Trowbridge.

These stories will rank among the best of Mr. Trowbridge's books for the young, and he has written some of the best of our juvenile literature.


Jack Hazard and his Fortunes.

A Chance for Himself; or, Jack Hazard and his Treasure.

Doing his Best.

Fast Friends.

The Young Surveyor; or, Jack on the Prairies.

Lawrence's Adventures Among the Ice Cutters, Gla.s.s Makers, Coal Miners, Iron Men and Ship Builders.

By Edward S. Ellis.

A New Series of Books for Boys, equal in interest to the "Castlemon" and "Alger" books. His power of description of Indian life and character is equal to the best of Cooper.


Ned in the Block House; or, Life on the Frontier.

Ned in the Woods.

Ned on the River.