Flower Master in the City - Chapter 278

Chapter 278

Chapter 278

The story of Xia Shenyong saving more than 30 members of the task force has been spread among the investigators. The scene of Xia saving Liu Caixia and knocking down Ding song at the same time with Leng Bingbing is even more admirable. It must be said that the scene is so handsome.

With the investigation of the case, people under the prince and Linjiang County collided in the past two days, including Liu Caixia who nearly forced her to run naked in public in summer. At that time, we found that the prince and the prince had already had a feud. But someone extended it. Did the prince break down so quickly because he offended the prince ?

At first, it was just a guess, but somehow, it was gradually spread into a fact. Before long, it seemed that the whole people in Linjiang County knew that the prince offended a stronger person than the prince. That person was called summer, and then the prince collapsed overnight. In this way, summer became a mythical figure in Linjiang county.

Even Fang Qingyun, who is personally directing the excavation of the poison factory, heard the Secretary talk about it. Then a phone call came to Yu Jin: "Xiao, do you know summer?"

"County magistrate Fang, he saved my life." Yu Jin had to answer that he actually knew the rumors now, but in his opinion, although the rumors were a little exaggerated, they were not out of line. Strictly speaking, the prince really broke down in summer. However, in summer, he didn't mean to break the prince. He only broke the prince after he accidentally stepped in.

"I know he saved your life and that of director Hu. I mean, besides that, are you familiar with him? Does he have any friends or family in Linjiang? " Fang Qingyun asked.

"County magistrate Fang, he saved me twice. He saved me after I was stabbed yesterday morning." Yujin explained.

"He's what those people in the hospital call a miracle doctor?" Fang Qingyun finally understood at this time.

"Yes, county magistrate Fang." Yu Jin nodded, "but I'm not familiar with him. I only know that he has a friend in Linjiang county."

"What friend?" Fang Qingyun asked in a hurry.

"A girl named sun Xinxin is very beautiful, but I don't know if she is his girlfriend, because her girlfriend seems to be cold." Yu Jin is also a little dizzy. Which is the girlfriend in summer? Cold Qiao Xiaoqiao or sun Xinxin?

"Well, then, Xiao ah, you can find out the details of sun Xinxin's family for me. When we are finished, we will visit sometime." Fang Qingyun thought and said.

"Yes, county magistrate Fang." Yujin agrees.

"If I have something else to do, I'll go first. You should also keep an eye on the case. Don't let go of any lawbreakers, understand?" Fang Qingyun asked.

"County magistrate Fang, you can rest a.s.sured that we will not let go of a lawbreaker." Yu Jin hurriedly promised.

"Work hard. In the future, the Public Security Bureau will let you take charge." Fang Qingyun said a word with satisfaction and hung up the phone.

Hearing this, I was a little excited when I entered the hospital. After the prince's accident, Cai Weimin suddenly had a heart attack. Now I'm in the hospital. Even if Cai Weimin won't be arrested this time, most of them will change their positions to provide for the aged. If there's no accident, Fang Qingyun will become a new senior county official. As for the Public Security Bureau, those who are higher than him are basically arrested, plus He has a little relations.h.i.+p with the provincial government, so he is likely to be promoted to the post of director in an unusual way. That's what Fang Qingyun said.


When he woke up in the summer, he was a little depressed because when he slept in the afternoon and missed lunch time, he could not eat his sister as lunch.

"Sister Jinghua's wife, are you leaving so early?" Looking at the cold and ready to go out, he was more depressed in summer. He wanted to wait until dinner time and treat his sister as dinner. Unfortunately, her sister didn't give him a chance.

"Director Hu decided to take some important prisoners to the provincial hall, and I will follow them back." Coldly explained, "call me when you return to Jianghai."

"You still owe me thirty-one kisses!" I can't forget it in summer.

"I see!" Cold white summer, opened the door to go out.

As soon as he left, he would not stay in the house in summer. He went downstairs and retreated. Then he walked slowly on the way to Hekou village.

After walking for more than ten minutes, he suddenly stopped in summer, stood in the middle of the road, stopped a black car, and after that car stopped, he went forward and knocked on the door: "Hey, are you tired of following me like this?"

As the back window rolled down, Meier's face in sungla.s.ses appeared in the eyes of summer. She said in a more indifferent voice: "if you stay in a place, we won't be so tired."

In the summer, I opened the door, sat in the car, and stared at Meier with a serious look: "for the sake that you like me so much, I want to discuss with you."

"Er Cough... " The thin man driving ahead coughed.

"Hey, if you're not well, don't drive!" Summer a little unhappy said.

"Cough, do you think Meier likes you?" The skinny man turned his head and looked at summer with strange eyes.

"Nonsense, if she doesn't like me, can she follow me like this all day?" Summer looks at the thin man with disdain.

"I've been following you all day," said the little man

"Hey, I'm not as perverted as you are. I don't like men." Summer staring at the thin man, "also, you are the driver of Meier. You are not qualified to speak. Don't disturb me!"

The little man is a little sad and angry. When did he become a driver? In the organization, he and Meier are the same.

"What do you want to discuss with me?" Meier then spoke in a colder voice.

"I think it's very tired for you to follow me secretly. Let's discuss. I'll let you follow me openly. But you have to promise me a condition." Summer looks at Meier with interest.

"What are the conditions?" Meier asked again.

"You have to let me study your body. I think your body is very strange." Summer is very serious.

The skinny little man could not help but look at the summer again. This guy is really tough. He wants to study the body of Meier. The man wants to study the body of a woman. What does that mean? Anyone can understand it.

"Can you believe I killed you?" Meier has a cold air.

"Why did you kill me?" Summer a confused look, "I'm for you, I think your body is very special, obviously is extremely Yin body and has to rigid Qi, extremely Yin body is born, to rigid Qi should be the day after tomorrow, I ask you, your front face is very normal, until later to become now like this?"

Meier's tone slightly changed: "how do you know?"

"I am the best doctor in the world!" Summer is a bit complacent, "I know everything, how, promise me the condition, let me study your body, I should be able to turn your face into the normal appearance, by then, you are very beautiful, also qualified to be my wife."

"First, I don't like you. Second, I like what I am now. Third, I don't want to be your wife!" Meier is not moved at all, and her tone is very cold. "So, you can get off now!"

"Women always like duplicity!" Summer said to himself, "OK, I'll get off first. When you change your mind, remember to come to me!"

Open the door and get out of the car, continue to walk forward in the summer.

"Meier, why don't you try? Maybe he can really help you. " Asked the thin man.

"I don't need a face to attract men!" Meier said coldly.

"Well, when I didn't say it." The skinny man is a little helpless.

Meier doesn't speak any more. She looks at the summer walking on the road through the window, with a strange look in her eyes.


Sun Xinxin stood at the door, took out her mobile phone, pressed it a few times, then put it back again, then took out her mobile phone, put it back again, and after several times, Mu Han on the side couldn't see it anymore.

"You can call him if you want. What are you hesitating about?" Mu Han said.

"Why don't you fight?" Asked sun Xinxin.

Mu Han smiled: "because I don't think of him as much as you do."

"I didn't think about him, I just, just a little worried." Sun Xinxin's face was red, and he faltered.

"Worried that he ran away with other women?" Asked Mu Han.

Sun Xinxin opens her mouth to refute, and then finds out that this is really the thing she is most worried about. When she is with her in summer, she always feels very safe and comfortable. But once she leaves in summer, she will become very insecure and always worry about not wanting her in summer.

Summer has given her a sense of security that she has never had before, but it has given her a greater sense of insecurity. It is a very contradictory thing to say.

"In fact, I don't think you should worry so much. In my opinion, even if he wants to run away with other women, he will run with you." Mu Han said lightly.

"Don't you worry at all?" Sun Xinxin couldn't help asking.

"Of course, I'm not worried." Mu Han really doesn't think there's anything to worry about. The hooligan will only force her to stay. Where can they not want her?

"I always think he prefers cold." Sun Xinxin said in a low voice, she left last night in summer, but she hasn't come back yet. She really doesn't know if he will come back tonight.

"He's back." Mu Han suddenly said.

Hearing this, sun Xinxin hurriedly looked at the road. As expected, she saw that summer was coming. Her worries were all gone and she ran towards summer.