Flower Master in the City - Chapter 263

Chapter 263

Chapter 263

"Well, I'll find a suitable person to replace you as soon as possible." After thinking about it for a while, the person at the other end of the phone agreed to Meier's request, "but you still have to carry out the task before someone can replace you."

"I understand." Meier whispered, "I will try not to mix personal emotions."

"I believe you." The person on the other side of the phone was very satisfied, and then he asked, "is there anything else?"

"It's OK. I won't disturb you first." Meier then hangs up. If she turns around, she can see that in the distance, summer and Muhan are walking out of the bamboo forest hand in hand. Somehow, she suddenly feels something different.


Linjiang County, Taiyu.

Cai Pengcheng looks a little ugly, because he just got the news that Yu Jin failed to bring people back to the county, because someone from Guoan intervened.

Cai Pengcheng is dismissive of this reason. He thinks that Yu Jin is just an excuse. Even if Guoan intervenes, he should bring people back first. As for whether to give Guoan face, it's Cai Pengcheng's business. It's not up to him to decide.

"What a shame!" Cai Pengcheng looks at the beautiful woman beside him with a gloomy face. "I'm impatient. Find someone to deal with him!"

Liu Caixia's face slightly changed: "Pengcheng, Yu Jin was transferred from the province. Will we have trouble doing this?"

"Did we do it for the first time? When did you have trouble? " Cai Pengcheng was a little unhappy. "When did you become so timid?"

"Well, I'll arrange it right away." Seeing Cai Pengcheng angry, Liu Caixia dare not say anything more.

"Call dingsong and ask him to go to Hekou village and bring me people." Cai Pengcheng added.

Liu Caixia nodded, called quickly, and soon arranged two things Cai Pengcheng told her.

"Is it nearly eight o'clock?" Cai Pengcheng asked suddenly.

Liu Caixia nodded softly: "well, we have an appointment with Jianghai for nine o'clock delivery, but now Zhang Yufen is dead, who should we let deliver?"

"Take some of you and go in person." Cai Pengcheng pondered a little and said, "the market there is very big. We haven't been online before. This opportunity is very rare. We also need to show our sincerity."

"Well, then, I'll get ready right away." Liu Caixia nodded softly.

"Although we have checked the ident.i.ty of each other, we should be careful. As always, you know how to do it." Cai Pengcheng asked.

"I understand." Liu Caixia has not been with CAI Pengcheng for a year or two, which is naturally clear.

"Get ready. Be careful." Cai Pengcheng waved.

Liu Caixia nodded and went out. Cai Pengcheng's face was still gloomy. What happened today made him feel better.


Although it's only 8 o'clock in the countryside, Tian su'e is already arranging rooms for people to sleep. However, there are no more rooms in the countryside than in the city. It's only hot now, and the second floor is basically uninhabitable. As a result, there are only two bedrooms below. It's a little difficult to sleep with five people.

"Xinxin, what do you think of the arrangement? Why don't I go upstairs with your father and you sleep in our room with Xiao Xia? " Asked Tian su'e in a low voice.

"Don't you have two rooms?" Summer feels very strange, "they two sleep together, we three sleep one, just right fit!"

Sun Xinxin suddenly fainted. She understood the meaning of summer. It seemed natural in summer. Sun Tianyu and Tian Xiaoya slept together. She and Mu Han stayed with him in summer. The wolf was still making such a dirty idea. Last time, she wanted to sleep with lengbingbing. Now, she just changed lengbingbing into Mu Han.

But this is very strange to Tian su'e's ears. What's the child's idea?

Sun Tianyu and Tian Xiaoya are also a little worried. They both know that Mu Han is not sun Xinxin's friend, but Sun Xinxin's rival. However, Mu Han was very cooperative before, and Tian su'e naturally didn't care. Now, the brother-in-law comes to fight for himself. She's afraid of trouble.

"Ma, summer means he can sleep on the ground." Sun Xinxin finally responds and explains in a hurry, but then she quickly adds, "but I'm not afraid of heat in summer. I'll sleep upstairs with him!"

"That's right." Tian su'e didn't doubt it. It was normal to sleep on the ground in this hot day. "Xiaoxia, you're really not afraid of the heat?"

"Mom, it's true. He's cool. I'm not afraid of heat with him." Sun Xinxin is afraid of saying anything abnormal in summer, so she rushes to answer, then pulls up summer and goes, "let's go upstairs first!"

Sun Xinxin and Xia Xia just went upstairs. A police car drove into Hekou village, and soon stopped on the road opposite sun's house. Then three policemen came out of the police car. The first one was a middle-aged policeman in his forties. He was thin, with deep eyes, red eyes and a lack of sleep.

The middle-aged police led two young policemen straight to the Audi Q7 of Muhan. Then they clapped heavily on the car with their hands. The alarm on the car rang immediately. The countryside was quiet originally. Thinking of this, many people were immediately alarmed, and Muhan in the house was naturally alarmed.

"What do you do?" Mu Han walked out of the room and asked angrily.

The light is always on in the opposite canteen, which makes the venue bright. So several policemen can see the appearance of Mu Han at a glance. They are all stunned. The middle-aged policeman is even more charming. He doesn't seldom visit the womb. Before, he thought the women in the prince's palace were very beautiful. But now when he saw the woman, he knew that the young ladies were all Yong Zhi Vulgar powder, even the boss of taiwomb, Liu Caixia, the so-called No.1 Beauty in Linjiang County, is also 18000 miles away from this blonde.

"Is this your car?" The middle-aged policeman forced the excitement in his heart and asked.

"Yes, it's mine. Who are you?" Mu Han asked.

"Just admit it!" The middle-aged policeman took out his certificate. "I'm Ding song, deputy chief of Criminal Police Brigade of Linjiang County Public Security Bureau. We found drugs in your car. Now you are suspected of illegally holding drugs. Come with us!"

"You said I had drugs in my car?" Mu Han thinks it's ridiculous. How could she touch drugs.

"Yes, that's what I just found in your cab." The middle-aged policeman raised his hand. It was a small bag with some white powder in it. "The evidence is clear. Do you want to deny it?"

Mu Han suddenly understood that she had been planted. Although the technique of planting was not brilliant, she had to admit that it was quite effective.

And some of the villagers around are talking about it.

"No wonder this girl looks rich. She's a drug dealer!"

"Yes, so beautiful, but so wicked!"

"It's said that Xinxin of my grandson's family is also well-developed. Isn't it drug trafficking, too?"

"Who knows? I don't know. You don't know. I heard that there are many drug addicts in the county now. Those drug addicts steal and rob everywhere without money!"

"The society is getting more and more disordered. This gang of drug dealers is really harmful!"


Hearing the villagers' comments, Mu Han was a little annoyed, while Ding song was quite satisfied: "Miss, you have nothing to say now?"

"h.e.l.lo, idiot, I have something to say!" Upstairs window open, a person from the inside of the head out, nature is summer.

"Who's shouting there?" Dingsongton when angry, looked up to drink a sentence, "there is a kind of down for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, dingsong's face changed, and the villagers around him even gave out a scream, because they found that they had jumped out of the window in summer!

"Hey, can't jump..."

"Young man, open up, don't jump..."

"I have something to say..."

Several old people have shouted. Unfortunately, they shouted too late. They have landed on the ground in summer.

"You, you..." Ding song looked at the summer standing in front of him and was safe. He was stunned for a moment. The villagers around him were also stunned. Isn't that too fake?

Although jumping off the second floor usually won't kill people, most of them will break their hands and feet. No one is like summer. There's nothing!

"What are you?" Summer is very unhappy, "you idiot actually wronged my wife drug trafficking?"

A mouthful of an idiot naturally makes Ding song angry. He also quickly recovers from his shock and drinks coldly in the summer: "so you two are together. That's good. I'll tell you that you two are suspected of drug trafficking and cooperate with our criminal police immediately!"

"You say we sell drugs. What about drugs?" Summer discontented asked.

"This is the drug you found in your car!" Ding song shook the bag of white powder in front of the summer.

In summer, he grabbed the bag as soon as he reached for it.

"What do you do? Want to destroy the evidence, don't you? " As soon as Ding song's face changed, he yelled at him. One hand had touched the pistol at the same time. However, before his gun could be pulled out, he had a gun fixed on his head. At the same time, there was a cold voice in his ear: "if you dare to pull out the gun, I will explode your head!"

It was Mu Han who came here suddenly, and the sudden change surprised the two young police officers, who wanted to draw a gun.

"If you dare to move about, I'll blow his head off!" Mu Han said coldly, "don't think I'm afraid. Don't you say I'm a drug dealer? Drug trafficking is a capital crime, and it's a capital crime for me to crack his head, isn't it? "

The two young policemen had not spoken, but dingsong was frightened. He shouted: "don't move. Listen to her. I don't want to die. Do you hear me?"