Flower Master in the City - Chapter 1375

Chapter 1375

Chapter 1375

"Boy, are you fooling us?" Hearing this, Xiao Jun was immediately angry. The clothes he bought for hundreds of yuan were robbed and beaten by this kid. If it wasn't for the sake of going out, he could not bear this tone for a long time. Now he found that this kid didn't seem to know how to go out at all, so he couldn't bear it.

"Don't bother me. I'll beat you again!" Summer is in a bad mood. If he didn't want to waste his energy to hit people, he would have hit them directly.

"h.e.l.lo, why are you like this? Obviously it's your fault. You pretended to be a savage and ate all our things. You said you could take us out. Now you're on the wrong road. Now you still want to beat people. Are you so unreasonable? " Tang Yan said angrily.

Summer staring at Tang Yan, not angry said: "who installed savages? Obviously, it's your own brain problem that makes me a savage. Besides, if you say I'm a savage, I'll throw you out into the forest and make you a savage! "

"You, you are too much!" Tang Yan is crying because of the summer weather.

"Bullying a girl, is it a man?" At this time, Huang Zifeng looked at summer discontentedly, and saw that the girl she liked was bullied. Huang Zifeng also wanted to act as the escort.

Summer finally angry, the stick a wave, then hit on Huang Zifeng, poor Huang Zifeng screamed, then fell to the ground.

"If you bother me any more, I'll throw you all under the cliff!" Summer not good gas said.

Tang Yan was stunned and cursed in her heart. This is a savage. It's so violent!

Poor Huang Zifeng got up from the ground and looked at the summer, but he didn't dare to say anything more. In such a place, if he was really thrown off the cliff, others thought that he accidentally fell down and died. At that time, I'm afraid that he would hang here very weakly.

"Well, we have something to say. It's all like this now. We should work together to find a way out. Otherwise, we will all starve here." At this time, Mao Xiaohui said carefully.

Summer is simply lazy to pay attention to these people, think about it, turn a direction, continue to move forward.

Lost group of five looked at each other, then together for a while to discuss, finally, they decided to continue to follow the summer.

However, after less than half an hour's walk, they began to regret it, because they found that they were basically walking around in summer.

As a road addict, he had a weak sense of direction all the time in summer. At the beginning, he still recognized one direction and walked forward. Now, when he found that the road was blocked, he could not find the southeast, northwest, and northwest. No, after walking in the forest for half an hour, he found that he was very confused. Then, after walking for half an hour, he was sure that he would go this time Is completely lost.

"Forget it, I'd better wait for the power to recover and fly out." Summer finally lost the patience to continue to find a way out and sat down under a big tree.

Tang Yan, who had been too tired to walk for a long time, sat down without saying anything.

"Hey, do you know how to get out?" Tang Yan sat on the opposite side of summer and asked weakly.

"When I can fly, I'll know how to get out." I yawned in summer, said lazily.

"Don't dream. You can fly when you are a fairy!" Tang Yan didn't say it.

"I am a fairy." Summer solemnly said: "I am the immortal elder sister's husband, of course, is also the immortal."

"It will boast." Tang Yan's mouth is curled. She doesn't believe this guy's nonsense.

"Big brother, what shall we do now?" At this time, Mao Xiaohui asked carefully.

"Who is the eldest brother? Am I very old?" Summer but very dissatisfied looking at Mao Xiaohui, "I'm not twenty years old!"

"Cluck That's the little brother. " Tang Yan suddenly smiled and then blushed, as if thinking of something.

It has to be said that Tang Yan's psychological quality is actually good. It's time for her to laugh.

"Your husband is a little brother. All your husbands will be little brothers in the future!" Summer glared at Tang Yan, or that sentence, if he didn't want to waste his energy now, he would beat this girl.

"Why do you talk like that?" Tang Yan is angry again. What kind of person is this? It's a hooligan!

"Don't bother me, I want to rest." In summer, I don't care about Tang Yan or anyone else. I close my eyes slightly and lean on the tree like I have fallen asleep.

Unconsciously, time pa.s.sed, and the sky gradually darkened. In summer, it seemed to sleep soundly. However, the lost five of the three men and two women couldn't stand it.

"President, what can I do now? We don't even have food. " Tang Yan has a bitter gourd face. "I feel so hungry now!"

"It's all that b.a.s.t.a.r.d. I want to kill him!" Xiao Jun is looking at the summer sleeping there.

"It's no use killing him. He has eaten everything. Do you want to eat people?" Said Mao Xiaohui in a low voice.

"Xiaohui is right. It's meaningless to say it now. It's impossible to solve the problem if we have another conflict with him." Zhang Shuo nodded, "let's think about what to do next."

"What else can we do now? It's dark. I don't think we can do anything but wait here to die. " Huang Zifeng also looked at the summer sleeping there angrily. Like Xiao Jun, he was beaten by summer. Naturally, he was very dissatisfied with summer, or even hated it. But now he and Xiao Jun both realize one thing, that is, this guy who was treated as a savage by them before, and the ability to fight can definitely be compared with savages. Don't look at the number of people on their side, it's really moving At first, it's probably not his opponent.

"Ah, it's strange to say. I've been staring at him for a long time, and I always think that he looks more and more familiar, as if I've seen him somewhere." Tang Yan then whispered.

"No?" Mao Xiaohui was a little surprised. "I said Tang Yan, he won't be your dream lover, will he? Ah, in that case, you need to improve your taste. His appearance is not as good as Xiao Jun and Huang Zifeng! "

"I mean it. I really don't think I can remember where I met him." Tang Yan didn't contradict Mao Xiaohui's teasing. She said with a serious look.

"I don't think we need to talk about this. We have to find a way to get something to eat. We don't know whether there are wild fruits or not in the forest." Zhang Shuo said.

"Even if there are wild fruits, where can I find them this evening?" Mao Xiaohui shook his head. "Besides, I heard that there seems to be a black bear or something here."

"Is there a black bear?" There's a voice that suddenly catches up.

And they stayed, and looked together to the summer, for he said this.

"It's true, of course. There are wild black bears here, but I don't know where exactly." Tang Yan continued.

"Oh, if only there were black bears, there are paws to eat." Summer said to himself, "haven't eaten bear paws for a long time!"

"I still want to eat bear paws. I think it's the bear who eats you first!" Tang Yan's mouth is curled. She thinks this man is really in a mess. He is not normal at all.

Summer but said to himself: "strange, how can no one come to me?"

I didn't want to wait for someone to help me in summer, but after he lost his way, he began to think about this problem, because he knew very well that the watch on his hand kept a record of his position. If there was a problem with that watch, his blonde wife would know. Last night, his watch was damaged by Ji Qingying, the crazy fairy girl, for such a long time In the past, his blonde wife should have sent someone to look for him. Is it because the forest is too big that no one has found him?

In summer, he doesn't worry that he will die here. It's not difficult for him to survive in such a place. The problem is that he wants to go out quickly, because there are so many people in the ethereal immortal sect looking for his fairy sister, especially Ji Qingying, the crazy fairy girl, who really wants her to find her fairy sister. What's going to happen.

But just after sleeping for a few hours, the ice fire aura in his body is still very limited. Although it's OK to kill a few ordinary men, it's impossible to control the air flight.

"Ah..." Tang Yan suddenly cried out in horror, pointing not far away, "black, black bear Really, there are black bears... "

All the people looked in the direction that Tang Yan pointed out. They were all in a panic. Although they had not seen the black bear with their own eyes before, they also saw the pictures of the black bear on the Internet and on TV. Isn't there a black bear standing less than ten meters away from them?

Look at the black bear. It's obvious that he's going to treat them as snacks.

"Run!" Zhang shuota had a drink and wanted to run.

The other four turned around and were ready to flee the place.

"Finally, there are paws to eat!" Just then, they heard a little excited voice.

When they were stunned, they subconsciously turned around and looked at it. Then they saw that in summer, they had a stick in hand and rushed towards the black bear. Almost in a moment, they saw the stick stabbing into the body of the black bear.

The black bear gave out a scream, which contained obvious anger, and then rushed to the summer. Obviously, this time, it was not enough to make the black bear lose its fighting power.

"Ji Qingying, you are a dead monster. I will squeeze you out next time I see you!" Summer is cursing Ji Qingying at the moment, because he finds that it's not easy for him to kill this black bear now.

The only weapon he has now is this stick, which he has made sharp, and his strength is only stronger than that of ordinary people. Black bears have rough skin and thick flesh, so it's not easy to kill them.

"We can only use protracted war." Summer some depressed thought.