Flower Master in the City - Chapter 1279

Chapter 1279

Chapter 1279

"Bingbing, do you miss me? I'll be right there. " As soon as summer answered the phone, he immediately said that he always has a special love for lengbing, and he has no secret of his special love for lengbing. Whenever she has something to do, he always appears in front of her at the first time.

Because of this, when he received the cold call, he didn't ask anything, so he was ready to go right away.

"I haven't come home yet." "I'm still at the police station," he said

"Then I'll go to the police station." Summer also did not ask anything, hung up the phone, and then turned to look at Gu Hanshan, "frost girl, you first take everyone home, I go to find ice, by the way help me tell Joe, I will not go back in the evening."

"Yes, young master." Gu hanfrost answered, and her voice did not fall, summer has disappeared in her sight.

The goblin can't help muttering: "my husband is too eccentric, why does he like the ice sister of the police flower so much?"

After a few seconds, the goblin answers her own question: "it must be because Bingbing has a big chest!"


in summer, he came to the East sub bureau at the fastest speed. This time, he flew directly from the sky. In a few minutes, he came to the sky of the East sub Bureau, and then found the ice.

Leng Bingbing is not in her office at the moment, but standing outside the interrogation room. It seems that she is busy with a case.

"Bingbing, it's so late. Why are you still here? Let me take you home. " As soon as I saw the cold in summer, I wanted to pull her away.

There are many people in the police station who are very supportive of this statement in summer. It's so late. It's time to go home. You know, it's almost ten o'clock in the evening. But even lengbingbing, the pregnant director, is working overtime here. We're sorry not to work overtime. So at this moment, we are still in the police station, and we are looking forward to it Ben, if she's going, they can all go.

As for summer, although it's very abrupt, no one thinks it's strange. This guy appears suddenly every time.

"There is a homicide case. If we don't solve it earlier, it will make people panic." "My body is all right, you don't know. Even if I'm pregnant, I'm better than ordinary people," explained Leng Bingbing

Of course, this is not a fake. If there is any problem with her body, nothing else. Can she go crazy in bed with her baby in summer when she has only a month or so? Even if she dare, she dare not in summer.

"Bingbing, you just leave this kind of case to them." Summer said this, a little dissatisfied with the other people in the police station a look, "Hey, I said you can't quickly catch the murderer back?"

Everyone looks embarra.s.sed. They dare not say that Leng Bingbing has to take charge of the case himself. Of course, they must admit that Leng Bingbing is indeed faster than them in handling the case. No, the case of killing the family was only reported to the police this morning. It happened last night, and Leng Bingbing confirmed the suspect by noon In the evening, I took the people back to the police station and began to interrogate them. However, during the interrogation, I encountered a problem, so far there is no progress.

"In fact, I have caught a suspect. Now I'm in the interrogation room. There's just a question. I just called to ask you. I didn't know you came directly." Said coldly and softly.

Summer this just understand, this police flower elder sister wife calls him, have a problem to want to ask him.

"Bingbing, what's wrong with the suspect?" He asked in the summer. He just wanted to help the suspect quickly and then take her home.

"Look at this video." Cold ice opens a video. In the video, a man walks into the elevator unhurriedly, wearing gloves, carrying a bag, and wearing a hat on his head. It seems that he is hiding his whereabouts. But when he enters the elevator, he seems to be stung by something, scratching his neck subconsciously, and then he raises his head carelessly, which makes the camera He was photographed in the face.

"This is the content of the video at the time of the case. This person is also the most suspected. He knows the victim, and there are still some disagreements. We also caught him. Look, do you think they are the same person?" As Leng Bingbing said, he took a picture for summer. "This is what we just took."

"It should be the same person." Summer looked, and then nodded.

"According to our software comparison, it is also determined that this is the same person, but when we bring people, we find another problem." Coldly pulling summer, he pushed open the door of the interrogation room, walked in, and then pointed to the suspect sitting at the interrogation table, "you see, it's him. His name is w.a.n.g Shangguang."

Summer looked at the past, look at the appearance, this guy called w.a.n.g Shangguang is the same as in the photos and videos. He is a man in his forties, looks a bit down and out, but once again, he found something wrong.

"Why is this guy in a wheelchair?" Summer some strange asked.

"That's the problem. Eight years ago, he had a car accident, then he was paralyzed, and he was in a wheelchair all the time. It's not only someone who can prove it, but also the hospital." Coldly whispered: "now the problem is here. According to the photos, we are sure it's him. But he is disabled and paralyzed. He can't walk at all. It's not consistent with the video. Moreover, it's impossible for a person who can only sit in a wheelchair to commit murder. We went to the hospital to investigate. He went to the hospital last week to have a check-up. The situation still hasn't improved at all. His legs Powerless, can't walk, just, I always think that murderer is him, so I just want to ask you, a paralyzed person, is it possible to stand up suddenly? "

"Bingbing, it's still possible. Some people who are paralyzed are just psychological problems. When they encounter some stimulation, they will be able to stand up at once." Summer thought to say: "there are some may also be paralyzed, not really paralyzed."

"Do you know what he is about?" Asked coldly again.

"Well, I'll check first." When summer came to the interrogation table, he held out his hand like lightning and seized the hand of w.a.n.g Shangguang.

"What do you do?" w.a.n.g Shangguang suddenly cried out in horror, as if he was afraid of being touched by others.

Summer did not pay attention to him, ten seconds later, he took back, and then looked at w.a.n.g Shangguang a little surprised: "so you are crazy!"

"I'm not crazy!" w.a.n.g Shangguang looks at summer with a hostile face, and he looks afraid.

"Husband, is he insane? What do you mean? " The cold ice on one side was also a bit confused. The police who were watching the situation from the surveillance also felt puzzled. This guy is just disabled. How can he become a psychopath?

"Bingbing, I saw a lot of neuropathy a few days ago, so I can see that this guy is actually a neuropathy. Well, to be specific, he is a split personality." Summer says quickly: "he has two kinds of personality, in one kind of personality, his legs always feel that he has no strength and can't walk, but in the other kind of personality, he is normal. I checked his physical condition, he was injured before, but the injury is basically good, and it won't affect his legs."

When it comes to this, I hold the cold waist in summer: "Bingbing, just lock this guy up. He is the murderer. It's ok now. Let's go home!"

Coldly, he shook his head, with a trace of worry on his face: "I'm afraid it's not so easy to solve, husband. If he really has a split personality, it's even more troublesome, because he can't be sentenced at all. At most, he can only be sent to a mental hospital."

"Hahahaha..." w.a.n.g Shangguang, who looked afraid before, suddenly laughed wildly. Then, he stood up from the wheelchair and looked proud: "yes, I killed people, and you can't do anything about me. I'm mentally ill, and I don't need to go to jail to kill people because of mental illness, ha ha ha..."

"w.a.n.g Shangguang, don't be so arrogant. Even if you don't have to go to jail, you will stay in a mental hospital for a lifetime!" Said with a cold snort.

"It doesn't matter. I'll be out soon." w.a.n.g Shangguang doesn't care. "Besides, don't call me w.a.n.g Shangguang. I'm not w.a.n.g Shangguang's trash. I'm w.a.n.g Guangshang. I can't be offended by anyone. You should be careful, officer. I will come to you after I come out of the mental hospital."

"This son of a b.i.t.c.h is so arrogant!" A group of police outside the interrogation room were angry at first, but immediately sympathized with this guy. "This thing is really looking for death, actually threatening director Leng in the face of summer."

"Idiot." Looking at the guy who called himself w.a.n.g Guangshang in summer, "I'll kill you now!"

In the summer, he took out the silver needle and was ready to stab this guy to death, but he was caught by cold ice: "no, we can't kill him like this."

A group of policemen stayed outside. It's really a cow in summer. They want to kill people so directly. They have no scruples at all.

"Well, I'll let this idiot get shot." In summer, w.a.n.g Guangshang was stabbed with a silver needle and looked at lengbingbing. "Bingbing, another personality of this guy has been sealed by me. Now he has only one personality. So, he is not mentally ill. Put him in jail directly. Well, you can check in the hospital and find out that this guy's paralysis is pretended. Didn't he kill others? Is it certain that he will be sentenced to death? "

"Well, as long as he's not mentally ill, he'll be sentenced to death." Leng Bingbing is also very sure about this, and then he finally took a long breath, "honey, now there is no problem, it's the best way to solve it."