Fighting the Traffic in Young Girls - Part 30

Part 30

"If any person shall take away any female under the age of sixteen years from her father, mother, guardian, or other person having the legal charge of her person, without the consent of such father, mother, guardian or other person, either for the purpose of marriage, concubinage, or prost.i.tution, such person, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than one nor more than two years, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than three months nor more than one year, or by fine not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars." Sec. 1928, Ballinger & Cotton's Anno. Codes & Stat. of Oregon, Vol. 1.

"Any male person who lives with a prost.i.tute, or who lives in whole or in part off of, or accepts any of the earnings of a prost.i.tute, or solicits or attempts to solicit any male person or persons to have s.e.xual intercourse with a prost.i.tute, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than one year nor more than five years, or by fine in any sum not less than one thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars." Act Feb. 11, 1905.


Present the facts within your knowledge of the alleged crime to the Prosecuting or District Attorney of the county in which the crime is alleged to have been committed.


Pennsylvania enacted on May first last, one of the statutes recommended by the committee for the several states. It is the act aimed at the procurer, and is as follows:

Be it enacted, etc., That any person whosoever, who shall induce, entice, or procure, or attempt to induce, entice, or procure, into the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, any woman or girl, for the purpose of prost.i.tution, or for any other immoral purpose, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, be imprisoned for a period of not less than one or more than five years, and be fined not exceeding five thousand dollars.


Application should be made to the proper prosecuting officer of the county in which the crime is alleged to have been committed.


Rhode Island presents some excellent statutes. They are particularly broad and comprehensive. They are as follows:

Whoever shall unlawfully and carnally know and abuse any girl under the age of sixteen years shall be imprisoned not exceeding fifteen years.

Ch. 281, Sec. 3, Revised Statutes of Rhode Island, 1896.

Whoever shall attempt to have unlawful carnal knowledge of any girl under the age of sixteen years shall be imprisoned not exceeding ten years.

Ch. 281, Sec. 4, Id.

Whoever by threats or intimidation procures or induces, or attempts to procure or induce, any woman or girl to have any unlawful carnal connection either with himself or with any other person, or by false pretenses, false representations or other fraudulent means, procures or induces any woman or girl, not being a common prost.i.tute or of known immoral character, to have unlawful carnal connection, either with himself or with any other person, or applies, administers to, or causes to be taken by any woman or girl any drug, matter or thing with intent to stupefy or overpower so as thereby to enable himself or any other person to have unlawful carnal connection with such woman or girl, or, being above the age of eighteen years, shall by any means whatsoever procure or induce any girl under the age of eighteen years, and not of known immoral character, to have any unlawful carnal connection either with himself or with any other person, shall be imprisoned not exceeding five years: Provided, however, that no person shall be convicted of an offense under this section upon the evidence of one witness only, unless such witness be corroborated by other evidence.

Ch. 281, Sec. 5. Id.

Every person who shall inveigle or entice any woman or female child, before reputed virtuous, or any female child under fourteen years of age not proven by the defendant to have been of previous bad character, to a house of ill-fame, or who shall knowingly conceal, or aid or abet in concealing any such woman or female child so inveigled or enticed, for the purpose of prost.i.tution or lewdness, shall be imprisoned not exceeding five years or be fined not exceeding five thousand dollars.

Ch. 281, Sec. 6. Id.

Whenever there is reason to believe that any woman, or female child, has been inveigled or enticed to a house of ill-fame as aforesaid, upon complaint thereof being made, under oath, by any overseer of the poor, sheriff, deputy sheriff, town sergeant or constable, or by the parent, master or guardian of such woman or female child, to any justice or clerk of a district court authorized to issue such warrants, such justice or clerk may issue his warrant, to enter by day or night, such house or houses of ill-fame, and to search for such woman, or female child, and to bring her and the person in whose possession or keeping she may be found, before such district court, who may, on examination, order her to be delivered to such overseer, parent, master or guardian, or to be discharged, as law and justice may require.

Ch. 281, Sec. 7. Id.


If a violation is alleged to have occurred within the county in which you reside, present the matter to a justice or to any clerk of a district court of the state, and he will issue a warrant for the arrest of the defendant and proceed to prosecute the case.


"Whoever, above the age of fourteen years, shall unlawfully take or convey, or cause to be taken or conveyed, any maid or woman-child unmarried, being within the age of sixteen years, out of or from the possession and against the will of the father or mother of such child, or out of or from the possession and against the will of such person or persons as then shall happen to have, by any lawful ways or means, the order, keeping, education, or governance of any such maiden or woman-child, shall, on conviction, suffer imprisonment for the s.p.a.ce of two years or else shall pay such fine as shall be adjudged by the court."--Sec. 287, Crim. Code.

"Whoever shall so take away, or cause to be taken away, as aforesaid, and defiles any such maid or woman-child, as aforesaid, or shall, against the will or unknowing of or to the father of any such maid or woman-child, if the father be in life, or against the will or unknowing of the mother of any such maid or woman-child (having the custody or governance, of such child, if the father be dead), by secret letters, messages, or otherwise, contract matrimony with any such maid or woman-child, shall, on conviction, suffer imprisonment for five years, or shall pay such fine as shall be adjudged by the court; one moiety of which fine shall be for the State, and the other moiety to the parties grieved." Sec. 288, Criminal Code.


Present the facts within your knowledge of the alleged crime to the Prosecuting Attorney of the county in which the crime is alleged to have been committed.


It is unlawful to inveigle or entice an unmarried female of previous chaste character under the age of twenty-five years, into any house or other place for the purpose of prost.i.tution. The law punishes a person thus guilty, and every person who aids or a.s.sists in such violation, by confinement of not less than five nor more than twenty years in the state prison, or a fine of $1,000, or both such fine and imprisonment.

Section 334, Revised Penal Code, 1903, as amended.

Every person who takes away any female under the age of eighteen years from her father, mother, guardian or other person having the legal charge of such female, without their consent, either for marriage or prost.i.tution or concubinage, is also punishable by the same imprisonment and fine. Section 335, Revised Penal Code, 1903, as amended.

Every person who, under promise of marriage, seduces or has illicit connection with any unmarried female of previous chaste character, is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison, by the same fine and imprisonment as provided under section 334. Section 336, Revised Penal Code, as amended.


Present the facts to the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the crime is alleged to have been committed.


Any person who inveigles or entices any female, before reputed virtuous, to a house of ill-fame, or knowingly conceals, or aids and abets in concealing, such female so deluded or enticed, for the purpose of prost.i.tution or lewdness, shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than two nor more than ten years.

Sec. 6768, Shannon's Code, 1896.

Any person who takes any female from her father, mother, guardian or other person having the legal charge of her without her consent, for the purpose of prost.i.tution or concubinage, shall, upon conviction, be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than ten nor more than twenty-one years.

Sec. 6462. Id.


Present the matter to the county attorney of the county in which the crime is alleged to have been committed.


"Abduction" is the false imprisonment of a woman with intent to force her into a marriage or for the purpose of prost.i.tution.