Fighting the Traffic in Young Girls - Part 25

Part 25

Alabama Code, 1893, Ch. 129, Sec. 1.


Report any violation to the prosecuting officer of the county in which the crime was committed.


That if any person, under promise of marriage, shall seduce and have illicit connection with any unmarried female of previous chaste character, such person, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than one nor more than five years; or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than three months nor more than one year, or by fine not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars. A subsequent marriage of the parties, or offer to marry in good faith, is a defense to a violation of this section.

Section 123, Ch. 7, Carter's Annotated Alaska Codes.


Report violation to the District Attorney for the district in which the crime is alleged to have been committed.


Every person who inveigles or entices any female, of previous chaste character, into any house of ill-fame or a.s.signation, or elsewhere, for the purpose of prost.i.tution; or to have illicit carnal connection with any man; and every person who, by any false pretenses, false representations or other fraudulent means, procures any female to have illicit carnal connection with any man, is punishable by imprisonment in the territorial prison not exceeding five years, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months, or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

Section 235, Ch. 1, Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901.

Every person who takes away any female under the age of eighteen years from her father, mother, guardian, or other person having the legal charge of her person, without their consent, for the purpose of prost.i.tution, is punishable by imprisonment in the territorial prison not exceeding five years, and a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars.

Section 236. Id.


Report violation to the District Attorney for the district in which the crime is alleged to have been committed.


"Every person who, within this state, takes any female person against her will and without her consent, or with her consent procured by fraudulent inducement or misrepresentation, for the purpose of prost.i.tution, is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison not exceeding five years, and a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars.

266a. Penal Code.

"Every person who takes any female person unlawfully, and against her will, and by force, menace, or duress, compels her to live with him in an illicit relation, against her consent, or to so live with any other person, is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison not less than two nor more than four years. 266b. Penal Code.

"Every person bringing to, or landing within this state, any female person born in the Empire of China or the Empire of j.a.pan, or the islands adjacent thereto, with intent to place her in charge or custody of any other person, and against her will to compel her to reside with him, or for the purpose of selling her to any person whomsoever, is punishable by a fine of not less than one nor more than five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than six nor more than twelve months. 266c Penal Code.

"Any person who receives any money or other valuable thing for or on account of his placing in custody any female for the purpose of causing her to cohabit with any male to whom she is not married, is guilty of a felony. 266d. Penal Code.

"Every person who purchases, or pays any money or other valuable thing for any female person for the purpose of prost.i.tution, or for the purpose of placing her, for immoral purposes, in any house or place against her will, is guilty of a felony. 266e. Penal Code.

"Every person who sells any female person or receives any money or other valuable thing for or on account of his placing in custody, for immoral purposes any female person, whether with or without her consent, is guilty of a felony." 266f. Penal Code.


Present the facts within your knowledge of the alleged crime to the District Attorney of the county in which the crime is alleged to have been committed.


"Any male or female person, over the age of eighteen years, who shall procure, encourage, persuade, induce, or prevail upon any female person of previous chaste character to have s.e.xual intercourse for hire, with any male person other than himself shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than one year or more than five years.

"Any male person, over the age of eighteen years, who shall act as an employee or servant in or about any room, house, or place of prost.i.tution, or who shall engage or a.s.sist in operating or managing any room, house or building for the purpose of carrying on prost.i.tution, or any male or female person, over the age of eighteen years, who shall knowingly live on, or be supported in whole or in part by the money or other valuable consideration realized, procured or earned by any female person through the prost.i.tution of any other female person or persons, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than one year nor more than five years.

"In all prosecutions under this act a husband or wife shall be a competent witness against the other, and the wife may be compelled to testify on behalf of the people in any prosecution under this act wherein her husband shall be a party defendant.

"Nothing in this act shall be held to alter or in any manner affect the laws relating to incest, the infamous crime against nature, seduction, adultery, rape, fornication, or other kindred offenses against the person or the public morals, nor any prosecution for such offenses."

Session Laws of 1909.


Present the evidence of the violation believed to have been committed to the City Attorney or District Attorney of the city or county in which the crime is alleged to have been committed.


"Any person having the care, custody, or control of any minor child under the age of eighteen years who shall in any manner, sell, apprentice, give away, or otherwise dispose of such minor, or any person who shall take, receive, or employ such child for the purpose of prost.i.tution, or any person who shall retain, harbor, or employ any minor child in or about any a.s.signation house or brothel, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before any justice of the peace or court of record shall be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense."

Sec. 2, Chap. 150, Vol. 16, Laws of Delaware as amended 1895.


Present the matter to the prosecuting officer of the county in which the crime is alleged to have been committed.


"Whoever fraudulently and deceitfully entices or takes away an unmarried woman, of a chaste life and conversation, from her father's house, or wherever else she may be found, for the purpose of prost.i.tution at a house of ill-fame, a.s.signation or elsewhere, and whoever aids and a.s.sists in such abduction for such purpose, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison not exceeding three years, or in the county jail not exceeding one year, or by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars."

Section 3523, Florida Stat.

"Whoever procures for prost.i.tution, or causes to be prost.i.tuted, any unmarried female who is under the age of sixteen years shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison not exceeding ten years."

Sec. 3537, Florida Statutes.
