Fierce Silk Flower - Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Fierce Silk Flower in the End of the World


Chapter 10 The Mysterious Rank Grocery Store

Ji Anran that needed a spanking very much, continued to look at Chen Xiaohui with innocent eyes.

"How can you not believe me? If you don't trust my words, you can go to Geng ge and ask."

Don't think that I don't know Geng ge will help and cover you!

Chen Xiaohui was helpless and filled Ji Anran's water tank.

Ji Anran lifted his hands and carried the water tank, then delicately placed it down again.

"Geng ge. This thing is so heavy. I can't carry it."

"Did you forget? You used this slender and feeble hand to blew a zombies head off with steel pipe!" Chen Xiaohui gnashed his teeth.

The feeling of brains splas.h.i.+ng on his face, he still remembers till now!

Ji Anran blinked his eyes: "Oh, right."

"What's the matter? You can't carry the tank?" Geng Yan helplessly looked at Ji Anran, his tone cannot hide his spoiling, "Delicate."

Ji Anran revealed a pure innocent smile: "I just said I can't carry it?"

Chen Xiaohui no longer looked at them and left angrily.

Geng Yan put the water tank in his s.p.a.ce, looking helpless: " You like to make trouble with Chen Xioahui, even saying that you can't move a water tank now. Don't blush, see how other people think of you…"

"I hate him. Geng ge, he likes you, I can't stand it…" Ji Anran did not hide his jealousy.

The rest of the teams were like a mirror of their hearts, and they had no negative opinions of Ji Anran because of this. It's very obvious to grab men, and they look at the excitement.

"I'm just an ordinary teammate with him. I have nothing to do with him." Geng Yan explained.

When he finished, Geng Yan regretted it.

He's so stupid, why does it matter if he tells this to Anran. They're already ex-boyfriends, obviously…

At night after their night watch, Ji Anran and Geng Yan drove a car and left their tents.

Because of Geng Yan's strength, he was given most of the supplies. He has extra petrol to use and can drive away with Ji Anran.

Chen Xiaohui watched the two people leaving, his heart very sad.

"Stop looking. Aren't you ashamed of thinking about someone else man everyday?" w.a.n.g Xin said sarcastically.

Chen Xiaohui glared at w.a.n.g Xin: "Mind your own business!"

Ji Anran sat in the co-pilot seat, looking at the road ahead in a daze.

"Geng ge, your team is so messy. I feels that your team doesn't care, something is bound to happen sooner or later, and their discipline is really too lose."

"Don't worry. After returning this time, I will part ways with them." Geng Yan's look was very calm.

Ji Anran was surprised: "Is that the case? No wonder…"

No wonder Chen Xiaohui was not driven off the team, Geng ge originally have no intention to stay.

"Geng ge, are you going to set up a new team?"

"En, I came together with these people when I arrived in the base. This time, I simply came out together with them in search for supplies. I know the character and ability of each of them and I'll invite a few when I get back."

In the early apocalyptic period, there were first-order corpses everywhere. Although Geng Yan is strong, but many ants can easily bite an elephant to death. He brought many people out, and although there was a lot of trouble, it also meant that they could break into dense residential building where corpses were many.

Now that many of the corpses has begun to evolve, the advantage of number is less noticeable. Geng Yan intends to form an elite team, the ability is not necessarily stronger than ordinary teams but the combination and team work should be balanced.

Ji Anran looked at the fork road in front and suddenly said: "Go right in front. Let's get off at the grocery store today."

"Is there anything else in the grocery store?" Geng Yan raised a brow.

Ji Anran showed a pure smile, and said in an embara.s.sed tone: "In fact, I have been to that grocery store before. The store front looks like it doesn't have any problem but in fact the boss is not a simple person."

"The grocery store sells some illegal and forbidden products, right? What does it sell?" Geng Yan stopped the car and looked sideways at Ji Anran.

Ji Anran showed a simple and harmless face.

"Just, it's something for self-defense…"

"What kind of thing?"

"A crossbow."

Geng Yan: "… …"

The weak Ji Anran: "I really used it to protect myself. I have money in my house, I don't feel safe. I'm afraid…"

"How many times will you be able to hit the target after pulling the bow 10 times?"

Before the end of the world, Ji Anran can generally hit half. But after his end times training, his current shooting rate probability is absolutely high.

Ji Anran faltered and reported a small number: " I said, you can't laugh at me. I will learn later and can hit 10 times, and will not miss the target."

Geng Yan smiled: "It's alright, you can practice slowly. When you're at the base, there's no threat of zombies so it doesn't matter if you grow a little slower."

"Geng ge, you want to throw me at the base and I want to grow up quickly, so I can accompany you." Ji Anran pinches his small fist, vowing.

Look at the weak me, willing to work hard for you to become stronger. Are you willing to throw such a cutie at the base?

Geng Yan rubbed his suddenly painful eyebrow, looking quite helpless.

Ji Anran walked in, moved a heavy wooden chair, and then pressed a switch on the side of the wall.

The floor tiles rang a little bit, and Ji Anran picked it up, revealing the crossbow and arrows.

There are some grooves on the floor tile, and if you don't turn on the switch, there's no way to to open it up.

Ji Anran soon a.s.sembled the crossbow and looked at Geng Yan with delight.

"Geng ge, I'll get stronger quickly. When you came out of the base looking for supplies, can you take me with you?"

"No." Geng Yan hands patted Ji Anran's shoulder." Practice, practice well later. If I'm not in the base, I don't have to worry about what's going to happen to you."

The big shot Ji Anran who lifted a stone and smashed it on his foot: "… …"

"You have no ability, and it will be dangerous for you to face zombies with abilities. I think that the zombies have been evolving, and soon zombies with abilities will be popping out everywhere. Even I will not be able to protect you."

Ji Anran hated it, his mood no longer on the crossbow.

"Anran, your bow."

"I'm still useless now, you put it away first. Swinging the steel pipe is more convenient for me, and more safe." Ji Anran took a deep breath, showing a small white flower smile.

As soon as he said it, Ji Anran immediately regretted it.

"Geng ge, I'm sorry. I didn't have a very good tone just now. The thought of being separated from you, I just…  Geng ge, I don't think that the base is completely safe. What if you're not at the base and others come to my door and bully me?"

Ji Anran held Geng Yan and didn't give up: "Maybe you return to the base one day, and will just hear the news of my stinky body."

"Don't talk nonsense."Geng Yan coldly rebuked him. "Indeed there are some individuals in the base who is dangerous and divided. But since I let you stay at the base, naturally everything will be arranged. You don't have to worry."

Ji Anran's mouth was unconsciously raised: "You're willing to this all for me, which part looks like we're still ordinary friends. Geng ge, let's get back together."

Anything can become an a.s.sistant to his path of reconciling with Geng ge oh~

"I will take care of you and let you live in peace in the end times. Reconciling is not necessary." Geng Yan is always running away from this, "and with one more weapon, you can have one more protection, in case someone take away your steel pipe.

Ji Anran immediately deflated like a ball, his whole person seemingly lifeless.

Geng Yan did not comfort him, but silent tucked the crossbow in Ji Anran's backpack.

In fact, seeing the sadness in Ji Anran, he also know the taste of it.

Geng Yan drove his car to a nearby supermarket.

They didn't go this way today, so the team didn't find the supermarket.

Ji Anran came here before, and have a few impression of the vicinity. He recommended the location to Geng Yan and showed the way.

"Anran, cheer up." Geng Yan gently coaxed him on the way.

Ji Anran was like a little flower that has been devastated by the storm, so delicate and pitiful.


Ji Anran took a deep breath, and put a lid of the sadness in his heart.

It seems that really having no ability does not work. Perhaps he should go and pick up the junk ability of his last life. Although it doesn't have much use, it may be possible to join Geng ge's team as a logistic member at this point.

The silver light of the moonlight tonight sprinkled on the ground, making the picture extremely clear.

The moonlight shone into the supermarket door, and the looming shelves inside.

After all, the two were secretly looking for supplies, so they changed their clothes and brought mask out.

Even if the members of their team sees them, they may not be able to recognize them.

Geng Yan walked in front to probe the area. He stepped into the supermarket, and his face suddenly changed.


Ji Anran also naturally found what's wrong, his face sinking down.

"Who's hiding inside, come out! Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

There was no light in the supermarket, and those who were hiding does not know what to think. They came this way from the end of the street and didn't see the light from start to finish and he didn't think these people was meant to be collecting supplies.

The people in the dark knew they have been found and launched an attack directly.

"That man holds a steel pipe in his hand. He is not an ability user, catch him first!"

The captain saw through everything at a glance and he attacked Geng Yan directly, trying to stall his actions.

In the end, ordinary people are a great burden to abilities. This man will come out with an ordinary person to collect supplies, indicating that this person is very strong but it also means that this ordinary person is very important to him.

Geng Yan is furious, and his hands are very fierce.

He was worried that Ji Anran will have an accident and directly faced three people.

However, this was a small team of four.

In fact, according to Geng Yan's strength, he can deal with four or five first-order abilities at the same time. Unfortunately, in this ambush team they met, the captain in-charge of the command was a speed type ability.

The speed ability of this person is very fast, causing great problems to Geng Yan.

For Ji Anran, he was facing a power-type ability user. Strictly speaking, after discovering the several abilities of the team, Geng Yan directly targeted the strongest speed ability and the two more difficult abilities.

They all want to go for Ji Anran, but Geng Yan stopped them dead on their tracks and they can only continue to take the electric attacks. They may accidentally be injured or even killed, where's their chance to start?

Ji Anran's beautiful face was pale, almost becoming one with the moonlight.

He kept running, flexibly dodging the attacks of the ability.

His brain was also running fast, pondering a way in which he could break the predicament without exposing his strength.

Suddenly, Ji Anran's eyes brightened, having an idea in his heart.

"Captain, can I just kill him?" The ability user swung his big hammer one after another, shouting helplessly.

Geng Yan: "Anran is too weak. I want to protect Anran. If Anran is hurt, I will never let these people go."

The big shot Ji Anran: "I better think of a solution or else you will be killed in front of Geng ge. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭"

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