Fierce Silk Flower - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Fierce Silk Flower in the End of the World


Chapter 2 The Ex-boyfriend Geng Yan

Geng Yan did not look at the punks. He got out of the car and all his attention was drawn to the thin figure wearing gray and dusty clothes.

His Anran looks haggard and has thinned a lot…

"Geng Ge, what's wrong?"

Gao Xun, a man with a strong build like a bear, asked in low voice like the bodybuilder in TV. Of course, standing together with Geng Yan, there's a clear gap between the Krypton's peripherals and ordinary peripherals1.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about some things." Geng Yan casually answered in a perfunctory way.

Gao Xun is somewhat puzzled.

Geng Ge doesn't bother with those who robs the supplies of their compatriots by force, Usually, he has long come forward and drive this gangsters away. What's going on today?

The yellow-haired punk is also thick-skinned, and continued his nonsense.

"If I had my defenses up, I would have never been robbed of anything by you. You tempted me with beauty, letting me lower my guard…"

Ji Anran almost couldn't resist laughing.

This person is too cooperative, for fear of not dying fast enough.

Thanks for the a.s.sist, but I still won't burn you incense~

Ji Anran is secretly laughing in his heart, but his face shows his miserable circ.u.mstances2 like an extremely3 delicate silk flower.

He slammed in the direction of Geng Yan and plunged into Geng Yan's embrace.

This boy is finished! Geng Ge is most disgusted with others pestering him. The people who showed love came in waves but all was mercilessly rejected.

The boy pounced directly in his arms and hugged Geng ge, and its expected to be ridiculed by his brother's poison tongue to doubt life. Maybe even the bones are going to be broken!

The familiar chest makes Ji Anran feels safe and a deep happiness spreads from the deepest part of his heart to his whole body.

"Hey, I missed you so much." Hi Anran chocked out, showing that his emotions were out of control.

Geng Yan's heart was moved and did not push him away.

Gao Xun and the other players were stunned.

This… this is clearly an affair!

It is no wonder that Geng ge refused so many people, he already had someone in his heart!

The yellow-haired punk's face is a dark as a bottom of a pot. He thought that it was a fat sheep, who knew that the fat sheep and this ability user unexpectedly have an affair!

I'm afraid that it will be difficult today.

The yellow-haired punk secretly gestured to the brothers behind him.

Brothers, we can't beat the little master of the fat sheep, get out of here!

Ji Anran is a person with the ability to hear very well, his face did not change color, but in the heart of Ji Anran, he can clearly distinguished their subtle footsteps.

"Geng ge, they wanted to rape me first then kill me. If you came one step late, we'll never see each other again."

It's been a year after their break up and Geng Yan still hasn't forgotten Ji Anran. If it were not because of some lingering feelings, he would have pushed the man away.

After hearing his words, the look of Geng Yan became cold and he looked up at the robbers in front of him.

"Their eyes are fierce and it's clear that its not the first time these people did this kind of business. Its estimated that many people have been killed by them. We kill these men and the ordinary people can search for supplies without being threatened."

Geng Yan let out this sentences, a death order the group of robbers.

The yellow-haired punk knew that they can't escape, he bit his teeth and roared out: "This man wants our life! Brothers, fight!!"

Geng Yan raised his hands and threw a ball of lightning. The robbers screamed non stop when they were hit.

However, in just a few seconds, a few blackened bodies lay down on the streets.

It only took seconds to kill!!!

This is the gap between an ability user and ordinary people. With a powerful ability, they can completely take away the lives of ordinary people in an instant.

Gao Xun was stunned into silence.

It seems that Geng Ge is half-angry, after he order to work together to kill this robbers, in the end they didn't even have the chance to start, he killed them himself.

Also, if his boyfriend had almost been bullied and humiliated, he must have chopped off the man!

The other members of the team heard Geng Yan's words and was getting ready to fight, but they didn't even have the chance to use their abilities, everything is already over. They were as quiet as a chicken but their ears stood straight, trying to hear the grievances between the two men.

Ji Anran has been holding Geng Yan, his face full of attachment.

Geng Yan took a deep breathe and forcibly awaken his sanity.

"You're safe now and you can leave."

In the first place, their break up was clean. He will not fool himself into thinking that Ji Anran suddenly changed his mind.

He is able to mix well and has the power to protect a defenseless ordinary person. He could even raise him and keep him well.

But he doesn't want to… He can't stand himself being so cheap.

After being trampled and feeling anxious for a whole year, other people hook their fingers, and yet again he was impatient to get close up.

Ji Anran is not surprise, because the Geng Yan in the past life also refused.

At that time, he had awakened the wind ability, with strength, and was held a little bit high. When he was rejected in front of his little brothers and ordinary people, he was anxious to die and cannot wait to bury himself in a hole, not to mention to try and retain Geng Yan.

But now…

Ji Anran did not let go of Geng Yan's sleeves, his eyes filled with water mist.

"Geng ge…" Ji Anran bit his lips and sobbed. He used up all his acting skills and continued in a little crying voice: "It turns out that you have already move on. But, I still… don't go, okay?"

It was almost a humble prayer…

Geng Yan looked at his once very lively and spirited lover into this appearance, not to mention his distress.

He wanted to comfort the person in his arms, but he feared that the past will repeat itself. He used to think that he could give Anran happiness, but the latter proved him wrong.

When he quit his job and started a business, he worked very hard and was in turn, very busy everyday. Anran was also very considerate at first but gradually Anran lost patience. Because of the problem with time, they began to quarrel, fighting about any little friction in their life sparks a fuse, that detonated and become a cold war.

For one full months, all their interaction was only a quarrel between them.

Then one day, when he returned to the rental house, he found Anran leaving with his luggage. There was a break up letter pressed on the table, and you can tell how angry the other person was when writing the words.

"Lets break up. I've had enough! There's an old attack and a dead old attack4. I'm already fed up, you go and find the next r.e.t.a.r.d!"

He went crazy to find someone, trying to get back everything but he find no one.

"Geng ge, do you hate me? In the first place, it was me who first broke up."

Ji Anran was uncomfortable, but he still asked.

Geng ge was particularly busy when he started a business, with less than five days spent with him in one month. In less than two months, he can no longer stand it. In fact, thinking about it carefully, after waiting for the most difficult part in starting a business, the time that they can spend together in the future is still quite a lot… It's better than breaking up.

"No. You are very good. I have a lot of responsibilities for the break up in the first place. I don't think we are suitable, just a regular friend is fine."

He was known for his venous tongue, but during their quarrel, he was still reluctant and instead choose silence. Now thinking about it, the cold war hurt Anran a lot.

After losing it once, he was afraid to start again. He thought he can make Anran happy, but it turned out that he wanted too much.

"I think a have a bigger problem." Ji Anran pulled the corners of his mouth, heart cold.

Geng Yan is already taking away his hands, and if he doesn't work harder, he will be ditched in the next second.

Ji Anran bit his teeth, directly let go of Geng Yan, and sat on the ground.

"Geng ge, I really miss you and would love to be with you again." Ji Anran's face is powdered with a blush and looks very lovely and seductive.

Geng Yan felt as if a feather is constantly tickling his heart.

This thin face in his memory, the Anran that blushes whenever he holds his small hands. The person in front seems to overlap… It was as if they had never been separated, and as long as he raised his hand, he could touch the man in front of him.

Not waiting for Geng Yan to pull away from his memories, Ji Anran drums his cheeks and smashed the pot5, saying: "I don't care, I'm sitting here. Either until you come back or just wait until I die."

"I'm an ordinary person anyway and it doesn't mean that I'll be safe in the base. You go, let me be alone to fend for myself alright!"

Ji Anran stubbornly looked at Geng Yan, face determined.

In fact, he's not feeling the same in his heart: his rogue posture seems to be his immature self at the beginning. So many people looking, so humiliating ah… For Geng ge, face doesn't matter! Face can't be used to fall in love. Let it be lost!

Geng Yan: "… …"

This spoiled and proud, arrogant temper of a young master, really did not change at all…

Geng Yan's eyes feel on the steel pipe in Ji Anran's hands and did not talk for a long time.

With this piece of steel pipe aloe, can Anran safely go to the base and settle down? How can it be!

Geng Yan extended his hands, and pulled up Ji Anran from the ground.

"You follow me on this road. I will send you to the base. After you get to the base, your life won't be threatened at least. And you will depend on yourself for the future."

The smile on Ji Anran's face froze: "… …"

It's not the end that he wants! When they arrived at the base, he is going to dump him…

Forget it, take it slow. Just hang on~

On the way to the base, he still have a lot of time to make Geng ge change his mind~

Suddenly, another van drove into the alley. After the car stopped, a bunch of people got off.

A handsome young man looked at Ji Anran, a little taken back.

Chen Xiaohui quickly adjusted his mood and walked over, pretending to be surprised: "Geng ge, this is…"

"He is a former friend of mine and I'm going to take him with me until we get him to the base. He is an ordinary man and has no ability to protect himself."

Chen Xiaohui's heart is angry but he can only put on a worried, bitter face.

"Geng ge, he's going to drag our team down, isn't it bad?

Alarm bells rang in Ji Anran's heart, and he saw in one glance that this person is interested in Geng Yan.

This man is just like him!

Geng ge, why do you want to keep this person around? Is it really just because the other side has the ability?

Small Theatre:

Ji Anran: "This guy's not going to be a subst.i.tute, is he? You can play, I'll castrate, okay?

Geng Yan feeling a little cool in his lower body: "… …" That's a big pot.

Chen Xiaohui: "Cruel, to even castrate your old attack!"

Ji Anran pulls out a knife: "Nice try. You're the one to be castrated!"

1 當然,跟耿延站在一起,就有一種氪金外設和普通外設的明顯差距。 I dunno what the heck this means. Google, yandex, bing and purpleculture gave me the same translation, if u have a better translation do tell.

2 悽風苦雨 qī fēng kǔ yǔ lit. mourning the wind and bewailing the rain; fig. in a wretched plight; miserable circ.u.mstances

3 弱不禁風 ruò bù jīn fēng too weak to stand up to the wind (idiom); extremely delicate; fragile state of health

4 有老攻跟死老攻一個樣

5 破罐子破摔smash the pot if it's already cracked. When you feel really down in your life, you abandon yourself to despair because you lack the strength and courage to pick yourself up.