Fey Evolution Merchant - Chapter 3060: 100,000,000 Spirit Qi Crystals!

Chapter 3060: 100,000,000 Spirit Qi Crystals!

Chapter 3060: 100,000,000 Spirit Qi Crystals!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Sun Youcai said seriously, Your Excellency Lin Yuan, you have chosen more than 3,000 Spirit Craftsmen from me. If this deal is successful, you will be my biggest customer. From now on, Ill make an exception and give you a 10% discount on all talents. Ive never given such a discount to any faction before!

Feng Qian and Ding Tao, who were well aware of Sun Youcais personality, were extremely surprised by his words. Sun Youcai was actually willing to give up the profits. It was like seeing the moon in broad daylight! Sun Youcai was not lying.

Lin Yuan was indeed the first person to receive such treatment. Of course, the prerequisite for Lin Yuan to receive this treatment was that this transaction could proceed smoothly.

Sun Youcai seemed to be genuinely interested in forging a serious relations.h.i.+p with Lin Yuan. For Diverse City, Lin Yuan appeared exceptionally mysterious, but in truth, Sun Youcai was equally mysterious. It was said that Sun Youcai came from a hidden faction and his approach to befriending Lin Yuan differed from his usual method of connecting with clients.

Sun Youcai had not taken the initiative to give discounts to Lin Yuan because he wanted to maintain a customer relations.h.i.+p. Instead, it was an attempt to befriend Lin Yuan with his ident.i.ty as a member of a hidden faction.

Lin Yuan sensed Sun Youcais thoughts and said with a smile, In that case, Ill thank Mr. Sun in advance. The price of these 3,000 plus Spirit Craftsmen has already been marked in advance, so it shouldnt be difficult to calculate. Since were prioritizing the transaction before selection, lets complete the delivery as soon as possible.

When Lin Yuan mentioned the payment, he was very straightforward and dispelled the last trace of doubt in Sun Youcais heart. It also strengthened Sun Youcais desire to befriend Lin Yuan.

Young Master Lin, since youre so straightforward, I also feel that we hit it off very well. Therefore, Ill also give you a 10% discount on this batch of Spirit Craftsmen. Master Lin, dont let the modesty of my discount fool you.

When you consider it carefully, it amounts to a significant sum. Essentially, its like Im gifting you over 70 Spiritual Craftsmen. These over 70 Spirit Craftsmen are almost equivalent to the value of treasure that has been pa.s.sed down for generations!

Sun Youcais heart ached as he made the decision to offer Lin Yuan a discount. However, if he could befriend Lin Yuan, it would be a price he was willing to pay.

Giving away over 70 Spirit Craftsmen all at once was too much even for Sun Youcai to endure.

Upon seeing Sun Youcais pained expression, Lin Yuan felt amused, Brother Sun, since youre being so generous, I feel I should make some gesture in return. Lets forgo the discount for these Spirit Craftsmen, shall we? We can apply discounts to the talents I trade with later.

Brother Sun, as long as you bring out those hidden treasures for me to trade when the time comes, Ill be satisfied.

Lin Yuans address of Sun Youcai changed from Mr. Sun to Brother Sun which showed his att.i.tude and willingness to befriend Sun Youcai.

Upon hearing Lin Yuans words, Sun Youcai smiled so much that his eyes narrowed. He waved his hand enthusiastically, Brother Lin, since Ive offered this discount, rest a.s.sured I can afford it. You must be new to Diverse City, right? If theres anywhere you want to go, I can be your guide. I guarantee that Ill be more professional than the receptionists of Fortune Treasure Palace.

Upon hearing Sun Youcais words, Feng Qian and Ding Taos expressions changed. What did Sun Youcai mean by this? Why was he fighting with Fortune Treasure Palace for no reason?

Fortune Treasure Palace was now Lin Yuans guide. Even if Sun Youcai wanted to befriend Lin Yuan, he wouldnt go so far as to s.n.a.t.c.h Fortune Treasure Palaces connections, right? Moreover, it was Fortune Treasure Palace that had recommended Lin Yuan to come here to purchase talents.

Sun Youcai had completed such a large transaction largely because of Fortune Treasure Palace. Sun Youcais lack of grat.i.tude was one thing, but to behave in such a shameless manner was truly beyond acceptable. Feng Qian and Ding Tao were furious about this matter and they would definitely report it to Wan Ying.

Just as the hot-tempered Ding Tao was about to speak up, Feng Qian grabbed her by the sleeve. Feng Qian shook her head at Ding Tao. It was true that Sun Youcai had done something immoral and even though their statuses were not on par with his, they could still confront him for the sake of Fortune Treasure Palace.

In matters of interest, they were not just receptionists for Fortune Treasure Palace and they could represent the interests of Fortune Treasure Palace itself. However, if conflict were to occur, it would definitely impact Lin Yuans shopping experience regardless of how Sun Youcai reacted.

Lin Yuan had yet to finish his shopping at Sun Youcais place. Their top priority was to serve Lin Yuan well. Everything else was not as important as serving Lin Yuan well. If the conflict between Ding Tao and Sun Youcai displeased Lin Yuan and made him dissatisfied with Fortune Treasure Palace, he and Ding Tao would still be punished regardless of their motives, even if it was to protect Fortune Treasure Palaces interests.

For Lin Yuan, Sun Youcais invitation had no drawbacks whatsoever. In Diverse City, Sun Youcais reputation was much higher than Fortune Treasure Palaces manager, Wan Ying.

Lin Yuan addressed Sun Youcai as Brother Sun, which meant that he was willing to accept Sun Youcais goodwill.

Feng Qian had always been very tactful, and this was where Feng Qian was stronger than Ding Tao.

Sun Youcais invitation had two intentions. Firstly, he genuinely wants to invite Lin Yuan to strengthen their relations.h.i.+p. If he relied on this transaction alone, he and Lin Yuan could only work together and not become friends. Sun Youcai was aware that he was poaching from Fortune Treasure Palace. If Wan Ying heard about this, she would definitely settle scores with him.

Sun Youcai was not afraid of Wan Ying. He and Fortune Treasure Palaces interests were tied together. No matter how dissatisfied Wan Ying was, they would have to cooperate. Otherwise, Fortune Treasure Palace would suffer more losses than him.

Right now, there were many factions in Diverse City that wanted to join them, and the Traveling Dragon Palace even proposed to invest more in exchange for shares. It was just that the Traveling Dragon Palace had been expanding too much recently and did not have the ability to invest. Sun Youcai did not want to be trapped in the Traveling Dragon Palace, as the relations.h.i.+p may become too close for comfort.

The Bizarre Plant Demon Hall and Traveling Dragon Palace had reached a point where they would not rest until one of them died. The local tyrant of Extreme Wood City, Gray Smoke Stronghold, had seized the opportunity and firmly latched onto the Traveling Dragon Palace and was determined to drive them out of Extreme Wood City.

While the overall strength of Traveling Dragon Palace was indeed stronger than Gray Smoke Stronghold, the latters influence ran deep within Extreme Wood City and was not something Traveling Dragon Palace, an outsider who barged in, could deal with.

If Traveling Dragon Palace did not insist on taking such a big step, Sun Youcai would have been very willing to get closer to them.

Lin Yuan did not reject Sun Youcais good intentions. From Lin Yuans point of view, he only needed to choose for his own benefit. Fortune Treasure Palace was only a faction that served him. If Fortune Treasure Palace really had the intention to control him, Lin Yuan would strip away his relations.h.i.+p with it without hesitation.

Brother Sun, Ill have to trouble you in the future. I have to disturb you.

While Sun Youcai and Lin Yuan were conversing, Sun Youcais subordinates had already calculated the price.

Lin Yuan gave Sun Youcai the spirit qi crystals beforehand and instructed him to convert the prices into spiritual energy crystals. The exchange ratio between Honor Absent dollars and Cla.s.s 4 Creator resources was very transparent. There was no possibility of tampering with it in secret. Looking at the price calculated by his subordinate, Sun Youcais expression changed.

Sun Youcai first asked his subordinate. Have you applied the 10% discount?

The man, who was as round as Sun Youcai, hurriedly replied, Master, Ive already completed the discount and even calculated the price on both sides. If theres a problem, I can take responsibility!

Upon hearing this, Sun Youcai turned to Lin Yuan and said, Brother Lin, according to the spirit qi crystals you just took out, you need 27,634,372. If you think its too much, I can help you arrange an installment payment. Moreover, I wont charge you any interest during the installment period.

However, you wont be able to take all these Spirit Craftsmen away at once. You have to take these Spirit Craftsmen away in batches according to the installments. Dozens of factions in Diverse City have invested in this place. Otherwise, I wont be able to explain myself. I hope you understand.

Based on Sun Youcais understanding of Grade 4 Creators, obtaining these spirit qi crystals required 300 Grade 4 Creators to work for decades. It was difficult for a Grade 4 Creator to produce these resources even over a lifetime. Sun Youcai was afraid that Lin Yuan would feel pressured if he took out such a large number of spirit qi crystals.

Previously, Sun Youcai had never offered installment plans when dealing with any faction or individual. This was the second time Sun Youcai had given Lin Yuan preferential treatment.

Lin Yuan smiled and shook his head, Brother Sun, I prefer to settle transactions in one go rather than opt for installment plans. Over 20,000,000 qi crystals is not a significant sum for me. Otherwise, I wouldnt have used these spirit qi crystals to trade for Spirit Craftsmen. However, it will be a little troublesome to count these spirit qi crystals.

Lin Yuan took out his spatial equipment and handed it to Sun Youcai, Brother Sun, I have 100,000,000 spiritual qi crystals of the same standard as before here. Get your subordinates to count the spiritual qi crystals that need to be paid from inside and return this spatial equipment to me.

Apart from Spirit Craftsmen, Im also interested in Gourmet and Weavers. However, I dont need that many of them, hence Ill be extremely picky about their abilities. Brother Sun, I hope that the Gourmets and Weavers you provide for me are above Cla.s.s 4. If not, Ill have and choose from the Gourmets and Weavers who are at the pinnacle of Cla.s.s 3.

When Sun Youcai received the spatial equipment from Lin Yuan, he felt that his hands were heavy. The moment Sun Youcai received the s.p.a.ce equipment, he immediately probed it with his spiritual power and indeed found stacks of spirit qi crystals piled up like mountains. These spirit qi crystals in the s.p.a.ce equipment hadnt even been sorted much.

Sun Youcai looked at the exquisite spatial equipment in his hand as if he was holding the lives of the five Grade 4 Creators in his hands. Originally, Sun Youcai had already held Lin Yuan in high regard, but now, Lin Yuans status in his mind has undoubtedly risen even further.

Sun Youcais hidden faction would never allow the younger generation to wander around with so many spirit qi crystals. However, Lin Yuan was indifferent to these spirit qi crystals and did not take them seriously. Lin Yuans nonchalant att.i.tude could not be faked. If it was, Lin Yuan would most likely not dare to give this spatial equipment containing 100,000,000 spirit qi crystals to him.

Sun Youcai handed this spatial equipment to his subordinates. His subordinates had the same bloodline as him and were his trusted right-hand men. There shouldnt be any issues with having these subordinates count the spirit qi crystals.

Even though Feng Qian and Ding Tao had witnessed Lin Yuan exchanging spirit qi crystals for spiritual ingredients in Fortune Treasure Palace, they were still extremely shocked by Lin Yuans actions.

From last night until now, Lin Yuan had spent more than 40.000,000 spirit qi crystals. After spending 40,000,000 spirit qi crystals, Lin Yuan did not stop spending. Instead, he excitedly prepared to spend more.

At that moment, Feng Qian and Ding Tao understood why even Ling Muzhuo, one of the three Palace Masters, treated Lin Yuan with such an att.i.tude.

If Sun Youcai had only wanted to befriend Lin Yuan previously, he now wanted to latch onto Lin Yuans coattails. Now, he would not hide the talents in his hands at all.

After a brief inquiry, Sun Youcai addressed Lin Yuan directly, Brother Lin, I only have three Gourmets above Cla.s.s 4 and six Weavers above Cla.s.s 4. However, there are significant problems with one of the Gourmet and three of the Weavers. If it were anyone else, I definitely wouldnt say anything.

However, I wouldnt dare to hide anything from you. The Gourmet and the three Weavers came from the same faction. The young master of this faction blinded a young girl when he was traveling. This girls faction took revenge after the incident and blinded everyone in that faction. Therefore, the Gourmet and the three Weavers had lost their sight, which greatly affected the four of them. The other two Gourmets and Weavers roots were more or less injured. I didnt spend any resources to heal them.

Haha, Im a businessman. I wont engage in anything without cost-effectiveness. What if I cure them, but then they cant be sold? Wont I be in trouble? How about this? Ill bring you the two Gourmets and three Weavers who arent blind. I really dont recommend you buy the other four!

Feng Qian and Ding Tao were surprised by Sun Youcais att.i.tude toward Lin Yuan. Sun Youcai had never advised others not to buy talents from him. No matter how big the problem was with his subordinates, Sun Youcai would always brag.

Lin Yuan had the Jasmine Lily, whose recovery ability was not just regrowing severed limbs. Instead, it could activate the genetic model to repair the missing parts of the body. Even if the Gourmets and Weavers were blinded by some special means, Lin Yuan was confident that their injuries could be healed.

Three Cla.s.s 4 Gourmets and six Cla.s.s 4 Weavers were enough to serve the core members of Sky City.

Brother Sun, regardless of whether I will choose them or not, bring all nine of them up here so I can take a look!