Fey Evolution Merchant - Chapter 2971: Tears of Mermaid!

Chapter 2971: Tears of Mermaid!

Chapter 2971 - 2971: Tears of Mermaid!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

This tall Bloodian Queen who specially mentioned Qin Yu was not surprised that Qin agreed with her.

Rosa had been paying attention to Qin Yus situation since a long time ago. She had always felt that Qin Yu had the potential to become a Bloodian Queen. According to Rosas understanding of Qin Yu, the latter was not a person who liked to kill meaninglessly without caring about the benefits in front of her.

Rosa continued what Qin Yu said. The Meia clan doesnt plan to continue partic.i.p.ating in the follow-up operation either. In fact, its very simple whether we will continue the operation.

Whichever clan has the intention and goal of continuing the operation will send their own members. Only the clans that contribute can share the subsequent resources. Its fair!

Those Bloodian clans that dont plan on partic.i.p.ating in this operation will wait here, just like we will. If any Bloodian clan encounters a crisis while dealing with the sea species and mermaids that is very likely to exterminate them, the clans that dont intend to take action wont just watch but will come forward to help.

Rosas words set the tone for Qin Yus suggestion. After some thought, the other five Bloodian Queens did not raise any objections.

The decision of the Bloodian Queen sitting on the jeweled chair made the leaders of the Bloodians who only had king bloodlines heave a huge sigh of relief. As the party that suffered the greatest losses in this operation, they definitely did not want the losses to continue expanding.

Moreover, based on the current situation, there were basically no more benefits to continue harvesting.

This was the first time Qin Yu had spoken publicly after becoming a Bloodian Queen. All the queens had given her respect without exception. It could be considered as establis.h.i.+ng Qin Yus authority as a Bloodian Queen.

The Bloodian Queen spoke first, her dark red hair intricately braided with large gems adorning each strand.

Our species has gained a lot of benefits from this operation. Even the Bloodian clans that only have duke bloodlines have gained a lot. However, some resources belong to those who are capable. Why dont our queen clans trade for the Tears of Mermaid that the Allen clan obtained in this battle? Otherwise, if the mermaids come looking for us, I dont think the Allen clan itself can protect these resources from being taken away!

s.h.i.+ Mei, the Allen clans leader, felt a sense of foreboding upon hearing the news.

She was acutely aware that the Allen clan could not safeguard these resources. This wasnt the first time s.h.i.+ Mei had been involved in such endeavors.

Essentially, every collective action by the Bloodians resulted in the redistribution of resources held by the weaker clans. This ensured that the dominant clans ultimately reaped the benefits of resource allocation.

The Tears of the Mermaid could only be produced by mermaids above the thearch level. Not only was it a cherished treasure of the mermaids, but it also held immense value for the Bloodians.

s.h.i.+ Mei said sensibly, The Allen clan had planned to hand over these resources from the beginning. Even if you didnt say it, I was already prepared to submit these resources voluntarily after the event and let the queen clans distribute them!

With that, s.h.i.+ Mei respectfully took out a bottle. This bottle contained more than 20 drops of Tears of Mermaid.

Even Qin Yu, who could already obtain many resources from Lin Yuan, could not help but be tempted when she saw these Tears of Mermaid.

Qin Yu was not surprised by the way the Bloodians distributed resources.

Before Qin Yu ascended to the position of Bloodian Queen, she endured similar mistreatment. At that time, the sense of powerlessness gripping Qin Yus heart mirrored what s.h.i.+ Mei now experienced. Nevertheless, she maintained a facade of respect, concealing any discontent.

In the Bloodian society, status hinged not on prowess but on lineage.

Should dissent arise, even if the queens remained silent, other clans might attack the dissenting clans to curry favor with them.

The Elisa clan had previously suffered such repercussions, significantly impacting their trajectory. Were it not for these setbacks, the clan might have prospered centuries earlier.

Recognizing s.h.i.+ Meis astuteness, Qin Yu pondered the prospect of nurturing her further.

Qin Yu harbored ambitions of controlling the Bloodians, spurred not only by grat.i.tude toward Lin Yuan but also by the welfare of the Elisa clan.

The Elisa clan relied on Lin Yuans influence. Otherwise, Qin Yu wouldnt dare entertain such aspirations.

Presently, whatever challenges arose, Lin Yuan was ready to a.s.sist.

The Bloodian Queens found s.h.i.+ Meis compliance gratifying.

Qin Yu contemplated forging a connection with s.h.i.+ Mei in the future, perhaps even granting her a significant role within the hierarchy.

Qin Yu said at the right time, Its good that you have such awareness. In order to commend your awareness, Ill back you up during the exchange of resources so that you wont suffer a loss in the transaction!

The other Bloodian Queens were very surprised that Qin Yu had suddenly spoken up for this king clan.

In the eyes of the Bloodian Queens, the Allen clan was nothing special.

Although the Allen clan had the king bloodline, they did not have a king.

A Bloodian faction that did not even have a Bloodian king would not be noticed by these Bloodian Queens.

Within the Bloodian society, every action revolved around benefits. Acting on emotion was deemed impossible for them. High-level Bloodians, with their superior bloodlines, found it exceedingly challenging to hold favorable opinions of their low-level counterparts. Consequently, instances of high-level Bloodians marrying those of inferior bloodlines were almost nonexistent.

Grateful for Qin Yus a.s.sistance during her ordeal, s.h.i.+ Mei bowed to her in appreciation.

Qin Yu reciprocated with a gentle nod in response to s.h.i.+ Meis grat.i.tude.

The Tears of Mermaid stood as the mermaids most prized possession and the Bloodians greatest acquisition. These tears possessed the unique ability to increase any creatures affinity with water elements while concurrently catalyzing the purification of their bloodlines.

Upon obtaining such invaluable resources, the Bloodians werent limited to personal use; they could also leverage them in exchange for a plethora of high-grade Creator resources.

Qin Yu was about to contact Lin Yuan to see if he needed the Tears of Mermaid.

Now that she had become a Bloodian Queen, she had the conditions to trade with the other Bloodian Queens.

She had many Creator resources on hand and could use them to trade with the Bloodian Queens.

Since Qin Yu was willing to give respect to the other Bloodian Queens, they would definitely respect her as well. Therefore, even if some Bloodian Queens wanted to occupy the Allen clans resources for no reason, they still gave the Allen clan abundant resources when they traded for Tears of Mermaid.

The Allen clan had exchanged high-end resources for a plethora of low-end ones. By any measure, they found themselves at a disadvantage. Yet, this outcome represented the best they could achieve.

While surrendering the Tears of Mermaid might not appease the Bloodian Queens, reporting to higher-ups about a Bloodian clan h.o.a.rding such treasures would a.s.suredly earn her significant rewards.

Having already gone their separate ways, the Andra clan remained resolute, likely due to their ties with the Lonely Rivers four species. It was evident they harbored no intentions of reconciling with the Allen clan.

However, not long ago, Yi Xue took the initiative to seek out s.h.i.+ Mei, expressing hopes of burying the hatchet and resuming cooperation.

At the time, the Allen clan had already suffered numerous casualties, prompting s.h.i.+ Mei to agree to Yi Xues proposal.

Yet, throughout their renewed collaboration, the Andra clan consistently held back, leading to substantial losses for the Allen clan.

Despite numerous attempts to address these issues with Yi Xue, there was no sign of willingness to resolve matters. Thus, s.h.i.+ Mei was thoroughly disheartened by Yi Xue, whom she already held reservations about.

Being the first to discover the Tears of Mermaid, the Allen clan had shared this information due to their close partners.h.i.+p with the Andra clan, allowing Yi Xue to become aware of the situation.

Yi Xue had been thinking of ways to get resources from her in the name of cooperation. He had not done anything to obtain these resources.

However, s.h.i.+ Mei had been afraid that Yi Xue might disclose the discovery.

Despite her reluctance, she had relented and prepared to offer four Tears of Mermaid to the Andra clan as hush money.

In s.h.i.+ Meis view, this hush fee was already steep. Yet, Yi Xue had been dissatisfied and threatened her, claiming that failure to provide all required resources to the Andra clan would lead to the revelation of the Allen clans acquisition of the Tears of Mermaid.

Faced with Yi Xues coercion, s.h.i.+ Mei had contemplated allowing the Allen clan to claim the Tears of Mermaid for themselves. Nevertheless, she had gritted her teeth and surrendered an additional six precious Tears of Mermaid.

With the situation altered and the Tears of Mermaid already relinquished, there was no longer any need for s.h.i.+ Mei to succ.u.mb to Yi Xues threats.

Despite their falling out, s.h.i.+ Meis longstanding cooperation with the Andra clan had led her to still value their old friends.h.i.+p, and she had never contemplated taking action against Yi Xue. However, this sentiment relied on the condition that Yi Xue refrained from threatening her as well.

Now faced with Yi Xues forceful demeanor, s.h.i.+ Mei was no longer inclined to be lenient.

Observing Yi Xue standing nearby, s.h.i.+ Mei detected panic in his eyes.

If s.h.i.+ Mei were in Yi Xues position, she would surely take the initiative to offer the Tears of Mermaid in exchange for resources.

However, Yi Xue did not opt for this course of action. Greed seemed deeply ingrained within him.

To demonstrate our support for you, the Allen clan has already provided you with the necessary resources. We trust that the queens can appreciate the loyalty of our clan.

In further testament to my allegiance to the queens, I must report a matter of importance. The Tears of Mermaid are not solely in possession of the Allen clan. The Andra clan also holds them. These tears were acquired from our clan by the Andra clan. All queens must be made aware of this!

Upon finis.h.i.+ng her statement, s.h.i.+ Mei watched as Yi Xue collapsed to the ground.

The gazes of all the Bloodian Queens turned to Yi Xue as he hastily addressed them, Queens, upon learning of your need for the Tears of Mermaid, I had already prepared to offer them to you. However, before I could act, someone else intervened. I implore the queens to investigate this matter thoroughly! With that, Yi Xue swiftly produced the 10 Tears of Mermaid.

I recall that the Andra clan has not had a king for nearly 1,000 years. Yet, despite lacking a ruler, you still seek to monopolize such resources. It appears the Andra clan harbors rebellious intentions.

Do you not understand that as an inferior clan, you are obligated to obey the superior clans? Tell me, what consequences will the Andra clan face for their actions? In my view, considering the gravity of their offense, extermination seems a fitting punishment!

The Bloodian Queens were incensed by the Andra clans actions. Firstly, they were dismayed by the lack of prior notification regarding the Andra clans possession of the Tears of Mermaid, feeling a loss of control over their clans.

Furthermore, they keenly felt the erosion of their authority. A Bloodian clan without a king dared to defy their decree!

However, these Bloodian Queens would not really annihilate the Andra clan just because of this matter.

Although Yi Xue was afraid, he was thinking the same thing. As long as the Andra clan suffered in some way, it would be fine.

He had already formed a grudge with the Allen clan. He would have a chance to settle scores with s.h.i.+ Mei sooner or later.

The Andra clan has always been fearless in every Bloodian activity. We have paid a great price for this. This time, the Andra clan is really in trouble. We are willing to accept any punishment! I hope you can give us a chance. We are willing to take out 50% of the resources we acc.u.mulated as compensation!

Yi Xue no longer had any intention of defending himself. The expression of apology could be said to be unusually sincere.

Yi Xue knew very well that what the Bloodian Queens wanted was for him to submit to them. As long as he straightened his stance, he would still have a chance. He would be able to obtain the resources he lost sooner or later.

From now on, when the Andra clan developed, he would have to take revenge on the Allen clan for what happened today!

When s.h.i.+ Mei reported Yi Xue, he had already predicted that his report would most likely cause a deadly feud with the Andra clan..