Faust - Part 45

Part 45

They swear and storm, they yell and fight!


Here lies one dead already-see!

MARTHA (coming from the house)

The murderers, whither have they run?

MARGARET (coming out)

Who lies here?


'Tis thy mother's son!


Almighty G.o.d! what misery!


I'm dying! That is quickly said, And quicker yet 'tis done.

Why howl, you women there? Instead, Come here and listen, every one!

(All gather around him)

My Margaret, see! still young thou art, But not the least bit shrewd or smart, Thy business thus to slight: So this advice I bid thee heed- Now that thou art a wh.o.r.e indeed, Why, be one then, outright!


My brother! G.o.d! such words to me?


In this game let our Lord G.o.d be!

What's done's already done, alas!

What follows it, must come to pa.s.s.

With one begin'st thou secretly, Then soon will others come to thee, And when a dozen thee have known, Thou'rt also free to all the town.

When Shame is born and first appears, She is in secret brought to light, And then they draw the veil of night Over her head and ears; Her life, in fact, they're loath to spare her.

But let her growth and strength display, She walks abroad unveiled by day, Yet is not grown a whit the fairer.

The uglier she is to sight, The more she seeks the day's broad light.

The time I verily can discern When all the honest folk will turn From thee, thou jade! and seek protection As from a corpse that breeds infection.

Thy guilty heart shall then dismay thee.

When they but look thee in the face:- Shalt not in a golden chain array thee, Nor at the altar take thy place!

Shalt not, in lace and ribbons flowing, Make merry when the dance is going!

But in some corner, woe betide thee!

Among the beggars and cripples hide thee; And so, though even G.o.d forgive, On earth a d.a.m.ned existence live!


Commend your soul to G.o.d for pardon, That you your heart with slander harden!


Thou pimp most infamous, be still!

Could I thy withered body kill, 'Twould bring, for all my sinful pleasure, Forgiveness in the richest measure.


My brother! This is h.e.l.l's own pain!


I tell thee, from thy tears refrain!

When thou from honor didst depart It stabbed me to the very heart.

Now through the slumber of the grave I go to G.o.d as a soldier brave.





(MARGARET among much people: the EVIL SPIRIT behind MARGARET.)


HOW otherwise was it, Margaret, When thou, still innocent, Here to the altar cam'st, And from the worn and fingered book Thy prayers didst prattle, Half sport of childhood, Half G.o.d within thee!


Where tends thy thought?

Within thy bosom What hidden crime?

Pray'st thou for mercy on thy mother's soul, That fell asleep to long, long torment, and through thee?

Upon thy threshold whose the blood?

And stirreth not and quickens Something beneath thy heart, Thy life disquieting With most foreboding presence?


Woe! woe!

Would I were free from the thoughts That cross me, drawing hither and thither Despite me!


Diesira, dies illa, Solvet soeclum in favilla!