Faust - Part 35

Part 35


Now, there you are! O holy man!

Is it the first time in your life you're driven To bear false witness in a case?

Of G.o.d, the world and all that in it has a place, Of Man, and all that moves the being of his race, Have you not terms and definitions given With brazen forehead, daring breast?

And, if you'll probe the thing profoundly, Knew you so much-and you'll confess it roundly!- As here of Schwerdtlein's death and place of rest?


Thou art, and thou remain'st, a sophist, liar.


Yes, knew I not more deeply thy desire.

For wilt thou not, no lover fairer, Poor Margaret flatter, and ensnare her, And all thy soul's devotion swear her?


And from my heart.


'Tis very fine!

Thine endless love, thy faith a.s.suring, The one almighty force enduring,- Will that, too, prompt this heart of thine?


Hold! hold! It will!-If such my flame, And for the sense and power intense I seek, and cannot find, a name; Then range with all my senses through creation, Craving the speech of inspiration, And call this ardor, so supernal, Endless, eternal and eternal,- Is that a devilish lying game?


And yet I'm right!


Mark this, I beg of thee!

And spare my lungs henceforth: whoever Intends to have the right, if but his tongue be clever, Will have it, certainly.

But come: the further talking brings disgust, For thou art right, especially since I must.



(MARGARET on FAUST'S arm. MARTHA and MEPHISTOPHELES walking up and down.)


I feel, the gentleman allows for me, Demeans himself, and shames me by it; A traveller is so used to be Kindly content with any diet.

I know too well that my poor gossip can Ne'er entertain such an experienced man.


A look from thee, a word, more entertains Than all the lore of wisest brains.

(He kisses her hand.)


Don't incommode yourself! How could you ever kiss it!

It is so ugly, rough to see!

What work I do,-how hard and steady is it!

Mother is much too close with me.

[They pa.s.s.


And you, Sir, travel always, do you not?


Alas, that trade and duty us so harry!

With what a pang one leaves so many a spot, And dares not even now and then to tarry!


In young, wild years it suits your ways, This round and round the world in freedom sweeping; But then come on the evil days, And so, as bachelor, into his grave a-creeping, None ever found a thing to praise.


I dread to see how such a fate advances.


Then, worthy Sir, improve betimes your chances!

[They pa.s.s.


Yes, out of sight is out of mind!

Your courtesy an easy grace is; But you have friends in other places, And sensibler than I, you'll find.


Trust me, dear heart! what men call sensible Is oft mere vanity and narrowness.