Faust - Part 21

Part 21

There was a king once reigning, Who had a big black flea, And loved him past explaining, As his own son were he.

He called his man of st.i.tches; The tailor came straightway: Here, measure the lad for breeches.

And measure his coat, I say!


But mind, allow the tailor no caprices: Enjoin upon him, as his head is dear, To most exactly measure, sew and shear, So that the breeches have no creases!


In silk and velvet gleaming He now was wholly drest- Had a coat with ribbons streaming, A cross upon his breast.

He had the first of stations, A minister's star and name; And also all his relations Great lords at court became.

And the lords and ladies of honor Were plagued, awake and in bed; The queen she got them upon her, The maids were bitten and bled.

And they did not dare to brush them, Or scratch them, day or night: We crack them and we crush them, At once, whene'er they bite.

CHORUS (shouting)

We crack them and we crush them, At once, whene'er they bite!

FROSCH Bravo! bravo! that was fine.


Every flea may it so befall!


Point your fingers and nip them all!


Hurrah for Freedom! Hurrah for wine!


I fain would drink with you, my gla.s.s to Freedom clinking, If 'twere a better wine that here I see you drinking.


Don't let us hear that speech again!


Did I not fear the landlord might complain, I'd treat these worthy guests, with pleasure, To some from out our cellar's treasure.


Just treat, and let the landlord me arraign!


And if the wine be good, our praises shall be ample.

But do not give too very small a sample; For, if its quality I decide, With a good mouthful I must be supplied.

ALTMAYER (aside)

They're from the Rhine! I guessed as much, before.


Bring me a gimlet here!


What shall therewith be done?

You've not the casks already at the door?


Yonder, within the landlord's box of tools, there's one!

MEPHISTOPHELES (takes the gimlet)


Now, give me of your taste some intimation.


How do you mean? Have you so many kinds?


The choice is free: make up your minds.


Aha! you lick your chops, from sheer antic.i.p.ation.


Good! if I have the choice, so let the wine be Rhenish!

Our Fatherland can best the sparkling cup replenish.


(boring a hole in the edge of the table, at the place where FROSCH sits)

Get me a little wax, to make the stoppers, quick!