1870 Man and Wife published. Dickens: The Mystery of Edwin Drood (incomplete).
1871 Second daughter by Martha Rudd.
Caroline Graves again living with Collins (May). Darwin: Descent of Man.
Lewis Carroll: Through The Looking-glass.
1872 Poor Miss Finch published. George Eliot: Middlemarch.
Samuel Butler: Erewhon.
1873 The New Magdalen published. Brother dies. From September (to March 1874), tours United States and Canada. J. S. Mill: Autobiography.
Arnold: Literature and Dogma.
1874 Son by Martha Rudd. Hardy: Far from the Madding Crowd.
1875 The Law and the Lady published.
1876 The Two Destinies published. George Eliot: Daniel Deronda.
1877 Harriet Martineau:
Mallock: The New Republic.
1878 Hardy: The Return of the Native.
1879 A Rogue's Life and The Fallen Leaves published. Meredith: The Egoist.
Lancashire cotton famine (to 1864).
Fenian conspiracy. Insurrection in Jamaica. Russell becomes Prime Minister.
Hyde Park riots. Derby becomes Prime Minister; Disraeli becomes Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Reform Act. Disraeli becomes Prime Minister. Trial of Fenians at Manchester. Marx: Das Kapital, vol. I.
Gladstone becomes Prime Minister. Prosecution of Governor Eyre of Jamaica.
Girton College, Cambridge, for women students.
Franco-Prussian War. Civil Service open to competition. Education Act (compulsory attendance to thirteen). Dickens dies.
Paris Commune. Abolition of purchase of army commissions. Tichbourne Case.
Remington typewriter.
Disraeli becomes Prime Minister.
Bulgarian atrocities.
Victoria becomes Empress of India. Daily Chronicle. Ibsen's Pillars of Society acted.
Congress of Berlin. Afghan War. Microphone invented.
Zulu War.
DATE AUTHOR'S LIFE LITERARY CONTEXT 1880 Jezebel's Daughter published. Gissing: Workers in the Dawn.
Hardy: The Trumpet Major.
1881 The Black Robe published. Henry James: Portrait of a Lady
Wilde: Poems
W. H. White: The Autobiography of Mark Rutherford.
1883 Heart and Science published. Trollope: Autobiography.
Stevenson: Treasure Island.
1884 'I Say No' published.
1885 Ruskin: Praeterita.
Meredith: Diana of the Crossways.
Walter Pater: Marius the Epicurean.
1886 The Evil Genius published. Hardy: The Mayor of Casterbridge.
Stevenson: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
1887 Little Novels (short stories) published. Conan Doyle: A Study in Scarlet.
1888 The Legacy of Cain published. Kipling: Plain Tales from the Hills.
Mrs Humphrey Ward: Robert Elsmere.
1889 Dies at 82 Wimpole Street (23 September); buried (27 September) at Kensal Green Cemetery. Jerome K. Jerome: Three Men in a Boat.
Conan Doyle: The Sign of Four.