Farming In The Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old - Chapter 996

Chapter 996

Chapter 996 Just take a look

"And they hired people to dig everywhere," Xue Dafu continued, "I can definitely dig more, and no matter what, it will definitely be a lot more than last year. Last year, five acres of wild things were planted. Ten acres of wasteland to plant new wild things for you? If 50 acres is not enough, our family can buy wasteland from others. Although our family has a lot of land, we can also hire people to plant and harvest, and we can also be busy. of."

Because it is seedling cultivation, and he and his daughter-in-law are free, so he and his daughter-in-law come to prepare the land.

Jiang Yuedao: "If you don't have enough to buy more, then don't leave much land first. Let's see how many acres of tomatoes, potatoes, etc. can be planted after they have emerged. Plant them first."

"It's done. It's done." Xue Dafu laughed happily.

Liu Guixia was also very happy, "It's because you have a good mind. We just thought about planting the wild things that we planted at home last year. We didn't even think about digging around to see if we could grow other new things."

It was not until noon that Xue Yihu shouted at the head of the village that he was eating, and Jiang Yue and Xue Yan went back with Liu Guixia and Xue Dafu.

Liu Guixia asked Xue Yan to lead Jiang Yue to the front, and she led the cow to the back.

And Xue Dafu walked in the back carrying the plow. It was only in the afternoon that the plow was no longer needed, so the plow and the ox were brought home.

On the way back, they met their second brother Xue Erhu.

Their second brother didn't stay at home after they came to the field, but went to the workshop on the mountain to see how everyone in the workshop was making rice noodles.

Since they hired a lot of people in their workshop, their family didn't make rice noodles anymore, except to teach those hired people to make rice noodles at first, and they all let those hired people do it. Just look and take care.

also heard their eldest brother calling for dinner, and their second brother came out of the workshop and was going home for dinner.

And the people in the workshop are also ready to eat, and the food in the workshop has already been prepared.

Xue Erhu saw that his father Xue Dafu was carrying a plough on his shoulders, his long legs immediately sped up, and he came over to take the plough on his father's shoulders and let him carry it home.

went around the river, and within a few steps, it was the stable and the cowshed. Liu Guixia put the cows into the cowshed, while Jiang Yue and Xue Yan helped to throw some grass into the cowshed for the cows to eat.

This also saves cattle herding.

Since I bought a horse, I have never let cows go, I just bought grass.

In Shiliba Village, whoever has forage can sell it to their family, and their family can buy it elsewhere. Many children in the village often cut some fresh grass for cattle and horses to sell to their families, and they can earn a little money for their families.

Seeing that there was still a lot of water in the cow trough, there was no need for them to add water, so Jiang Yue and Xue Yan followed Liu Guixia out of the cow shed and went home.

Xue Erhu and Xue Dafu didn't come to the cowshed, and went back with the plow first.

As for the stable, it is not the one that was built at the beginning. It has already been expanded, and it is strong and large. Although there are several horses in it, some of them belong to their own family, and there are Zicui and others. Wait for Shao Zhongxi Qiyin to come again. In the village, two more horses will be put in it, but the forage in it is very sufficient now, and there is a lot of water in the stone trough, so there is no need to worry about it.

"Sh... Shengqing, Moon Treasure."

Shao Youyue followed Li Hehua around the village and then came back. I heard that Xue Yan and Jiang Yue were back, but she didn't go back, but sat in the front yard with Li Hehua.

It wasn't until Xue Yan came back with Jiang Yue and saw his own son that Shao Youyue's eyes lit up immediately, and he almost called out Shu'er, but fortunately he changed his tune in time, and Xue Dafu and the others didn't hear it.

(end of this chapter)