Farming In The Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old - Chapter 940

Chapter 940

Chapter 940 Why bother so much

Xue Yan knew that she could produce a lot of seeds and strong seedlings that could grow high yields in barren land. When she heard what she said, she naturally understood what she meant, so she nodded and replied, "Yes."

But before he opened his mouth to tell his family, their second brother Xue Erhu had already spoken again: "But dad, eldest brother and I all think this is too big, there are so many families in Shili Ba Village, I really want to let them idle. How much money we have to spend that year, if there is an accident, we may not have the money to spend, so we didn't agree immediately, saying that we would come back and think about it, and discuss it with our family. In fact, we all dared not, and wanted to refuse, but at the time it was not good, so we wiped Lizheng's face. After all, Lizheng was also thinking of Shili Ba Village, and we are also from these Shili Ba Village. If we could help, we would definitely I helped, but I also know that I have to do what I can. On the way back just now, my father told my eldest brother and me about it. I will go and tell Li Zheng tomorrow, saying that our family has discussed it, and I dare not agree to this matter. The family is too risky, and Li Zheng is a sensible person after all, so he shouldn't blame us."

Liu Guixia hurriedly said: "I can't agree, who knows what kind of changes will happen in the future, in case they have worked hard and are ready to sell to our family, but our family has no money to buy them. The village has no choice but to blame us, saying that we agreed, but it became like this."

When Xue Yan saw his fourth brother open his mouth, he seemed to object, and hurriedly pulled his fourth brother's clothes secretly.

Xue Sihu was taken aback.

From the perspective of a businessman, he didn't think it was too risky, but he just felt that it was not necessary to buy wasteland from Shili Ba Village, so why bother.

Time is also a cost.

However, Xiaoyan of his family suddenly pulled him. After he was stunned, he reacted naturally. Why did Xiaoyan of his family pull him, obviously to let him not object.

Moreover, Xiaoyan of his family is actually the prince of Daling, and now there must be a bigger dimension to consider.

Involuntarily, he thought that their Daling Kingdom encouraged wasteland development.

That must be good for Daling and the people, that's why Xiaoyan of his family is like this.

Thinking like this, Xue Sihu swallowed all the original objections and said with a smile: "Dad, I think I should agree, the more fields in the family, isn't it a good thing? Before the five tigers beat a blind bear, that money But they all bought the fields first. If there is anything, it is better to hold the fields in your hands and feel at ease. Besides, mother, you didn't say that last year, strawberries, tomatoes and other wild things could grow very well in the wasteland, that's it Watermelon also grows well on wasteland. Don't we keep seeds at home? If it's a big deal, we can also grow these things in wasteland that we buy later, so we can't lose money. When we sold these last year, the business was booming, as you can see. Besides, It's not just our town. In the future, we can sell things to other towns, counties, and other places. Anyway, we will sell them wherever we can. Now even if we buy 100 acres, it really grows bigger. , it will definitely not be enough by then. Also, do you underestimate me too much? Why is it always just in case, how can there be so many in case, my rice noodle shop has just developed, the county's branch The number will open in two days, and it will only get better in the future."

"It's this principle, it's this principle." Xue Dafu, Liu Guixia and others kept nodding their heads, as if they were suddenly enlightened.

(end of this chapter)