Farming In The Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old - Chapter 761

Chapter 761

Chapter 761 Is it unreliable to recognize relatives by dripping blood?

Hearing this, Jiang Yue immediately looked at Xue Yan.

Xue Yan groaned in his heart.

No way? Could it be that his family Yuebao really said that he is His Royal Highness?

Then why didn't they hear what Shao Youyue said, Shao Youyue has been coming to their house for more than three months.

Xue Yan looked at Shao Youyue suspiciously.

Jiang Yue also thought this was strange, and also looked at Shao Youyue.

But before Shao Youyue could react, Shao Shuting was already following his own words and said with a smile: "I also forgot what my nephew looked like when he was a child, it has been so many years, and he was a young man who was just born. My baby, I haven't seen each other again, how can I remember it?"

Xue Yan was still looking at Shao Youyue.

Jiang Yue also looked at Shao Youyue.

Shao Shuting finally noticed: "...You guys just ignore me. Wait," he finally realized that something was wrong, and also looked at Shao Youyue, "Sister, didn't you tell Shengqing that he is like my nephew? ?"

It's not that you can't say this, why didn't you say it?

"No." Shao Youyue said with a gentle smile, "I was worried that I told Shengqing that Shu'er grew to look like him, and I wanted to have a blood test with him. In the end, if it wasn't, he would be very disappointed, and he wanted to wait until the day of the blood test to tell him. If that's the case, he would also be disappointed that day. How could Old Doctor Shen know that I have suffered from unstoppable bleeding since I was a child, and my health It wasn't good, I couldn't do a blood test, so I didn't talk about it again, and I still planned to have a blood test someday, and I would tell him another day."

And now, if it wasn't for her third brother telling this child Shengqing, she would not have said it.

After all, her son has been found, and it is not Shengqing at all, why say it, making this child Shengqing uncomfortable.

The one who was picked up should be somewhat sensitive to this kind of thing.

Hearing this, Xue Yan was calm on the surface, but inside he was like a stormy sea.

It shows that the impact on him is not small.

The current queen even thought about having a blood test with him?

You can see the meaning of the current queen. It seems that there is no need to test it now. Does that mean that the real prince has been found? Has the blood test proved it to be true? Are people still alive? So, completely ruling out the possibility that he is the prince, Shao Shuting and the queen would say these words to him so easily?

In the last life, the prince was found after mid-April and before the middle of June next year, and he was still the prince who was cut into eight pieces... Not only has this life advanced so much, but people are still alive...

If this is the butterfly effect, then the impact is a bit big.

Xue Yan can think of these, and Jiang Yue can naturally think of these.


Drop blood test?

This is not reliable at all.

Although there was a blood test in the ancient times of her original world, it was really unreliable.

This beautiful queen and the others, shouldn't they have mistaken their son?

After all, the Queen Beauty initially thought that Xue Yan would look like the prince when he grew up.

Logically speaking, Xue Yan should be the prince.

As soon as Jiang Yue thought of this, she wanted to ask Shao Youyue and Shao Shuting if they knew any jade pendants, because Xue Yan had carried a jade pendant with her since she was a child, but now the jade pendant has not been brought back, and the people from Mr. Zhang's family haven't received it from Changyu. return.

But before she opened her mouth to ask, she heard Shao Shuting and Shao Youyue laughing: "It's still you women who are delicate, if this is me, if it's not easy to tell Shengqing, this will definitely be said. But now the prince has recognized his ancestors. Now, there's nothing more to say."

(end of this chapter)