Farming In The Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old - Chapter 613

Chapter 613

Chapter 613 Do you think this king will believe?

said, and stepped aside.

Shao Zhongxi came in so coldly.

Qiyin and Xue Yan nodded slightly before they followed.

Jiang Yue and Xue Yan walked at the back.

Xue Yan also closed the backyard door.

Passed the back door and entered the front lobby. Shao Zhongxi went straight to the second floor.

"Hehehehe, who are you?" Xue Dagui rushed over.

Shao Zhongxi, as if he hadn't heard it, was still cold and went straight to the second floor.

Qiyin also followed.

"Hey!" Xue Dagui was even more anxious, making a gesture to drag the man down.

But it was stopped by Xue Sihu who walked over quickly.

is followed by his family Xiaoyan and Yuebao. These two people must be people Xiaoyan and Yuebao know. His fourth uncle doesn't even look behind.

The fourth uncle has a brain, but sometimes he is really careless.

"Fourth brother, I'll tell you later." Xue Yan said.

"Well, hurry up." Xue Sihu asked Xue Yan and Jiang Yue to hurry up. He is not stupid, and it can be seen that the identity of the man in red is not simple.

After Shao Zhongxi went up to the second floor, Qiyin hurriedly walked around the front, chose a room and pushed it open. Seeing that it was a room where no one was staying, she waited at the door of the room until Shao Zhongxi walked in, and she also walked in. .

Jiang Yue and Xue Yan followed, not in a hurry, and walked in slowly.

Until they went in and sat down at the round table in the room, Qiyin put down the long brocade box in his hand and placed it in front of them. Immediately, Qiyin backed out, holding a sword in his hand, guarding the door of the room.

This long carved brocade box was placed in front of them, obviously for them.

And they didn't expect the cold Shao Zhongxi to say anything more.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yue and Xue Yan looked at each other, and then Xue Yan opened the brocade box in front of him, and inside lay a well-wrapped trick.

No need to open it, the two of them already knew that it was the one they lost yesterday.

It was originally in Shao Zhongxi.

At this time, Shao Zhongxi also said coldly: "Shu Ting said that you are different, and I saw it today, and it really is."

Jiang Yue and Xue Yan understood that taking away the trick is indeed to confirm something, but to make sure that they are different from ordinary children.

Now that it's confirmed, the tricks will be returned to them.

"Why don't you study anymore?" Shao Zhongxi suddenly looked at Xue Yan with cold eyes and sharp eyes, not letting go of any expression on Xue Yan's face.

Xue Yan did not change his expression, "Your Highness has already checked, why bother asking."

Such a suspicious person, since he thought he and his Yuebao were suspicious, he took away the trick yesterday and tried his Yuebao again today. His Moon Treasure.

are all smart people, and some things don't need to be pretended.

is useless even if installed.

"You prefer to grow crops..." Shao Zhongxi tapped his finger on the table and glanced at him, "Do you think this king will believe it?"

"Whether the prince believes it or not, it cannot change this fact."

Shao Zhongxi looked at him.

He didn't dodge either, looking directly into Shao Zhongxi's eyes, letting Shao Zhongxi watch.

Shao Zhongxi frowned. Few things could escape his eyes, but he really couldn't see through the two children, one big and one small, in front of him.

After waiting for a while, he didn't see Shao Zhongxi speaking again, and he couldn't just sit like this all the time, Xue Yan spoke again: "If there is nothing wrong with your lord, please come back."

Shao Zhongxi didn't say anything, and sat coldly for a while before getting up and leaving.

Qiyin naturally went with him.

(end of this chapter)