Farming In The Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old - Chapter 540

Chapter 540

Chapter 540 My father has a bad temper

The prisoner's eyes widened: "But that grandfather asked him to clean up..."

"This official is the magistrate of this county!" Fang Yiming shouted. "When did the county government come under the control of the Zhennan Army? In short, during the period when this official is the county magistrate, no unjust, false or wrongful convictions are allowed in this cell!"

Otherwise, he would rather not be the county magistrate.

"Yes, yes." Seeing that their gentle and polite county magistrates were all angry, how could the prison guard be disobedient.

But the magistrate they are now really bold, dare to commit the following crimes? If it was the county magistrate who they were at the beginning, they would have let him ignore the three sevens and twenty-one, and just clean up and please the grandfather.

Ten Ye did not return to Huaishu Village until it was almost dawn. When he returned to Huaishu Village, he went to his family's general's room and reported the matter in a low voice.

After the report, Shi Ye couldn't help but say: "The three tiger brothers are really brave, and it's not a problem to throw three people out with one arm. ."

"I haven't been trained or practiced martial arts. It's rare to be able to do this..." Shao Shuting said and smiled, "My father definitely likes it more."

Shiye said: "The Grandpa should like it, but his temper is really..."

"It's okay," Shao Shuting didn't care at all, "My father has a bad temper."

Ten Ye: "..."

It was dawn, and Jiang Yue and Xue Yan also got up. Seeing that there was still some time before breakfast, the two took their things and went to the watermelon field on the mountain to clean up the smashed watermelons and trampled by Liu Guisheng and the others last night. He also picked some watermelons and brought them to the stall for sale by the ice maker.

I couldn't pick much strawberries and tomatoes today, and I didn't have enough to eat at home, so I didn't plan to sell them in town.

After having breakfast and drying the rice on the paddy field for a while, I saw that there were bricks and tiles, a carriage and a carriage slowly being delivered. It should be able to deliver before dark today.

It was also at this time that in the county, the head of the prison had already tried Liu Guisheng and the others.

The trial is very good. The peasants are afraid of the government and the officials. Liu Guisheng and the others, including Mrs. Liu, shivered when they saw the officials, not to mention that they are still in prison.

During the first interrogation, there was no need to beat the board. Liu Guisheng and the others immediately explained what they had done.

After the full trial was clear, the head of the cell came to the county magistrate's house to look for their magistrate.

Today is their county magistrate's day off, but their county magistrate is still dealing with things in the study. Since taking office, their county magistrate has been like this, busy with official business every day, and sometimes the day off. He will open the yamen to try many cases in court, and he is not the same person as the former county magistrate. When the former county magistrate comes to rest, even if he is killed, it is impossible to handle official business, let alone bring a case to trial. Even if they disturbed him, he would be furious, saying that he would take a rest today.

"Sir, the trial is clear." The prison head bowed.

Fang Yiming looked at the case file and asked without looking up, "Is it really a trickster?"

"Yes." After speaking, the prison head couldn't help but look angry, and added: "It's too tricky! That grandfather is right to clean up, so we should clean up well and let them never do it again next time. Dare. How can there be such a family in the world, that old woman, marrying a daughter is selling her daughter, and not giving a dowry, that's okay, and later she disliked her daughter's poverty and drove her daughter's family back halfway..."

(end of this chapter)