Farming In The Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old - Chapter 296

Chapter 296

Chapter 296 Who is not in a good mood?

Before Jiang Yue and Xue Yan could speak, Xue Sihu hurriedly closed the cloth bag so that no one else could see it.

Xue Sihu wiped the sweat from his face with a towel, and then said again: "Are you hungry? I'll make egg fried rice for you. In the morning, my sister-in-law packed the rice that I cooked in the morning, and I haven't brought it out yet. ."

After saying that, he quickly washed his hands again, and then got busy again and started to make egg fried rice for their two precious children.

He was actually hungry himself. Sister-in-law had prepared enough rice for the three of them, so he poured it all into the pot. Like his two children, he would also eat fried rice with eggs.

"Fourth brother, add some green vegetables, I want to eat green vegetables." Jiang Yue said.

"Okay." Xue Sihu threw some green vegetables into the pot that he had washed a long time ago. These green vegetables were reserved for cooking fans and sold, and they were not used up when selling fans.

After Xue Sihu finished frying the egg fried rice, the last group of people who ate the rice noodles also left. Jiang Yue and Xue Yan hurriedly cleaned the table, washed the dishes and chopsticks, and then sat on the farthest back. The table began to eat egg fried rice unhurriedly.

Jiang Yue prefers the vegetables in this egg fried rice, so Xue Yan picked out all the vegetables in his bowl and gave them to Jiang Yue, and then he started to eat them.

The aunt on the opposite side saw that they were not busy, so she smiled at them: "Your rice noodles are really booming, let's all follow suit, I haven't sold anything for several days, I'll check it out today. I've sold several of them."

The stall owners of other stalls that were originally deserted all echoed with a smile: "Yes, yes."

Even the young businessman next to them smiled: "My gadgets are also selling a lot."

Can sell things and make money, who doesn't feel good?

"Where," Xue Sihu said with a smile, "It's your things that are good."

Jiang Yue and Xue Yan are used to their fourth brother being able to say nice things all the time, and it is no exaggeration to say that their fourth brother is exquisite in all aspects of life.

Xue Sihu was so hungry that he devoured it. He ate the egg fried rice in the bowl in no time, and then went to the pot to serve it again. By the way, he asked, "Do you still want it?"

"No, we have enough in our bowl, fourth brother, you can finish it." Xue Yan and Jiang Yue both said.

"Xing Xing Xing." Xue Sihu put the egg fried rice left in the pot into his bowl and ate it again. Don't look at the task of cooking rice noodles, but when you get really busy, you have to use your brain to deal with people who come to eat rice noodles, and you have to keep your hands moving. To be honest, it's really tiring.

However, as long as you can earn money, you should be tired.

When Xue Sihu finished eating the egg fried rice, Jiang Yue and Xue Yan took Xue Sihu's tableware and chopsticks and put them in the basin. The two children squatted in front of the basin and started to wash the tableware and chopsticks.

Xue Sihu just sat beside him and watched happily, without stopping, knowing that his two precious children wanted him to rest. But he still couldn't help touching the top of his two precious children's heads, boasting: "Our little Yan and Yuebao are really sensible."

Jiang Yue and Xue Yan were still washing their things.

The hands are very small, some bowls are bigger than their faces, and the pots are even bigger than their faces. After brushing for a while, they are cleaned and set aside to drain.

After everything was drained, Xue Sihu also rested and started to pack up, putting some large items in the backyard of Shen's Medical Center.

The Shen's Medical Center is the Shen's Medical Center, the Shen family is the Shen family, and Shen Yuxuan lives in two places in the town, but the Shen's Medical Center is closer to where they are now, so he thought about putting things in the Shen's Medical Center. Go to the backyard.

(end of this chapter)