Farming In The Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old - Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Out of a Protective Mindset

Therefore, peanuts are generally dug small holes in the ground, and two peanut seeds are directly sown in each small hole, and then covered with soil. Sow the seeds and cover with a thin layer of soil with a rake.

Then if she also replaces peanuts and sesame seeds with seedlings grown in her space, and she is the only one, when will it be transplanted?

Besides, transplanting is also seasonal. If the time is too long, the season will be missed, and the best growth period of these crops will also be missed. No matter how good the seedlings are, there will be no good harvests in the end.

So, Jiang Yue thought about it.

Only the seedlings in the sorghum, corn, and cotton fields are replaced, and the sesame and peanuts are ignored. Next year, the seeds of sesame and peanuts will be replaced directly next year.

Jiang Yue followed Xue Yan and walked along the mountain road. Then, after turning a corner, he came to the left side of the mountain. Naturally, he saw Xue Dafu and the others who were reclaiming the wasteland.

In addition to not seeing Xue Wuhu, Xue Dafu, Xue Yihu, Li Hehua, and Xue Erhu were all there.

Xue Dafu, Xue Yihu, and Xue Erhu were in the front with ropes like cows, pulling the plow, while Li Hehua was in the back, struggling to support the plow.

In fact, this acre of wasteland is about to be opened. The grass and tree roots have been dug out and cleaned up. Now the only thing left is to turn the soil.

But the soil was too hard, it was difficult for one person to pull the plough, and there were no cattle at home, so only three strong laborers could pull it at the same time, and the plough reluctantly entered the soil and walked slowly forward.

Too hard.

Jiang Yue subconsciously wanted to help.

But thinking that Xue Yan didn't want her family to find out that something was wrong with her, she didn't have to think about it, she knew that he was out of a protective mentality to protect Xue Dafu and the others, lest they be frightened. After all, not everyone is as courageous as him. big.

Moreover, the people here are really superstitious, she has such a big change so suddenly, it is very likely that she is a ghost and will do something to her.

When she beat up Boss Jiang's family, Boss Jiang's family actually thought she was a ghost, so they were as scared as seeing a ghost at that time.

Even, up to now, Boss Jiang's family has not dared to say that she beat him.

Anyway, it can be seen that Xue Yan is actually protecting her.

But, to be honest, she didn't need such protection at all at first, because she wasn't afraid. But now that she all went home with Xue Dafu and became a part of Xue Dafu's family, she could not ignore the feelings of Xue Dafu and the others who were kind to her.

Well, she'll try to hide what's wrong with her.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yue naturally didn't go over to help pull the plow, and still followed Xue Yan like a child.

"Father." Xue Yan shouted, and Xue Dafu and the others discovered them.

Xue Dafu immediately grinned: "Why are you here?"

Xue Yan said: "Mother said that she left the **** in the ditch below. I'm afraid you don't know, so she asked me to come and get it back for her. Father, mother and second sister-in-law are already cooking, it's almost ready, mother let me You can go back."

"Go, go, go." Xue Dafu stopped pulling the plow. Turning to Xue Yihu and the others, he said, "That's all for today. I'll get another day tomorrow, and I'll be able to plant beans the day after tomorrow. Pack up and go home."

"Hey." Xue Yihu, Li Hehua, and Xue Erhu all responded.

(end of this chapter)