Farming In The Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old - Chapter 189

Chapter 189

Chapter 189 Believe it or not, I'll draw you?

Before Xue Zhuzi had time to raise his hands and feet in approval, Xue Dagui had already raised his hand: "Do you believe that I will beat you?"

Zhang Meili flinched immediately, for fear that Xue Dagui would really hit her.

didn't dare to laugh greedily again.

"Zhang Meili, I have warned you long ago that if you dare to take advantage of my third brother's house again, you will go directly to your mother's house and stop being a scumbag!" Xue Dagui said. "I finally made up with my third brother, and my father is also happy to see my change. If you continue to stir shit, you can go back to your mother's house now!"

Which woman who has been divorced will be seen by her parents? Zhang Meili naturally didn't want to be taken back to her parents' home, so she stopped immediately.

But it is only on the surface, and I naturally hate it in my heart.

Xue Dagui was also angry, too lazy to say anything to Zhang Meili, he turned his head and said to Xue Zhuzi: "You also go together. It doesn't matter how old you are, the five tigers are two years younger than you and have followed your third uncle and the others. Worked everywhere. How many times did you work for the family when you were so old?"

Hearing Xue Wuhu's name, Xue Zhuzi immediately became angry, and he was also lazy, and even when he was dissatisfied, he shouted: "My body is just right, Dad, you let me go to work? Why? Let me rest for a few more days."

The eldest son is with her, and he is like her. Zhang Meili feels sorry for the eldest son, so she hurriedly smiled and said, "Yes, I'm in charge, I'll just go. We still expect Zhuzi to support us in the future, who's not with the eldest? Son? We have to be nice to the pillar."

"Okay, okay." Xue Dagui was really too lazy to say anything, so he left with his hoe.

Zhang Meili was still afraid, so she quickly followed with her hoe.

Xue Zhuzi stayed at home alone, thinking that since the bear blind man appeared in the mountains, no one dared to go hunting in the deep mountains again, so he naturally did not dare to go.

He didn't like Xue Wuhu all the time, and looked down on Xue Wuhu very much. Even if he bullied Xue Wuhu, Xue Wuhu would endure it, and even his family dared not say it.

As a result, it was just such a person who beat the blind bear and sold so much money, and still refused to share him?

If it wasn't for these things, he wouldn't have been beaten to death by his father later.

Now that he is in good health, he naturally wants to take care of Xue Wuhu.

And that Xue Yan.

Really ate the gall of a bear and a leopard, and everyone was so rude to him at that time!

A child dares to point an ax at him? !

Xue Zhuzi really got angrier the more he thought about it, so he went out and wandered around Xue Wuhu's house. He wanted to beat Xue Wuhu to relieve his anger first while Xue Wuhu was single.

Liang that Xue Wuhu was beaten hard by him, and he didn't dare to say anything nonsense to his family.

But the yard of Xue Wuhu's house was very lively. There was laughter from time to time when sugar was being made, and people in the village also went in to have a look. Anyway, there were many people, and Xue Wuhu was with his family. He could also hear Xue Wuhu's voice. He waited For a long time, Xue Wuhu didn't come out to place an order, so naturally there was no chance to start.

So, Xue Zhuzi was even more angry.

But I also know that it is useless to wait any longer. It is estimated that Xue Wuhu's family will be making sugar in the past few days, and there is almost no possibility that Xue Wuhu will be placed on the order.

Thinking so, Xue Zhuzi walked back angrily.

Originally wanted to go home, but he also walked to the gate of his own yard, but he didn't want to. When they saw Xue Yan and Jiang Yue under the willow tree, they didn't know what to eat.

The moment he saw Xue Yan, the anger that had accumulated for so many days immediately came up, and the anger did not come out at all. It just so happened that there was no one around now, just Xue Yan and Jiang Yue were under the willow tree, Xue Zhuzi thought about it. I didn't want to, so I picked up a very thick wooden stick from the yard and went to beat Xue Yan with a few sticks.

(end of this chapter)