Farming In The Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old - Chapter 1608

Chapter 1608

Chapter 1608 Is the area around Lizhou messed up?

It was obvious that he also got the list of henchmen from Qiu Pusheng, so he had such a **** wrist, and directly sent an iron cavalry over, without even a secret investigation.

Jiang Yue and Xue Yan just started to wash up.

As soon as Xue Yan washed up, he asked Jiang Yue to take some eggs out of the space, then he took them and boiled them with water. Then he peeled an egg for Jiang Yue and served it as breakfast for Jiang Yue, and he only ate breakfast himself. an egg.

The remaining boiled eggs were put into the space by Jiang Yue, and they were taken out to eat one or two at noon and at night, so there was no need to cook.

Eat one or two eggs, you don't feel full or hungry, and the eggs are so nourishing, Jiang Yue and Xue Yan both feel pretty good.

After eating the eggs, Jiang Yuecai put all the other things out of the space into the space.

Now, apart from her and her family, Xue Yan, there is no one else at all, and no one is passing by. Put it in, and make things as if they are gone.

The sky is also bright.

Xue Yan then went to lead the carriage to the official road, but instead of going to the imperial capital, he turned around, and then he helped his family Yuebao onto the carriage.

The carriage was still rushing very slowly. Although it was a little bumpy, Jiang Yue didn't feel any discomfort, especially in the stomach, but Xue Yan still didn't dare to hurry the carriage.

It was not until the morning of the fifth day of September that Jiang Yue and Xue Yan returned to Lizhou.

Before entering the Lizhou area, I heard that there was an accident in the Lizhou area. All the officials were arrested. The Lizhou area is in chaos.

When they entered the Lizhou area, they saw that the people were all celebrating.

Hear the people say with great joy

"It turns out that the emperor cut taxes by 20%, and it was the prefects and the other corrupt officials who deceived them!"

"Prince Che read out the imperial decree at the gate of the government office, and will distribute relief food and relief silver, and also let the family members of those who died of starvation come to register, and more relief food and relief silver will be distributed."

"The imperial decree also said that General Qiu was the mastermind and would copy the homes of General Qiu and his various henchmen, and no matter how many things were copied, they would be returned to the people."

"It turns out that those who didn't pay enough taxes were caught as private soldiers! They were raised in the mountains in the south of Lizhou area. The private soldiers have also heard that it was not the emperor who wanted to collect heavy taxes, and they were all lowered. They were all released home and reunited with their families!"

"The imperial decree also said that the Lizhou area was so difficult for General Qiu and the others that we will reduce or exempt taxes for three years. Let us recover."


"He's all right!"

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Many people even knelt down in the direction of the imperial capital in excitement and bowed several times.

Jiang Yue and Xue Yan both felt that Shi Yuan could be like this, and he was a well-deserved good emperor. And they were even more certain that the son they met before was Prince Che, Shi Che.

The area around Lizhou was not a prefecture, and it took another two or three hours for Jiang Yue and Xue Yan to arrive at the prefecture in Lizhou.

Just as he was looking for an inn to settle in, he saw Shi Che on the street in front of him, dressed in a royal python suit, riding over there, surrounded by iron riders in front and back, and naturally the four entourages were also beside Shi Che to protect him.

Many people are happy to see it.

Afraid that his Yuebao would be accidentally hit by the people, Xue Yan took his Yuebao to the side and stood again and again. When everyone ran over, they also passed over and stood at the back.

PS: Babies, the update is finished today~

(end of this chapter)