Farming In The Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old - Chapter 1595

Chapter 1595

Chapter 1595 He feels insecure no matter what he thinks

I haven't seen Qiu Pusheng send someone to say anything. If Qiu Pusheng did this and knew that he had someone who could kill him, then after getting those things in the secret room, he should have killed him immediately, why only Stun's impossible...

I didn't even see the emperor's decree to take him down, even if he secretly sent someone to warn him and make him commit crimes and help get rid of Qiu Pusheng...

Therefore, he felt that it should not be Qiu Pusheng, the emperor, his opponents and the people under his hand.

But who did that?

And what do you want to take away?

Fan Jianxi is really puzzled.

However, everything in the secret room was gone, no matter how he thought about it, he felt insecure.

Naturally, he would not foolishly tell Qiu Pusheng that Qiu Pusheng did not do this, so wouldn't Qiu Pusheng know that he had left behind? It's still lost, I don't know whose hands it fell into, and it has become a bigger hidden danger. It is estimated that Qiu Pusheng will not be able to relieve his anger if he doesn't kill his whole family...

And the person who took the things in the secret room can't take it for no reason, he must be planning to do something... That is, it may be exposed sooner or later...

And although Qiu Pusheng is a military marshal and holds a lot of power, he is not an orthodox emperor after all.

Unlike the emperor Shi Yuan, he is orthodox, not to mention the resentment of the people in Lizhou. After all, it is caused by his private collection of heavy taxes. Just talking about other places, because of the tax reduction, everyone thinks that the emperor is good, and the emperor also With more than 90% of the people's hearts...

In addition, those who win the hearts and minds of the people win the world, so Qiu Pusheng planned to make the emperor stinky from the very beginning, and the stinking emperor started from the area of Lizhou, and thought about turning officials from other places into his own, and letting the emperor in Other places also have a bad reputation...

If the two really want to work together, the emperor has a much better chance of winning.

At least for the next few years, the emperor should still have a good chance of winning.

Since this is the case, and those things in the secret room will be exposed sooner or later, and it should not be exposed until several years later, so he naturally chooses the side with the better chance of winning.

He is going to tell the emperor everything secretly and take the blame!

Even if he has committed too many crimes, the credits he has made are not enough to offset the guilt, and he may still die, but his wife, children and uncle should be able to survive.

It's not that he didn't think about running away and hiding his name, but so many of his family assets are gone, and he can't live a good life in anonymity, and he has to hide in Tibet.

Besides, he can't let his uncle and his wife and children escape with him, not counting his daughters, just his sons, he is quite a few, and he is not very old. Where to hide? It must be found soon, and because of escape, it must be a crime plus one class at that time.

Anyway, let him run by himself, he can't do it, his son is his root, his wife has suffered together with him, and his uncle is like his father, he can't ignore these people.

Therefore, now he either chooses to do nothing and wait to see what the person who took away the secret room will do with those things. It is extremely passive, and it is equivalent to waiting for the whole family to die, either by Qiu Pu or by the emperor; , at least his wife, children and his uncle can survive... Then he naturally chooses the second way.

Fortunately, his uncle is the housekeeper of Prince Che's mansion, and he can see Prince Che directly, and Prince Che can see the emperor directly, so it's not difficult for him to secretly tell the emperor everything.

(end of this chapter)