Farming In The Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old - Chapter 1469

Chapter 1469

Chapter 1469 Fireworks?

The people of Shiliba Village have long heard that Jiang Yue and Xue Yan are going to get married today, and with the current battle, it is so lively that every family will come out to watch the fun, which makes the scene even more lively.

When we went back to Huaishu Village from the official road, before we got to the door of the house, the house started to crackle and fire again, indicating that the wedding team was coming, and the bride was going to get married on a sedan chair.

"I'm coming!"

It was okay, but there were gun battles outside, Li Hehua, Yu Hongyan and other people in charge of the bride were all nervous all of a sudden, and quickly put Jiang Yue on soft-soled happy shoes and covered Jiang Yue with a hijab.

's sight was blocked just like that, and under the hood, Jiang Yue tickled the corner of her mouth almost invisible.

Xue Yan got off the horse, and was surrounded by everyone to enter the house, and then he was surrounded by the bride's room.

Then, Xue Yan was also nervous.

The cannonballs were still being fired outside, and the joy was still blowing. It was obviously loud, but he felt that he could clearly hear his heartbeat.

The palms of my hands were sweating.

Especially when he saw his Yuebao, who was covered with a hijab and dressed in a wedding dress, the clothes on his body were obviously a pair, and the tips of his ears were quietly red.

Fortunately, everyone just coaxed him to greet the bride and went out, and didn't notice anything wrong with him.

"Hold it." Yu Hongyan hurriedly gave the other end of the red silk to their family Xiaoyan to lead.

And one end is already in the hands of their family Yuebao.

The big red flower just hangs in the middle of the red silk, as if two hearts are connected together, Xue Yan quietly exhaled, and then relying on the red silk in his hand, he led his Yuebao out slowly.

Daling married a daughter. According to the custom, if the parents were not in the world, they would naturally worship their parents' tablets, so Jiang Yue's parents' tablets were placed in the hall.

Jiang Yue was led in by Xue Yan, and then the two knelt down, faced the tablet, and kowtowed, as the newlyweds bid farewell to their parents.

Then, Jiang Yuecai was led out of the main room, led out of the yard, and got on the sedan chair parked outside.

Xue Yan mounted his horse again and was at the front again.

There were a lot of people in the team this time, not only the welcoming team, but also the sending team, as well as the dowry that was more than ten miles away. One by one, they were carried out of the house.

Because it was already dark and needed lights to illuminate, naturally there were a lot of people who followed with shofar lanterns.

Xue Shi and the others kept taking pictures with their mobile phones.

It was not until the last dowry went out that the family began to tidy up the main room, removing the tablets of Jiang Yue's parents and placing four chairs.

When the team comes back, they will go to the church. Xue Yan not only has his biological parents Xuanyuanhao and Shao Youyue, but also his adoptive parents Xue Dafu and Liu Guixia. For Xue Yan, Xue Dafu and Liu Guixia are also his biological fathers. Mother, when the time comes to worship the high hall, it is natural to worship four people.

And the bride has already boarded the sedan chair. This time around the Shiliba Village is naturally different from the first round of the wedding reception team. This time, fireworks were set off on both sides of the road.

Since Da Ling started to build cannons, Jiang Yue did not need to teach, and someone from the Ministry of Industry figured out the fireworks.

Once the fireworks are lit, they will burst into the sky immediately, and the sky will be filled with stars and rain, which is extremely beautiful and gorgeous.

Jiang Yue got married under the fireworks.

Whether she was sitting in the wedding sedan chair, or Xue Yan riding a horse, or the team to greet and send off her relatives, or even eight villages, it was like living under fireworks.

(end of this chapter)