Farming In The Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old - Chapter 125

Chapter 125

Chapter 125 Seems like that too!

"Oh" Xue Wuhu immediately cheered.

Xue Yihu, Xue Erhu, they are also very happy.

"We still bought a few mu of land," Xue Dafu said again, "Didn't our family also rent six mu of land, and if we buy those six mu of land, then our family's 14 mu of land is not rented? already."

"Good good." Liu Guixia was the first to agree.

Xue Yihu and the others were even happier.

Xue Wuhu even cheered.

Jiang Yue looked at it and felt that enough money is good.

Don't hesitate.


I saw Jiang Yue ask Xue Dafu: "Uncle, you want to build a big house, what kind of big house do you want to build? A adobe thatched roof? Or a brick house?"

"Brick house?"

Except Xue Yan, everyone else gasped.

Be good, their Yuebao is too loud.

A brick house, that's a brick house, they didn't even think about it.

"That..." Even the frizzy Xue Wuhu was afraid of hurting their little Yuebao, so he opened his mouth cautiously, "Yuebao, just build an adobe thatched roof, the brick house is too expensive."

"Yeah, Yuebao," Li Hehua also said softly, "build a few more rooms, and a large house with adobe walls and thatched roofs can be built in only a dozen or so, but this brick house is so difficult to build. Big, no six or seventy taels can't be made.

Jiang Yue said: "Isn't our family rich?"


seems to be too!

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

Xue Yan saw the family look like this, restrained his smile, and said, "A house with an adobe thatched roof is not as strong as a brick house, and it needs to be renovated frequently. It's better to build a brick house."

"Well, well, just build a brick house, just build a brick house." Xue Dafu's whole body was shaking with excitement. "I can live in a brick house in my life... There must be green smoke on our ancestral graves! Good, good, let's build this. This is good. This is good!"

Liu Guixia and the others are also very happy. You look at me, I look at you, and you look at him. They seem to want to share their joy, but they are all unspeakably happy, and there is no need to share.

The family was so happy, Xue Yan also laughed.

Jiang Yue also slightly raised the corner of her mouth.

"The fourth brother said that the wealth is not exposed," Xue Yan added, "try not to let others know how much money our family has."

"That's for sure!" Xue Erhu said immediately. Immediately, he said to Xue Wuhu, "Wuhu, keep your mouth shut."

Xue Wuhu was immediately dissatisfied: "Second brother, why are you calling me by name! What's wrong with me!"

"Isn't it your favorite to show off at home? I'm afraid you'll leak your tongue." Xue Erhu said.

"Okay." Xue Wuhu also knew himself, and immediately fainted. "I'll pay attention."

Liu Guixia said: "But if our family built a brick house, it would be difficult for others to know..."

Xue Dafu said: "That's just knowing that our family is rich, but I don't know how much, I don't know the specifics, or it can be a lot less right and wrong."

"Yes, yes." Liu Guixia nodded straight.

Xue Yihu, Li Hehua, Yu Hongyan and the others also nodded their heads in agreement.

Everyone still couldn't help but be overjoyed.

With so much money, do you still worry about having a hard time in the future?

Xue Dafu thought for a while, and then said again: "Then tomorrow we will go to the town to buy the six acres of land, and also go to buy bricks and tiles."

Everyone has no opinion.

"At that time, you will definitely still have to file a document, Xiaoyan, you can go together tomorrow." Xue Dafu said.

Xue Yan: "Well."

(end of this chapter)