Faith Corcoran: Alone In The Dark - Faith Corcoran: Alone in the Dark Part 77

Faith Corcoran: Alone in the Dark Part 77

'You think this is funny?' Alice murmured, not looking at him directly. She was staring at his reflection in the mirror.

He sobered abruptly as his blood ran cold for the umpteenth time since he'd walked in the room. 'No, Alice. I don't think this is funny at all. I think it's terrifying that someone as reprehensibly evil as you is walking around among decent people. I think it's terrifying that evil can wear such a pretty face. I think you'll go on deceiving people until you draw your last breath. But you'll have your work cut out for you, because I'm going to make sure people know who you are. Who he is.' Marcus pointed at the photo of Alice with the older man. 'I'm going to make sure that anyone with a TV, a radio, a newspaper or a computer knows exactly how inhuman you are.'

Alice raised her brows. 'Should I start humming "Glory Hallelujah"?'

'I wish you wouldn't,' he said mildly. 'Your voice is like a rusty gate.'

'Oh pardon me, please.' She shot him a smiling look that instantaneously changed her from evil and rotten to the happy, caring young woman who'd visited him in the hospital. She was taunting him, showing him that she could wear her sweet face anytime she wanted to. 'I didn't mean to offend. You singers have such sensitive ears.'

Marcus went still. He'd never told her about his music when she'd visited him in the hospital. He'd been too raw when Mikhail died to think about singing, and he couldn't imagine where else she might have heard him sing. His first thought was that she had been stalking him even in the park, and that was entirely possible. Except that she probably would have gone after Tala earlier had she seen her. Especially if she was the woman who, along with Demetrius, had brought the Bautistas to Chip Anders.

Since Alice hadn't eliminated Tala in the park, it was more likely that she had heard him singing through the girl's ankle tracker. It was another link in the chain connecting her to Demetrius. He owed it to Tala to make that chain as thick and as strong as he could.

Behind him, Agent Coppola's phone buzzed. 'Yes,' she hissed.

She'd finally received what she'd been waiting for. Thank God. Marcus rocked back in the chair he straddled, still not taking his eyes off Alice. 'You want her to hum "Glory Hallelujah", Agent Coppola?'

Coppola's chuckle was delightfully happy and confident. 'No, Mr O'Bannion. But she can start practicing the theme song from Dead Man Walking.' She walked around to Alice's cuffed side and put her phone on the table. 'Your customer kept records.' She flicked through a series of photos showing Chip Anders with the man in the graduation photo, then with Demetrius. 'Do you remember this day, Alice?' She flicked to the third photo, in which Alice sat at a desk. 'Chip Anders came to visit you.'

Alice's 'pretty face' had slid away, leaving her hard and grim.

Coppola flicked to the fourth photo. 'And here you are with Demetrius Russell and Kenneth Sweeney.' A flicker in Alice's eyes was the only reaction she had to Coppola revealing the man's name.

'Are you sure you don't want to start talking to me?' Coppola asked soberly. 'Attempted murder for hire would have gotten you a lengthy sentence on its own. Now I can connect you to a conspiracy to traffic human beings. And successful murder that of Agent Spangler. You seem like a sharp woman, law degree and all. Think carefully about this.'

'Immunity,' Alice snapped. 'You have nothing that isn't circumstantial.'

'Not yet,' Coppola said quietly. 'We've got records from Woody McCord's computer that we haven't even started going through. Mr O'Bannion, you're free to leave anytime you'd like. I appreciate your help.'

Marcus pushed off the chair, watching Alice as he backed toward the door. 'A lot of circumstantial can add up for a jury. She knew I sang, Agent Coppola. She had to have had access to the audio feed coming through Tala Bautista's ankle tracker. You'll want to make sure you find those recordings when you search her office and residence.'

Coppola's mouth curved, even though she didn't look at him, her gaze also fastened to Alice. 'Again, my thanks, Mr O'Bannion. You've been a big help.'

Marcus paused in the hallway outside the interview room to draw a breath, steadying his nerves. He didn't want to let Scarlett see him so rattled. It would worry her and distract her. Given that they didn't know how many assassins this organization had at its disposal, he couldn't afford for her to be distracted. It was only a matter of time before Alice's colleagues realized that Scarlett was important to him, painting a target on her back.

Once he felt steadier, he entered the observation room, but stopped short. Scarlett stood watching him, her arm around the waist of an older man in a starched uniform. Her father, he thought. Even in the semi-darkness he could see that they had the same eyes and that her father's eyes were giving him a very thorough study. Marcus wondered how long the man had been watching him, then realized he must have been there since he and Scarlett had arrived.

She slipped away from her father, stopping in front of Marcus, not quite close enough to touch him. But she wanted to. And that was enough for now. 'Are you all right?' she asked.

Marcus forced himself to nod, feeling her father's scrutiny. 'Yes.' There was so much more he wanted to say, but it would have to keep. But he couldn't ignore her puffy eyes. Not caring who was watching, he cupped her face, brushing his thumb over her cheekbone. 'You've been crying. Are you all right?'

She leaned her face into his palm. 'Yes.' Then she smiled at him and he knew she spoke the truth. 'I'm even better now that you're not sitting next to . . . that. Come.' She half turned, placing her hand at the small of his back. Just a small touch, but here, in the bowels of CPD headquarters, a big deal. 'Marcus, this is my dad, Lieutenant Jonas Bishop. Dad, Marcus.'

Marcus stretched out his hand. 'Lieutenant. It's good to meet you. Scarlett has told me good things.'

The man didn't hesitate, shaking Marcus's hand with a firm grip that didn't try to intimidate. Marcus appreciated that.

'Likewise,' Bishop said gruffly.

Marcus knew this was an important moment, the first impression that would shape her father's opinion for the years to come. He did not want that impression to be one of a man too weak to hold his own. 'Likewise it's good to meet me or likewise that Scarlett said good things?'

Bishop's lips twitched. 'Yes.'

'All right then.' Marcus released the man's hand. 'What do I call you? Lieutenant? Mr Bishop? Jonas? And please don't say "Yes".'

Bishop shot his daughter an amused look. 'Jonas will do. I think he'll be okay, Scarlett. I have to get home. Your mother has a pot roast in the oven. You're welcome to join us if you'd like. Both of you. I'm sure your mom would like to see you. Both of you.'

Scarlett shook her head. 'I've got some files to review. But maybe after I'm done we'll stop by for coffee, if it's not too late. I'll probably need to . . . vent.'

She meant the McCord files, Marcus knew. That wasn't going to be easy. That she'd go to her father for support afterward . . . This was good.

'It's never too late, Scarlett,' Jonas said, his voice gone gruff once again. 'Day or night. You call me.'

'I will.' Without hesitation, she wrapped her arms around her father's neck and hugged him. 'Thank you.'

Jonas's arms locked tightly around her, as if he was afraid she'd run away. 'Don't you dare thank me, Scarlett Anne,' he whispered. 'Don't you dare.'

Marcus didn't know what had passed between the two, but his throat thickened. He stepped back, grateful for the sudden buzzing of his cell phone that gave him an excuse to give them some privacy.

He breathed a small sigh of relief when he saw Diesel's caller ID. No one had heard from him since he'd taken off running from the Meadow a few hours before. 'Hey, man. You okay?' he asked.

'Marcus.' Diesel's voice was shaking. Thick.

He was crying. Oh God. Marcus's knees wobbled as all the blood rushed from his face. He sank into a chair. 'What's wrong?'

Scarlett abruptly turned at the panic in his voice. Pulling from her father's embrace, she sank to her knees next to Marcus's chair, her hand gripping his thigh. 'What is it?'

'I don't know.' All he could hear was the rasping sound of Diesel's sobs. 'Diesel, what happened. You gotta talk to me, man. Where are you?'

'At the Ledger. They're gone, Marcus. All gone.'

Marcus's heart dropped to his gut like lead. 'I'm going to put you on speaker. Scarlett's here with me. Take a breath. What do you mean, they're gone?'

'They're dead. Cal, Bridget. Oh God. Stone, too.'

Marcus froze. He couldn't breathe. From far away he heard Scarlett telling her father to send help to the Ledger building. Then he didn't hear anything at all.

Cincinnati, Ohio

Wednesday 5 August, 7.30 P.M.

'Marcus.' Scarlett took the phone from Marcus's limp grasp, then gripped his hand in hers. 'Breathe.' He was glassy-eyed. In shock. She thumped his chest with her fist, hard. 'Breathe, goddammit.'

He sucked in a breath, then another. Still unable to speak, he squeezed her hand until she winced, but she didn't let go.

Her father knelt on the other side of Marcus's chair. 'Dispatch has squad cars and ambulances on the way. I've notified Isenberg.'

She acknowledged him with a nod of thanks. 'Diesel,' she said calmly. 'It's Scarlett. Did you hear that? Help is on the way. I need you to stay with me. First of all, are you hurt?'

'No. I came in to help Cal with the evening . . .' He choked on another sob, then cleared his throat viciously. 'I found Jerry first. Dead on the floor in the front. Shot. In the back, Bridget. She was under her desk. Hiding. Cal . . . I slipped in his blood.'

She remembered Diesel's reaction to Dani Novak's white coat. He'd obviously had some medical trauma at some point. She kept her voice calm, tried to get him focused. He'd find control if he focused. She hoped. 'Have you checked for pulses?'

'No.' He sucked in another breath, sounding calmer already. 'I'm doing that now. Cal's . . . no. Nothing. Stone . . . Oh God. Yes. I got one.'

Scarlett slipped her hand from Marcus's to grip his chin. 'Did you hear that?' she said, making him meet her eyes. 'Stone's alive. He is alive.'

Marcus's lungs emptied in a rush of air, his body trembling. 'What happened, D?'

'I don't know.' Diesel sounded lost. 'Someone came in and shot the place up.'

Marcus surged to his feet, holding on to Scarlett's hands when she tried to push him back into the chair. 'Where were the guards?'

'Here. Dead now.'

'All three of them?' Marcus demanded.

'Yeah.' Sounds of ripping fabric came through the speaker. 'I've got to stop his bleeding. Stone? Hey, Stone. Wake up, buddy. His eyeballs are moving under his lids. Wait. He's trying to talk.'

Marcus stood stiff as a board, waiting. Scarlett rubbed his back, feeling only Kevlar under his shirt, so she cupped his head in her hands and pulled him down so that his forehead rested against hers.

'Breathe, baby,' she whispered. 'Stone's tough. You know this.'

'Fuck.' Diesel's voice had edged back into panic. 'Stone says that he's got Gayle. He shot everyone else, but he took Gayle.'

Marcus sank back into the chair, his face terrifyingly white. 'Who? Where?' He forced the word out. 'Where did he go?'

'I don't know, man. Nobody-' Diesel cut himself off. 'Hold on. I hear something.' They listened to the sound of footsteps, a door opening. 'Holy shit,' Diesel breathed in relief. 'Come on, I need help.'

For several seconds there was nothing but gasps, then screams that faded to whimpers.

'People!' Diesel growled. 'I said I need help. Jill, find some towels. Liam, stop crying and get a blanket and a pillow for Stone. Don't look over there. You look at me. Got that? Go get the cushion off Stone's office chair. Go.'

'Diesel's back,' Marcus murmured, then surged to his feet again.

Scarlett grabbed a fistful of his shirt. 'Where are you going?'

'Where do you think?' he snapped.

'You're not thinking, Marcus,' she snapped back. 'Somebody took Gayle. It may have been this Kenneth Sweeney person. Who do they want? You. Now settle down so we can figure out what to do. Isenberg's sending people.'

'Novak and Tanaka,' her father murmured.

'You hear that? Deacon is on his way. If there is a whiff of a lead, he'll find it. If there's a hair on the floor, Tanaka will find it. So you stay with me for now.'

'She's right,' Diesel said. 'The ambulance is here,' he added grimly. 'I'm . . . Oh, fucking shit.' He'd started to hyperventilate.

'It's okay,' Marcus said, gritting his teeth. 'Go to my office, and wait for the cops. Who's still standing?'

'No, I'm not leaving. I'm okay. Jill's standing. And Liam. He works for Lisette.'

'I know who the fuck Liam is,' Marcus growled.

'Yeah, but your cop there doesn't. Donna from Accounting and Frank from the warehouse. They all got down to the archive room. They're unhurt. Stone's breathing. The medics are working on him. That's all I know.'

'I'm on my way,' Marcus said, his jaw hard and unyielding.

'No,' Diesel said. 'Go straight to the hospital. Stone's going to need you. So will Audrey and your mother.'

'Is that Marcus on the phone?' It was a young female. 'Marcus, it's Jill.'

Scarlett was surprised. The subdued voice sounded nothing like the young woman who'd been so angry in the OR waiting room the night before.

'Stone's conscious,' Jill said. 'He was wearing Kevlar under his clothes, down past his knees. Liam and I cut his clothes off him so we could try to stop his bleeding. He took a lot of bullets. The Kevlar didn't stop all of them, but the bleeding is slow. Not gushing. Just so you don't worry.'

Scarlett muted Marcus's phone. 'She's too calm. She doesn't know about Gayle.'

Marcus squared his shoulders when she unmuted the phone. 'Jill, where were you?'

'Down in the archive room with Cal.' Her breath hitched, broke. 'Marcus, Cal's-'

'I know,' Marcus interrupted, his face twisting in pain. But he kept his voice level. 'What happened?'

'We heard the shots in the lobby and the next thing we knew Liam, Frank, Donna and me were all being shoved down the stairs by Stone. Cal was already down there. Stone told us all to stay put and he went back up and shut the door. But Cal didn't listen.' Her voice broke again. 'I'm just glad Aunt Gayle had left already.'

They all went silent and Diesel's face must have shown the truth, because Jill began to whimper. 'No. She wasn't here.'

'Jill!' Diesel yelled. 'Wait! Fuck,' he muttered.

Jill's ear-piercing shriek cut through all the background noise.

'Gayle's purse is still on the desk,' Diesel said heavily. 'I gotta go. One of the officers had to pull Jill away from the desk. Do not come here. Go to the hospital. Scarlett? Make him go to the hospital.'

'I'll make sure of it,' Scarlett said grimly. She disconnected and, keeping one hand fisted in Marcus's shirt, found Jeremy's number, dialing it with the other. 'Jeremy, this is Scarlett Bishop. Marcus is all right,' she added quickly when the man gasped. 'But Stone's not.' She quickly filled him in, her gaze locked with Marcus's the entire time. 'Where are you?'

'At home. With Keith.'

Which meant he was at least forty-five minutes away.

'I'm here, Detective,' Keith said. 'I put it on speaker, so I heard it all. Which hospital?'