Faith Corcoran: Alone In The Dark - Faith Corcoran: Alone in the Dark Part 41

Faith Corcoran: Alone in the Dark Part 41

'I don't know. Let's find out.' She pressed her lips to his chest, and then her tongue darted out, licking his nipple, surprising a gasp out of him. 'At least I didn't do that when you were on the phone with your boss,' she said with a pointed glare.

His smile was smug. 'I am the boss.'

Her lips twitched. 'I have to shower up, boss. If I do end up interviewing a woman named Annabelle Church, I don't want to do so smelling like sex.' She smacked his ass. 'If you want to shower, there's one in the bathroom down the hall. You'll find towels in the closet, next door down. I'm going upstairs. Do not follow me.'

Her tone was playful, but she was serious. 'Why aren't we conserving water?' he asked, reluctantly pulling out of her body. He rolled to his feet, already missing the wet heat of her.

Halfway to the stairs, she paused and looked over her shoulder. 'Because I haven't had enough of you yet,' she said quietly. 'If I get in a shower with you, I'll be very late.'

Groaning at that mental image, he went in search of the bathroom at the end of the hall, more ridiculously happy than any man had a right to be.

Cincinnati, Ohio

Tuesday 4 August, 5.00 P.M.

Ken nodded his thanks to Alice as she put a cup of tea on the dining room table in front of him. 'Did you feed Stephanie Anders?' he asked her.

Alice made a face. 'Yes. I nearly fed her my finger, because she tried to bite it off. Burton had to put her in the cage. I fed her through the chain links. I feel sorry for the man who buys her. He'll have to muzzle her. And oral? I don't think any sane man would even ask.'

Ken chuckled. 'The man who buys her will do so for the challenge of taming her.'

Alice sat down and sipped her own tea. 'So you say. Make sure they know that there are no refunds on that one. And tell them to get a tetanus booster before they take delivery.'

Decker joined them at the table, his laptop under one arm. 'Surely she can't be that bad.'

'She's worse,' Ken said flatly. 'Pretty, but deadly.' He pointed to the laptop Decker was setting up on the table. 'What's up with that?'

'Sean didn't think he should leave the office,' Decker said. 'Especially with Reuben still AWOL. We're going to hook him up online.'

Burton came in from the attached garage, stripping a pair of latex gloves off his hands. 'Where's Demetrius?'

'Following up on Marcus O'Bannion,' Ken said, not bothering to hide his annoyance. 'O'Bannion has more lives than a damn cat. Demetrius will call in from wherever he is. So will Joel. He says he's too busy with the books to spare the time to come out.'

'Why?' Decker asked with a frown as he finished setting up the video call with Sean.

'Because he has too much work to do himself since I put you back on Security,' Ken told him. 'I need to hire a new accountant to assist him.'

Decker shook his head, looking exasperated. 'No, I mean why is Demetrius spending so much time tailing O'Bannion? Just shoot the fucker in the head.'

'That's what I said,' Burton muttered.

Alice raised her hand. 'I agree. I read the Ledger. That man and his reporting team have made more enemies than anyone can count. Just shoot him, for God's sake. Frame one of the people he put in jail a few years ago. They all get out eventually. You could even make it look like O'Bannion killed the guy you're framing in a shootout. Easy peasy.'

Ken smiled at her. She was too cute. 'Easy peasy?'

She folded her arms over her chest, her eyes narrowing. 'Yes. Seriously, Dad, take Demetrius off the job and give it to me. I can shoot as well as any of these guys.'

He patted her hand. 'I know you can. Give Demetrius a little more time. If O'Bannion is still alive by morning, he's all yours.'

'What?' Sean asked from Decker's laptop screen. 'Who's all Alice's?'

'O'Bannion,' Burton said. 'We're tired of Demetrius missing him.'

'Hell, yeah,' Sean grumbled. 'Kill the fucker and let's get back to business.'

'Drop it for now,' Ken ordered. 'Connect Demetrius and Joel on the call.'

Joel looked harried when he answered. Ken frowned at the dark circles under his accountant's eyes. Surely Decker hadn't been carrying that big a load? The kid had only been exposed to the legit business before this morning. 'Joel, when was the last time you slept, man?'

'Two nights ago. I hit a snarl.'

Ken frowned. 'What kind of snarl?'

'One I need to discuss with you privately.'

That didn't sound good. 'When we're done with this call, I'll call you back,' Ken said.

When Demetrius answered, they heard road noise over the speaker. 'I'm following my bait to lure O'Bannion. I got nothing new to report. Call me if anything comes up.'

'No,' Ken said coldly. 'You stay on the line. This is a team meeting. First up, where is Drake Connor?'

'He popped up on a CPD BOLO filed this morning,' Sean said. 'His sister, Belle, reported her car stolen. Later this afternoon, she reported her credit card stolen.'

'I wanted to make sure she wasn't protecting Drake,' Decker said. 'I visited her, searched her home. Her car is missing and there's no sign of Drake. I told her I was a cop, following up on the reports she filed, and asked her why she didn't report her credit card stolen until hours after the car. She said she didn't know that Drake had taken the card until her credit card company called asking if she was in Michigan. Someone tried to use the card to buy gas.'

'Stephanie's boyfriend is headed for Canada, just like I thought,' Ken said. 'Can we track him?'

Decker shook his head. 'His cell phone appears to be a throwaway. Sean's trying to locate the car using its GPS.'

'I just started searching, so it'll be a little while before I come back to you with a location,' Sean said. 'But we know he's near Detroit. How damaging is it if he gets away?'

'He knows that men with guns broke into the Anders house and carted them all away, and he knows that Anders was buying labor from someone. But the cops know both of those things by now, without Drake's help. Considering he killed someone this morning, he's unlikely to go to the cops anyway. It's more that he's a loose end.' And Ken did not like loose ends. 'There isn't anything damaging he can do to us. I just don't like that he's out there as a wild card.'

'When I finish with O'Bannion, I can go after him,' Demetrius offered.

Luckily he couldn't see the rolling eyes of the other members of his team. Even Burton was shaking his head and Reuben's second-in-command had always welcomed Demetrius's assistance in dealing with security threats. Demetrius had lost the respect of the team. Perhaps it was time to do away with the old guard and bring in a new team. Demetrius had gotten sloppy.

So had Reuben, wherever the hell he was. And Joel looked like he was about to have a heart attack any minute. Whatever snarl he'd found in the books was going to be bad indeed.

'Just focus on O'Bannion,' Ken said to Demetrius. 'He's the biggest threat.'

Alice folded her arms and gave Ken a pointed look. He knew what she was thinking his biggest threat shouldn't be trusted to someone who kept missing the mark. His girl was right, even though he didn't want to hear it.

'Where is Drake's sister now, Decker?' Ken asked. 'If she can ID you, she's a loose end.'

'Already taken care of,' Decker said. 'I removed her from the house and snipped the loose end.' He drew a quick line across his throat with his forefinger. 'No blood in the house. I took care of her at the disposal site. She's mixed in with the Anderses.'

Ken looked surprised. 'Who told you to do that?'

'I did,' Burton said. 'I've been busy going over Reuben's car.' His jaw tightened, his eyes flashing with bitter anger. 'And taking care of his wife.'

Ken leaned back in his chair, very unhappy. 'Next time, ask me first, Burton. And if your duties upset you that much, perhaps it's time you resigned.' Burton paled, and rightly so. No one resigned. They just stopped breathing. Ken looked Decker up and down. 'You don't seem to be any worse for the experience.'

Decker just shrugged. 'I saw men exploded to bits when their Humvee hit an IED. Body parts strewn all over the goddamn place. I was on the cleanup crew. A woodchipper pointed into an open grave is a lot neater, actually.'

Alice looked horrified. 'Oh my God, Decker. You picked up body parts?'

He didn't blink, his face like hewn stone. 'Somebody had to. We scooped them up, separated them out as best we could, then ID'd them and sent them home in full-size coffins. Waste of a coffin, but I guess it helped the family.' He turned to Ken. 'I didn't mind, sir. Don't blame Burton. I asked what I could do to help. I don't have forensic experience, Burton does. It made sense to us.'

'I decide what makes sense,' Ken said. 'Clear?'

Decker nodded. 'Yes, sir.'

'All right, then. What else do you have to report, Decker?'

Decker hesitated. 'I went to the hospital to eliminate Tabitha Anders, but they have an armed security detail. I figured I needed to wait until we had a plan to get around the guard. For now the old lady isn't saying a word. She's unconscious and isn't expected to live.'

Ken rubbed his forehead. 'You were right to wait, Decker. Alice, you still have that nurse's uniform?'

Alice nodded. 'I'll take care of Aunt Tabby. Not tonight, though. I'll wait until the guards do their shift change in the morning.'

"Thanks. Sean? Have you gone through the computers seized from the Anders house?'

'I have, and I'm glad we got there first. Chip Anders was an idiot who wrote down important and damaging things and thought he could hide the files by encrypting them. A five-year-old could've broken into his files. I have his bank account information and the locations of all his safe deposit boxes. And . . .' Sean sighed, 'a file listing us as his supplier. Specifically Demetrius and you, boss, by name.'

Ken sucked in breath. Sonofabitch Anders. I'm so glad I killed him, and even happier that Stephanie wanted that puny little prick to hurt.

Demetrius exploded over the speaker. 'What? What the fuck did you just say?'

'I said,' Sean repeated clearly, 'Chip listed you and Ken as his labor suppliers. If we'd been a little later, that file would be in the hands of the cops.'

'He may have had hard-drive backups,' Decker said. 'We took several sets of keys from his house. One of those keys will hopefully fit the safe deposit box where he hid his backups. If they're hidden in the house, the cops may have found them.'

'Slimy little bastard,' Ken muttered. 'How much money did we get from his accounts?'

'Less than three million,' Sean said. 'He may have offshore accounts. I'll keep looking if you want.'

Ken shook his head. 'I'd rather we concentrate on his safe deposit boxes. I want any backups accounted for and disposed of.'

'I've already identified the backups he made from his operating system logs,' Sean said. 'I'll focus on finding out where he stored them. He probably has an encrypted file on his computer listing the locations for the backups he made. He listed everything else.'

'You may want an alternate story to feed the cops in case they find the backups before we do,' Decker said quietly.

Ken raised his brows. 'Say more.'

'Well, if the cops do find it, you'll claim it's a dirty lie, of course. Then you could have an explanation of why Anders would want to implicate you, a reason he'd hate you that much or how he'd profit by implicating you. Maybe a business deal gone wrong, an affair with his wife, a snub at the country club . . .'

Ken looked at Alice. 'Come up with something good, okay, honey?'

'On it,' Alice said, noting it on a pad of paper.

'What else?' Ken asked.

'I need the trackers you recovered from the Anders house,' Sean said. 'I need to reset them and have them ready for the next shipment.'

Burton frowned. So did Decker. The two men looked at each other with narrowed eyes.

'We gave them to Sean along with the computers,' Decker said.

Sean went still. 'I don't have them.'

Ken's gut did a slow twist and roll. Not good. Not good at all. 'Where does the signal say they are?'

'It doesn't. The last place they show up on the tracking software is the Anders basement. They ran out of battery shortly after they were cut from the two women.'

'I saw them in the van when we loaded the Anderses,' Decker said.

Burton nodded. 'So did I.'

'I'm sure they're still in the van,' Decker said. 'They have to be.'

Ken exhaled, unnerved. 'Find them. One ankle tracker falling into the wrong hands was bad enough. Three trackers have the potential of giving away too much information to the police. Demetrius, when's the next shipment due?'

'The Brazilians,' Demetrius said through the speaker phone. 'They're coming in through Miami. I'll be transporting them. If Alice can ride shotgun, I'd appreciate it.'

'Sure,' Alice said with a shrug. 'When are we going to do that?'

'Friday,' Demetrius answered. 'We're getting six, half of which are cherry.'

'That's good,' Joel said, startling Ken, who'd nearly forgotten he was there. 'They should bring a good price. We can use all the income we can get.'

The virgins always brought more. 'Demetrius,' Ken said, 'I want you to set up an auction for the Anders girl. I want her out of here ASAP. She's too much of a pain in the ass. We'll get some photos and a list of her attributes.'

'She does have nice attributes,' Burton allowed.

'And she's fluent in French,' Ken added.

Decker grimaced. 'Plus she knows curse words in at least six other languages. She used every one of them when we were dragging her out of her house.'

'And she bites,' Alice complained loudly.