Fairy Tail - Rise Of Rune Knight - 2 Chapter 2 - Magic

2 Chapter 2 - Magic

" How could you name our child, without consulting with me. He is also my son and I demand to rename our kid." He said with vigour.

" I don't care. We have already decided that I was gonna name our child. And I want my boy's name to be Daven Donovan.

Did you like it, Daven. Do you like your name? " She asked her infant baby boy who was giggling while playing with her fingers or so it seems.

The child currently named Davon was a transmigrator. He died at the age of seventeen due to cancer and reincarnated in the form of the kid. He had the mind of a teenager.

He was lucky enough to gain conscience after he left his mother's body or it would be awkward for his teenage mind.

His first cry was a combination of both the biological need to clear his windpipe as well as food pipe, from any orgabic substance which may still remain in the body and also his dismay at his changed body.

He was transformed from a teenage to a new born infant. He is a kid now. This was too big for him to handle and he went into deep thought.

The sound of the door opening brought him back to reality and three people appeared .

These people seemed familiar but one who attracted his attention the most was the old man in his funny clothes. He started laughing.

While he was only pointing his fingers at the old man, due to lack of control over his motor organs he seemed like he was trying to reach him.

His hands and legs were completely out of control. What he wants to do and how his body works was too different.

When he tried to move his left hand finger, his whole hand moves and tried to reach out at something or someone, making the other people think he was interested in something.

When the trio arrived the man in the middle and his mother were arguing about something and his mother kept calling him Daven, which he a.s.sumed was his name.

He tried to move his body to tell her find another name for him and even make faces for the name, but she didn't seem to hear or understand and most probably thought that he liked his name.

And he reluctantly accepted the name Daven for himself.

He couldn't understand what language they were speaking and he needed to learn over time so he could interact with them.

He tried to see what all of them were trying to do but he was too tired both mentally and physically so he fell asleep.

The adults in the room saw that young Daven has fallen asleep and began to talk slowly.

" Your son is very beautiful. He takes after you Claire." Gildarts told her

Claire was happy to accept compliment for her son and thanked him. Ardent was happy to have such a beautiful kid who will be even more handsome in the future.

But he didn't forget to give a jibe to Ardent and said," it is good that he didn't get anything from his father or he would have much trouble in the future to get a girl."

This angered ardent and shouted at Gildarts it ring his sleeping son," Do you want a fight Gildarts? If you think that I cannot beat you just because you are a big bad a.s.s of the fairy tail then come on I will probe you wrong. "

" Your puns suck so don't try to punish here. And I would show you whose the boss now."

" Is that so?"

" Yes."

" It is bad to dream with open eyes. Who knows where you fall. "

" I don't dream and you should be the one who should be careful or else you will be defeated way to soon."

" Oh ya"

" Yes"

Their bickering continued and the voices grew louder and the kid Daven started to whimper in his sleep which was noticed by Porlyusica and Claire.

But before they could act a giant hand acted before them and grew moulds on the head of the bickering duo.

" Quiet down. You will wake the kid and if he starts crying because of you two, then I don't think you could survive to see the sun rising tomorrow." Makarov said while motioning to the two angrily glaring women abd their target was Ardent and Gildarts.

" You better not disturb my son or I will make sure that today is the last day on Earth and among the living." Claire talked to them softly and didn't scream but her sharp words still did the trick.

Both knew she was dead serious and would do as she says if they didn't behave.

" Your son is really cute, dear." Makarov came forward and looked at the sleeping child.

" Thank you master. It means a lot to me as you are the one who said it " Claire said earnestly.

" Don't be like that, Claire. You are like my own daughter. h.e.l.l I like you better than Ivan and he himself is aware of it.

I hope your son and my grandson, laxus will get along well in the future." He said

" If your grandson is anything like you were, then you should start to save money with how much destruction he will cause.

You didn't lose to Gildarts in terms of destruction, Makarov. You even surpa.s.sed your kids in destruction. I think that's why Master Precht left the guild back then was because he was fed up of all the notices and complains he got for the destruction you caused." Porlyusica said without mercy.

Makarov tried to defend himself albeit weakly," I wasn't that bad. I was cause nowhere near Gildarts level of destruction."

Porlyusica ignored his defense and then softly said to Claire," your son will be a powerful mage. He is just born and he manifested his powers."

" What the brat can use magic now?" Gildarts shouted loudly.

A staff fell on his head making him like flat on the ground. Gildarts was once again groaning in pain.

" So what magic did he has? Is it Claire'slight magic, mine shadow magic or something else. " Ardent asked.

Porlyusica didn't answer directly and looked at Makarov who was looking at Daven.

" You sensed it too. You sensed his magic didn't you, Makarov?"

" Yes. I sensed it too as soon as he used it. Although it was very light, even weaker than average D rank mage, but it was there. " Makarov answered absentmindedly.

" So the kids gonna be a D rank mage, pity." Gildarts grumbled at the side.

This earned him a glare from both the parents and it promised pain, great pain.

Gildarts then decided to remain quiet and let Master do the talking.

" Yes it was weak but it doesn't mean he will be weak in the future. If he is taught well then he won't lose to his parents and may even surpa.s.s them."

This news made the parents happy. After all which patent doesn't want their kid to surpa.s.s them and become strong enough to protect himself.

" Stop delaying old man. What is the magic that kid used earlier?" Gildarts said as he was losing his patience.

" It was both light and shadow magic." Makarov answered.

" So the kid got both the magics of his parents. Damm, the kid is lucky but won't the two contradictory magic elements cause problem for the kid. " Gildarts asked.

Both Ardent and Claire we're happy that their son Daven inherited their powers but Gildarts fear evaporated all the joy about their kid's magic.

" Indeed it might have caused problem had ot not been for his third magic. This is what keeps things in balance.

As long as his third magic is strong or stronger than the other two there wont be any problem." Makarov said while frowning slightly.

" If it is like that then why are you frowning, Master? " Claire asked.

" It is the third magic which worries me, dear. I had encountered a mage who used this same type of magic and he was very powerful. But …" he stopped midway

" But what? Master?" Ardent asked.

" But it is a difficult magic. You cannot train him in light or shadow magic until he learns that magic or there might be some problems for the kid in the future." Makarov warned them.

" Ok master, we will not teach him our magic until he learned that magic " Ardent and Claire promised him.

" Ok. Promises are done but what is the magic that the kid needs to learn before all." Gildarts asked. The waiting and dragging of Makarov was killing him.

" It is the lost magic, Arc of Embodiment."