Fairy Tail - Rise Of Rune Knight - 11 Chapter 10 Life In Fairy Tail

11 Chapter 10 Life In Fairy Tail

After three months of hard work he was able to create a a cutla.s.s and maintain it's appearance for half an hour.

Along with this he could create any ordinary tool with his magic and can maintain their form for at least half an hour.

Of course, Makarov made sure to use young Daven's magic to his gain. He had him sweep the fallen leaves around the guild with his created broom in name of training.

He had him cut trees for bonfire and outing. He even made him create utensils to cook food along with plates. Of course his concentration broke in the middle of the cooking process and food was spilled.

Makarov took great delight in scolding and criticising Daven for his lack of focus and it's importance in magic and even let them be hungry for a meal.

Of course, it was done to encourage him and train even harder. Laxus took similar duration to learn his first magic spell.

The first spell always took time and after that it becomes easier as to learn different spells of that particular magic.

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To learn a magic spell at the age of six, in three months time is what only a genius can achieve but to learn a spell belonging to lost magic cla.s.s is way too exaggerated.

Although Makarov scolded and criticised him for every mistake of his, he had regarded Daven as a ' 'monster ' . After all he cannot find anything on how to describe him.

Daven got to know some mage in the guild such as Macao and Wakaba. He felt they were cool though Laxus called them lazy b.u.mps who never went to do any task.

But they were authentic A cla.s.s mage of the guild.

This time he had encountered Ivan, Laxus father only s couple of times. He would often look at him with weird eyes and then seem to compare him and Laxus of one judge the way he looks.

He didn't have much interaction with him and didn't put much thoughts to his action as he was his teacher's son and most probably won't harm him.

Whenever Daven comes to Fairy Tail guild, he was often ridiculed by the adults of the guild for creating different tools and do the janitorial works of the guild. He got the t.i.tle of " Unofficial Janitor" from other guild members.

Gildarts seems to take extra care in teasing the young trainer mage and often increased his work by accidentally destroying things around with his uncontrollable magic.

This angered Daven since his work increased exponentially after the orange haired harbinger arrival. He often pranked him by switching his alcohol bottles with either lime juice or plain water.

His reaction after finding the swap was ridiculous. But this was done with the help of Laxus.

Daven with Laxus help often pranked those members of the guild who deliberately increased his work load. Of course everything was under the eyes of Makarov and the pranks were only slightly humiliating or funny and didn't harm anyone.

The another reason was Laxus acted his age only when he was with Daven. With others he tried to act mature or like an adult. Makarov felt happy seeing his grandson enjoy his childhood and cherished every moment.

The duo had pranked every member of the guild except Ivan who wasn't in the guild much at least once. They were called " Terrible Terror" by the rest of the guild.

Their attic brought new entertainment and everyone relished in the children's acts. Some were reminded of their own childhood.

When the guild members weren't doing anything they would regale the stories of their mission or try to brag in front of them. Of course they did however tell them about the necessary precaution one should take while travelling around.

Just like this the fourth month had pa.s.sed since he lived with the Dreyar. Ardent sent call to the guild master through the communication lacrima that soon she will break the water. So he wanted to call Porlyusica.

And he decided to head for the Meteor Town in two days time and decided to prepare a test for the two young mage.

Makarov took the young Terrible terror to part of the forest where Porlyusica resides. He told them he had a surprise for them. He didn't reveal the news of his mother nearing childbirth to his young apprentice and decided to tell them when he mentions the mission objective.

Makarov had Gildarts catch a boar with similar strength as an E rank wizard and gave them the task.

"The mission of Laxus and Daven was to defeat or even kill the boar on their own within half an hour time. If they could do it then he would take them with him to visit The Donovan's and let Daven meet his new siblings.

But if they couldn't then they won't meet the newborn until much later when they could complete this mission he gave them. " Makarov explained the mission

Daven was furious and shouted at the old man for this trick and didn't want to waste time in these stupid plans of his and return to his mother.

But he reminded he was here to learn magic and until and unless he gave him a clear pa.s.s he cannot return back. It was something his parents agreed with him.

After calming down he continued," if you cannot complete it in a single try then you could try once again later.

But after every failure in the mission they had to wait a week before their next trial. "

Gildarts, Makarov and Porlyusica who arrived there to make sure that the two young mage weren't injured stood at the side while watching the first battle of Daven and Laxus.