Fairy Tail: Start To Capture The Fairy Queen Erza - Chapter 4

Chapter 4

"Irene, I want to learn magic..."

Yiwen thought for a while and asked Irene for advice.

To be honest, even if he upgrades his domineering, fruit ability, and physical skills to the full tenth level, he still doesn't have the confidence to deal with Akunologia's ability to devour everything.

Therefore, he wants to learn some abilities of this world to help him become stronger.

After all, Irene is also within the hunting range of Akunologia!

Although Irene never revealed her identity in the original book, even standing in front of Akunologia, she seemed to hide herself well.

But after all, the world has changed because of his arrival, Yiwen. What if Irene reveals her identity and attracts Akunologia's ambush...

The consequences would be unimaginable!

Yiwen didn't want any tragedy that would make him regret, so he had to become stronger, at least he couldn't become an existence like a drag bottle.

"Magic?!" Irene was taken aback for a moment, then asked with a smile, "What do you study magic for?"

"I want enough power to protect the people I want to protect without letting myself regret it!"

Yiwen's immature face was filled with the word "seriousness".

"Ywen doesn't need too much strength, because mother will protect Yiwen, no matter who the enemy is?!"

Irene could see the seriousness and worry in Yiwen's eyes. Although she didn't know what Yiwen was worried about, no matter how terrifying and powerful what Yiwen was worried about, she would swear to protect Yiwen and Ersha to the death. If anyone dared to touch her child, she would definitely make him pay in blood.

Yiwen knew that Irene had feelings for him, but it was also his determination, so he still looked at Irene firmly.

"But since Egwene wants to learn magic, then let me teach you!"

Irene looked at Yiwen dotingly, and when she waved her hand, three magical light clusters appeared in the air, and then floated into Yiwen's body.

"This is attachment and detachment magic, and my experience in using attachment and detachment magic. There is still a little magic power! Feel it first."

Irene added her additional magic and experience to Yiwen, and added a little magic power to Yiwen.

Eileen has long discovered that there seems to be no magical power in Yiwen's body, and she also knows that Yiwen's magical powers are all achieved by relying on the strange fruits in Yiwen's hands.

And she has already experienced the power of the miraculous fruit, and obtained great benefits.

In fact, the human fruit and human form help Irene much more powerfully than Yiwen imagined. This devil fruit not only endows Irene with a human posture, but also further develops Irene's potential, and at the same time endows Without the strong durability and physical strength of Irene's animal-type devil fruit, this makes Irene stronger than before.

As for the secret of the fruit, Irene didn't ask much. She respected Yiwen's own secret and believed in Yiwen unconditionally.

In fact, ever since Egwene miraculously appeared in front of her and gave her a fruit that allowed her to become a human being again, enjoy human sleep, human food, and everything human, Irene had taken Egwen The encounter between Wen and herself was regarded as a kind of predestined...

"Is this magic?"

At the same time, Yiwen closed his eyes tightly, and he was feeling the power he had obtained from Irene.

To be honest, it is too powerful. The power of attaching and separating magic is like magic. Yiwen even feels that as long as she masters attaching and separating magic, she can master all the magic in this world.

However, there is one thing that Yiwen has a headache at the moment. There is no such thing as magic power in his body...

Although, Yiwen is not afraid, because there is something wrong!


Yiwen muttered in her heart, and in an instant, the system template appeared in Yiwen's mind.

Character: Ewen

Physique: Special constitution (can eat multiple devil fruits)


Knowledge color: LV6 (+)

Armed color: LV6 (+)

Overlord color: LV6 (+)

Devil Fruit:

Animals, fish fruit, phantom beasts, blue dragon form: LV6 (+)

Superman: Heavy Fruits: LV6 (+)

Natural Department Sparkling Fruit: LV6 (+)


Swordsmanship: LV6 (+)

Six types: LV6 (+)


Magic: LV0 (+)

Additional magic: LV0 (+)

Separation Magic: LV0 (+)

Fund balance: 208908

Sure enough, after Yiwen got Irene's help, the words "magic power", "additional magic", and "separation magic" appeared in his mind, and they had already become upgradeable. The limit of additional magic and separation magic is not level 10. It is up to Yi Wen to explore the specific level of the limit.

"This system is really evil!"

Yi Wen saw that the system counted additional magic and separation magic into two spells, and suddenly felt a heartache. Counting them as two spells, if you upgrade, you need double the funds. Relying on his own three thousand a day guarantee, if he wants to upgrade to the limit, what life will he get?

Helplessness is helplessness, the upgrade is still to be upgraded.

Yiwen first pressed a plus sign behind the magic power.

As Yiwen spent a little money, the magic power changed from LV0 to LV1 in an instant!

Yiwen's funds also changed from 208908 to 208907...

Yiwen watched, the way to upgrade the magic power consumes the same amount of money as domineering, fruit, and body skills, so she didn't hesitate anymore, and clicked on the + sign of the magic power five times, and it was consumed in an instant 111110 funds, and Yiwen's magic power has also come from LV1 to LV6.

At this time, Yiwen only had 97798 funds left.

Seeing that the funds in her hand were no longer enough to upgrade any of the additional or detached spells to LV6, Yi Wen had no choice but to take the next step and upgrade both the detached and additional spells to LV5. In an instant, Ewen consumed 22222 funds, and At this time, Yiwen only had 75576 funds left.

"This fund is really not enough! Why is there no cracked version?"

Yiwen looked at her funds from more than 200,000 yuan to more than 70,000 yuan in an instant, UU reading www. uukanshu.com said with emotion.

But everything is worth it! Because he has indeed become stronger!

With the upgrade of Egwene's magic, the data on his panel was corrected and changed to...


Magic: LV6 (+)

Additional magic: LV5 (+)

Separation Magic: LV5 (+)

Yiwen can definitely feel her own strength and the majestic magic power in her body. Now Yiwen can already obtain magic power through cultivation like a normal magister.


Irene felt the change in Yiwen, and her expression was slightly shocked. She saw Yiwen with her own eyes, from an ordinary person without magic power, to a magician with powerful magic power in an instant. It's not worth mentioning, but it can definitely be called a strong one in the outside world.


Yiwen wanted to explain his problems to Irene. In fact, he had already thought of the reason. He planned to push all the problems on the fruit to the fruit. Anyway, Irene had already experienced the magical effect of the devil fruit.

"Egwene, you are a genius! Great! My child is a magic genius!"

However, before Yiwen could explain, Irene had already hugged Yiwen and said excitedly.

Yiwen could tell that Irene was happy for him from the bottom of her heart, and his heart immediately warmed up.

"Hee hee hee"

On the side, Elusha, who was put by Irene in the pram that Ewen used before, also felt something and laughed happily.

It seems that even Erza is happy that Egwene has become stronger.

This made Yiwen's determination even stronger!