Fairy Tail: Start To Capture The Fairy Queen Erza - Chapter 356

Chapter 356

Yinshujiaer Continent, where the former Gate of Hades Guild lived in seclusion.

The original majestic mountains now only have endless wreckage, and the original valley has been flattened by Yin Wen's fist and turned into a broad plain. A fat old man is standing here, his eyes shining with anger .

"Whether it's the devil's heart or the gate of the underworld, thanks to you being called the strongest and most mysterious dark magister guild in Yinshugal continent, isn't it all killed by Fairy Tail?!"

The old man was walking in the dilapidated valley, cursing angrily, and his words were full of contempt for the devil's heart and the gate of the underworld.

"Hmph! It seems that the Dark Magisters Guild is also unreliable. If I want to defeat Fairy Tail and the Magic Council, I have to figure out a way~"

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Looking at the wreckage in front of him, the old man let out a cold snort. His words revealed his endless hatred for Fairy Tail of the Magisters Guild and the Magic Council!

The old man's name was Crawford Sim, and he was the former chairman of the Magic Senate, but it was because of Yin Wen's transformation plan of the Fairy Tail branch of the Magic Senate.

After the founder of Fairy Tail, the four heavenly kings of Yinshugal in the original book, and now ranked fifth among the top ten holy magisters, Volod, he was followed by Volod, Rob, Yajima, and Toki. , Gerald and others teamed up to drive him down from the position of the chairman of the magic council, and finally left the council alone in disgrace, and went to the mountains to live a life of seclusion...

However, Crawford Sim, the former chairman of the ERA Council of Magic, is not satisfied with this. As the chairman of the council, he is used to power, used to using power, and the feeling of being surrounded by power. He was unacceptable to be kicked out of the position of the chairman of the council!

Ever since, Crawford Himm used the vast amount of knowledge he gained from analyzing ancient texts during his tenure as the chairman of the council to contact the bookshelf named Jeref, who claimed to be the most powerful on the Yinshugal continent. The mysterious dark magister guild's gate to Hades...

After Crawford Sim told the gate of Hades about Nirvana and Fez, and saw the powerful strength of the demons at the gate of Hades, Crawford Sim expressed his concern for these powerful demons at the gate of Hades. Demons are full of confidence!

After reaching a deal with Hades Gate, Crawford Sim returned to his secluded residence full of joy. He believed that Fairy Tail and the Magic Council would fail this time. After all, the members of Hades Gate, Those are all great demons created by the legendary black mage Jeref!

As a result, seven or eight months have passed in a flash, and the Fairy Tail of the Magisters Guild, together with the Fairy Tail branch, and the ERA, the magic council that oversees the magic world of the entire Inshgar continent, is still flourishing on the mainland...

This surprised and shocked Crawford Sim. To be honest, during the past seven or eight months, he has been waiting for the gate of Hades to come to him and tell him the news of Fairy Tail and the destruction of the Magic Council. , but in fact there is no...

Just at the moment when endless bad premonitions arose in Crawford Sim's heart! He finally got a piece of news, but unfortunately it wasn't the news about the destruction of Fairy Tail and the Magic Council, but the news of the destruction of the Gate of Hades!

Yes, Crawford Shim did not wait for the news of the destruction of Fairy Tail and the council, but waited until the magic council headed by Worod officially announced that the strongest dark magister guild in the Yinshugal continent The heart of the devil, and the gate of the underworld, the most mysterious dark guild in the Insugar Continent, have all been destroyed by Fairy Tail, and the Insugar Continent is at peace!

When Crawford Sim heard the news, he was shocked, he couldn't believe it, so he came alone to the place where the gate of Hades lived in seclusion, and what he saw was a ruin !

At this moment, the former chairman of the council, Crawford Sim, is feeling cool inside, and at the same time, Crawford Sim also has a decision in his heart...

"Hehe, the real threat to Yinshujiaer's continent has never been the Dark Magister Guild!"

"The real threat to Yinshugal Continent is the powerful empire called Albares in the Western Continent!"

Yes, Crawford Sim, who was the former chairman of the Magic Council, knew the information about the Western Continent.

"Wait! Fairy Tail!"

"Wait! Magic Council ERA..."

"When I return from the Western Continent, it's time for me to get back everything that was taken from me!"

At this moment, Crawford Shim has great ambitions, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the middle-aged, old and poor!

After Crawford Sim thought about the countermeasures against Fairy Tail and the Magic Council, he left the ruins of the gate of Hades, ready to get up and try to go to the Western Continent.

So, a month later...

At the moment when the whole world and Yinshugal Continent were immersed in the discussion of the top ten holy magisters selected by the Magic Council, the figure of Crawford Shim finally came to the Western Continent.

Another month has passed, and countless twists and turns have gone through!

Crawford Sim not only managed to come to the capital of the Alvarez Empire where Jeff was located, but was also received by the Alvarez Empire Palace as a guest!

Just because Crawford Him claimed to be the former chairman of the Magic Council of the Yinshugal Continent, and had the ability to help the Alvarez Empire defeat the Yinshugal Continent.

So far the reception room...

Crawford Sim was with an old man who was like an eggplant, holding a huge crutch in his hand, who seemed to be about to fall to the ground at any time without a crutch, and an old man in a lavender mage robe, holding a huge crutch in his hand. An old man with a wooden staff, a long beard, and a head of white hair sat together in the meeting room.

"Mr. Crawford Sim, please allow me to introduce to you. This is the magic king Olgast, who is also the leader of our Alvarez Empire. Please express your thoughts in front of Oughast. Say it again in front of Mr. Gastor..."

The eggplant-like old man with a cane in his hand looked at Crawford Sim in front of him and smiled, and at the same time introduced the old man beside them who was holding a staff.

That's right, that man with a staff in his hand who looks imposing is none other than Oghast, the King of Magic.

"Hehe, you are Mr. Crawford Shim, right? I have heard about you. It is said that you have the ability to help our Alvarez Empire capture the Yinshugal continent. I don't know what you can do, why not Tell me about..."

Olgast sat across from Crawford Sim and asked with a smile.

"It's so strong! What's the matter with this magical power? It's almost the same as the power of a magic wizard, no! It's even bigger than the power of a magic wizard! Is there such a powerful magician in this world? As long as there is this man in front of him Help, I will definitely be able to eliminate Fairy Tail and the Magic Council! As for the ten great magisters of the Inshgar Continent, they are nothing compared to the man in front of us!"

Crawford Sim felt the huge magical power in Olgast's body, and his face was horrified. To be honest, he had never seen the Holy Ten Magisters before. Makarov, Joseph Paula, he had seen it before. Lots of faces, even more with Worrod Sinken every day!

Originally, when Crawford Sim saw Worrod, he was already shocked. In Crawford Sim's eyes, Worrod's magic power was not at the same level as other Holy Ten Magisters. Yes, that's a monster!

But that was before Crawford Sim met the Magic King Olghast! The moment Crawford saw the Magic King, he understood why the man in front of him was called the Magic King!

Whether it's Volod or the demons from the gate of Hades, in front of this man in front of him, he is as weak as an ant...

"Mr. Crawford Sheam."

Olgast sat opposite Crawford Sim, looked at Crawford Sim who had been slow to speak, and softly called the other party's name.

"Huh? Er..."

"Ahem, then let me tell you..."

As Olghast's voice sounded beside Crawford Sim, he realized that he had lost his composure. The main reason was that Olghast was too powerful, not like a human being, but like a human being. The king of magic, the **** of magic...

But Crawford Himm is the chairman of the Senate after all, and he adjusted his state within a few breaths.

"About the conquest of the Yinshugal continent, I think there are two things that stand in the way of the Alvarez Empire."

The corners of Crawford Sim's mouth were raised slightly, and he stretched out two fingers, pretending to be mysterious and preaching.


As soon as these words came out, Olgast nodded slightly.

"I don't know which two things it is?"

Olgast seemed to be asking Crawford Sim, but in fact he knew in his heart that the two biggest things standing in front of their Alvarez Empire were Irene and Selene.

However, Olgast didn't think that low-level beings like Crawford Sim would know the existence of Irene and Selene, so he asked.

"Those are two organizations, both of which are very powerful..."

"One of the organizations kicked me out, the Magic Council ERA, there are countless terrifying weapons in the Magic Council, such as the strategic weapon magic wizard power that can destroy a country in an instant, and the magic power enough to make the world disappear The ancient weapon Fez!"

"So if the ERA of the Magic Council can't be dealt with, I think the plan of the Alvarez Empire to attack the Inshgal Continent will be in vain..."

After all, Crawford Himm is the former chairman of the Magic Council, and he has something to say about himself. With a few words, he directly placed the threat of the Magic Council ERA in front of Olgast. .

"Magic spirit power, is there still Fez?"

"I see. If those two things are really as terrifying as you said, then they are indeed a huge threat to our Alvarez Empire."

Magic King Olghast nodded lightly. Although he didn't pay much attention to these two things, but with Crawford Sim's experience in the world, these two things could indeed be of great help to them, Alba. The Reis Empire has posed a threat, but what makes the Magic King Olghast even more concerned is the second thing that Crawford Shim said can prevent their Alvarez Empire from capturing the Inshgar Continent.

"Well, as expected of the King of Magic, it seems that you already know how dangerous those two things are!"

"Then since you already know the danger of things, I won't say any more..."

"Then let me focus on telling you, this second thing is enough to stop the Alvarez Empire from capturing the Inshgar Continent~"

Crawford Sim knew that Olgast was an expert, and the other party already knew the power of Fez and the magic elves, so he would definitely be able to come up with countermeasures, so he didn't say any more.

"Appreciate further details"

Olgast nodded lightly, and he planned to listen carefully. Crawford Sim talked about this second thing that was enough to stop their Alvarez Empire.

"The second thing is a Magister Guild..."

Crawford Sim nodded slightly and spoke.


Just hearing the five characters of Magisters Guild, Olgast was startled and had a bad premonition in his heart.

"This magister's guild is called Fairy Tail!"

"It's an extremely evil guild that wears the cloak of the Bright Magisters' Guild and does all kinds of bad things! There will never be a guild darker than Fairy Tail in this world..."

Without waiting for Olgast to think too much, Crawford Sim continued to speak.


Olgast had a bad heart, and his ominous premonition came true.

So, Olgast remained calm and nodded to the old man beside him.

The old man instantly understood Olgast's meaning, he stood up and left without saying a word.

In this regard, Crawford Himm didn't say anything. He continued to tell the story of Fairy Tail, the world's number one dark magister guild.

"As for how evil this Fairy Tail is?!"

"Hehe, participating in human trafficking, deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors, beating all kinds of old people, disrespecting books, and burning knowledge! The four-hundred-year-old bookshelf is torn down as soon as it is said!"

"The most exaggerated thing is that I, Crawford Sim, the former chairman of the ERA of the Magic Council, ate hot pot and sang songs that day! I was kicked out of the magic council by the demons of Fairy Tail without doing anything. hospital"

"It's inexplicable, it's simply inexplicable! They actually occupied my council like this, they are simply a group of robbers!"

"Among them, the one named Yin Wen, Yin Wen Berserion, obviously has the most intelligent surname, but she never does anything related to civilization, except for throwing meteorites and demolition, she still throws meteorites and demolition! Savage, savage, just a monster..."

Crawford Sim yelled angrily, and kept talking out the anguish in his heart.

Olgast has been listening to this.

Until hearing this, Olgast didn't say anything.

Even when Olgast heard Crawford Sim scolding Yin Wen, not only did he not express it, he even wanted to laugh...

"It's not over yet..."

"I just can't understand why Fairy Tail does so many robber things!"

"So I checked a lot of information, and finally got a very surprising result!"

"Why is the Fairy Tail of the Magisters Guild so barbaric? It turns out that they are rotten at the root, and their founder has a problem, and it is a very serious problem..."

Until, when Crawford Sim said this, Olgast's face changed a little, his brows were tightly frowned, as if he was planning something.

"The four founders of Fairy Tail, Mebis Viviamilio, Precito Gelberg, Worold Sinken, and Yuri Doraia, none of these four is a good person ..."

While Olgast was brewing something, Crawford Himm continued to preach.


Crawford Sim's words directly made Olgast's forehead tense with blue veins.

"Yuri Doraia is a short-lived ghost. It's hard for the people to say, but he is the father of Makarov, the current president of Fairy Tail. From his son's point of view, my son is not a thing, and I probably am not, so Yuu The character here is terrible!"

"Worod, that's a bastard. He took my position, a robber! But I heard that Yuri, Worod and the others were originally from robbers. Hmph, people with dirty hands and feet can't be changed for the rest of their lives... "

"Prechto Gelberg, the second-generation president of Fairy Tail! Others don't know about Prechto's roots, but I do. After he left the Fairy Tail guild, he established the Dark Magister It is not a good thing to guild the devil's heart and become the president of the devil's heart..."

"Of course the least important thing is that it must be Mebis, the first president of Fairy Tail. He looks so pure on the outside, but who knows what he looks like in private? He has been dead for so many years, and he can still make Volod, Prey Xito, the two old monsters who can't forget, must be the master of tea art! Absolutely b*tch!"

Crawford Sim eloquently told the Magic King Olghast about his analysis.


It was also at the moment when Crawford Sim said Mebis, accompanied by a sound, the staff in Olgast's hand was instantly broken into two halves.

"Uh? What's the matter? Have you also felt the evil of the Fairy Tail guild?"

Crawford-Sim's eyes lit up when he saw Olghast who broke the staff with too much force. He thought that Olghast must have felt the resonance of what he said, and felt the goblin's emotion. The evil tail, so in a fit of anger, he broke the staff.

"Crawford Sim, is this the symbol of Fairy Tail you mentioned?"

Just when Crawford Himm was still beautiful, Olgast raised his hand and took off his gloves, revealing the Fairy Tail logo on the back of his hand~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ah yes, yes, this is the logo, Even if I am blind, I will never admit my mistake..."

Crawford Sim looked at the sign and was excited, and then his voice stopped abruptly.

So, why does the boss of the Alvarez Empire have the Fairy Tail logo printed on the back of his hand?

"Mr. Olghast, why is there a picture of Fairy Tail printed on the back of your hand?"

Crawford Sim suddenly felt his lips dry, as if he had discovered some great secret.

"Yeah? Why?!"

"Why is the mark of Fairy Tail printed on the back of my hand? It's amazing!"

Olgate looked at Crawford Sim in front of him with a half-smile, as if he was looking at a dead person.

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