Fairy Tail: Start To Capture The Fairy Queen Erza - Chapter 334

Chapter 334


"Irene is going to be an examiner?!"

As Irene's voice fell, everyone in the Fairy Tail guild exclaimed. Everyone gasped and looked at Irene in shock.

"So Selene is our guild's candidate for the S-level magister assessment this year, and Irene is our guild's examiner for this year's S-level magister assessment?"

"If the two of them are allowed to participate in the S-level magister assessment, whether they are examiners or candidates! It will be a devastating disaster for other candidates and examiners!"

"No, no, actually, it's okay for candidates and examiners. Have you ever thought about the feeling of the venue where the two meet?"

"With the strength of Irene and Selene, the venue where the two of them are fighting is definitely a disaster! Maybe the Kingdom of Fiore will perish because of this..."

A group of Fairy Tail magisters looked at Irene and Selene faintly, and they all looked surprised. Irene is the examiner, and Selene is the examinee. If the two match each other, what will happen? What kind of thing? !

All the magisters would feel terrified just by imagining it.

"Anyway, according to the usual practice, I'm here to announce the candidates for this year's Fairy Tail S-class magister examiner..."

"This year's examiners are Irene Berserion, Yinwen Berserion, Gildas Cravey, Erza Berserion, Kurnuki, Ulu Miru Kebiqi, and Milaj Strauss, the above seven will be the examiners for Fairy Tail's S-class magister this year..."

After all, Makarov did not dare to provoke Irene, especially after giving Selene the privilege, he did not dare to provoke Irene, so he could only stuff Irene into the crowd of examiners. In Lao Ma's original plan, there was neither Irene nor Selene.

"The most troublesome thing has happened!"

"Chairman, can't you be tougher?"

"If the Kingdom of Fiore is destroyed because of this, you will be a sinner through the ages."

Makao and Wakaba looked at the helpless Makarov who had no choice but to stuff Irene into the team of Fairy Tail examiners, and complained one after another.

"Shut up! You two think I don't want to stand up, old man? The problem is that this old man is so short, it's useless to stand up!"

"If it's possible, I would like to too! But, old man, even if it's an old man, I don't dare to offend the two of them~"

Hearing this, Makarov's expression became angry. He scolded Makao and Wakaba angrily. As a result, as he talked, his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally reached a volume that could not be heard unless he listened carefully. .

"That's Irene and Selene? Who in the entire guild dares to provoke them? I don't even dare!"

At this moment, the old horse looked at Makao and Wakaba without tears. He wiped away the tears hanging from the corners of his eyes, and cried silently to his guild members.

Alas, the old horse is incompetent, so he has to cry.

"President Prechto, Lace, why did you leave me alone in the guild?!"

"Don't abandon me alone!"

"Old man, I can hardly stand it anymore!"

Makarov shouted in his heart, the misery in his heart no one can understand.

At this moment, Makarov finally knows what it means to be unable to express the pain in his heart...

In fact, after meeting with Prechto a few weeks ago, Leisi left Fairy Tail. According to Leisi, he was too tired. As a dead man, he stayed in this world It's been too long, just waiting for Makarov, Yajima, Rob, or Senior Volod, and President Prechto to die at random, and accompany him Became a Buddha...

So Les left the Fairy Tail of the Magisters Guild for the time being, and went to work in the Magic Senate. According to Lace, the work intensity of the Senate is so high. Sooner or later, one of Yajima and Rob will die suddenly. We can go to heaven hand in hand~

Reis, who has been living alone in the northern continent of Kiltina, believes that as long as he dies with his former companions in Fairy Tail and ascends to heaven, he will not be alone~

Because of Reis's farewell, Reis was also removed from Fairy Tail's active S-level magisters. At present, Reis, Makarov, Volod and Prechto can only be regarded as Fairy Tail is a former S-rank mage.

However, with Lace's farewell, in the entire Fairy Tail guild, only Makarov was left to take the lead. This made Makarov, who had long been accustomed to Lace's help in dealing with the affairs of the Fairy Tail guild, , feeling physically and mentally exhausted and stressed.

"In short, the people whose names I mentioned above, whether they are the examiners of the S-class magisters or the examiners of this year's S-class magisters, will all gather at the pier later, and we will take a boat to the guild's holy place, Sirius Island. !"

After wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, Makarov spoke helplessly to the magisters in the guild.

In fact, if Makarov had known earlier that Selene and Irene would participate in this year's S-rank magister assessment, he would not have arranged for everyone to go to the guild's holy land, Sirius Island...

Instead, just make a living in the small town of Magnolia, and just hold an S-level magister assessment. There is a high probability that Sirius Island, the holy land of the Fairy Tail guild, will be saved, and Magnolia will not Will be too threatened! After all, Selene and Irene will probably restrain themselves a little because they care about the residents of the town~

As for whether the residents of the small town will have opinions because the S-rank magister assessment held by Fairy Tail is too noisy?

Makarov thinks it shouldn't be. After all, Fairy Tail has been making a fuss for a day or two. Should those residents get used to it? !

Cough cough, what Makarov meant was that the residents who are still in the small town of Magnolia are probably people who are used to the troubles of the Fairy Tail guild...


"Take a boat to Sirius Island? It doesn't need to be so troublesome~"

"Can't we go directly to Sirius Island through the door?"

After listening to Makarov's words, Irene smiled slightly. She waved her hand at the wall in front of her, and suddenly a space door appeared in front of everyone. The opposite of the door was Sirius Island.

"Even if you go to Sirius Island, it's impossible. After all, Sirius Island is hundreds of miles away..."


Makarov stared at Irene who summoned the portal with one hand, his eyes widened.

At this moment, Makarov doesn't know what to say. Although it is really unreasonable to be used by a human magister for this level of transfer magic, it seems very reasonable to be used by Irene, because in In Makarov's eyes, Irene is not human at all, she is a complete monster...

Cough cough, what Makarov meant was that in his eyes, a perfect woman like Irene is not a woman who can exist in the world, but a scarlet goddess from the sky.

Since Irene is a celestial maiden from heaven, wouldn't it be normal to have powers beyond humans?

"Everyone, please follow me~"

After Irene opened the transfer gate, she turned around and showed an incomparably charming smile to the magisters in the guild. Then she passed through the portal first and came to Sirius Island, the holy land of the magister guild Fairy Tail.


Makarov swallowed a mouthful of saliva. After a brief shock, he slowly calmed down and led a group of S-level examiners through the portal...

As Makarov and others stepped into the portal, they came to Sirius Island, the Holy Land of Fairy Tail!

"Is this really Sirius Island?"

"What kind of huge magic power is this to support this level of space magic?"

Standing on the beach, Makarov looked at the familiar reefs, beaches, and the iconic Sirius tree. Makarov knew that they had indeed come to Sirius Island.

"Ultrlong-distance teleportation magic! President, don't make a fuss. I remember Irene showed you the last S-level exam..."

Yin Wen patted Makarov on the shoulder, explaining the magic used by Irene.

"Hehe, are these two types of magic? My strength is weak, don't you lie to me?"

In this regard, Makarov just rolled his eyes slightly when he heard the words, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. As one of the top ten holy magisters in active service, he certainly knows what ultrlong-distance teleportation magic is. At the same time, he also knows that Ai Lin's magic is not something as simple as ultrlong-distance teleportation magic.

Besides, let's not talk about Irene's teleportation door, the general ultrlong-distance teleportation magic is not something a magister can use!

A huge magic circle of that level cannot be driven by the magic power in the magister's body! Even for a strong man like him who holds the title of the Ten Great Magisters, the magic power in his body is simply not enough to maintain those super-large teleportation magic circles...

If you want to maintain a teleportation array at the level of hundreds of kilometers, or even thousands of kilometers, only the crystallization of magic power, that is, magic crystals can do it! However, even so, each teleportation will consume a lot of magic power, and several magic crystals will be scrapped!

Most importantly, this teleportation magic is one-way! To put it simply, it is to gather everyone together, and then teleport from one point to another with a 'snap'...

The principle is somewhat similar to the method used by Irene to transfer the Fairy Tail Guild from Magnolia Town to Sirius Island when she came to Sirius Island for the first time!

However, this time, Irene directly opened a fixed portal that can go back and forth between Sirius Island and Fairy Tail Guild!

Who knows how much mana is needed to maintain this huge portal that spans hundreds of thousands of kilometers? !

Anyway, Makarov knew that the magic power required to maintain the portal must be more exaggerated than the magic power consumed by ultrlong-range directional teleportation magic...


Thinking of this, Makarov shook his head helplessly, every time Irene could give him a small surprise.

Every time Makarov thought that he knew enough about Irene's strength, Irene would tell him that what you thought you knew was just superficial, and that my mother's strength is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people like you above!

"Is this the Sirius Island?"

On the other side, Yin, Sera, Urutia, Kagura, and Mistgang have followed a group of S-level examiners to Sirius Island.

"Is this the holy land of Fairy Tail, Sirius Island?"

"I see. Is it because of that tree that those of us who bear the mark of Fairy Tail sometimes feel connected with each other?"

After using the magic props that Wisdom gave him for a while, Mistgang made a shocking discovery. He found that all the magisters with the Fairy Tail badge on their bodies were related to the sacred Sirius tree in front of them. There is a mysterious connection between them.

That is to say, according to Mystergang's speculation, the Sirius tree in front of me is the bond that maintains the spiritual connection among the magisters in the guild...

"No! The Sirius tree is only playing an auxiliary role. Is it really faith that really connects everyone?"

After thinking about it for a while, Mistergang shook his head lightly. A single Sirius tree should not have that much power. In Mistergang's speculation, it was because of the companions in the Fairy Tail guild. The faith of the Fairy Tail gave the Sirius tree its strength, and the Sirius tree fed back the power of this belief to the magisters in the guild. The Sirius tree and the two are complementary existences, and they have made each other successful.

"It's amazing! After you go back, ask Wisdom to see if he can develop some magic props according to the idea of Sirius Tree..."

Mistgang recorded the secret of the coexistence of Sirius Tree and Fairy Tail Magister and others, and decided to go back and ask Yin Wen's counterpart in Aedlas, Weiss, who claims to be the number one genius in the world in Aedlas. Dem.

Mistgang intends to ask Wisdom if he can use the idea of the Sirius tree to invent a prop that can allow the human magisters of the Edras Empire to communicate with each other...

Oh, by the way, by the way, now Wisdom no longer claims to be the number one genius in the world of Edras, Wisdom now calls himself Edras, Eslandon, And the number one genius in the Three Realms of Alentia...

"This feeling is amazing~"

In addition to Mystergang, Silver, Urrutia, Serra, and Kagura are also looking at the island in front of them. It is their first time to visit this island, which is called the Holy Land of the Guild.

"Is this Sirius Island? It's burning!"

"I will definitely become an S-rank magister this year!"

"Grey, even if we are senior brothers, I will not show mercy..."

"S-level magister assessment? So annoying..."

"Sister, sister, take care! We will definitely work hard~"

"Sister Milaj, I will show you that I am a man..."

"Lacusas, here I come! I will definitely get close to you~"

In addition to Yin and others who were selected by Makarov as the seed contestants for this year's S-level magister assessment, Naz, Gray, Leon, Karna, Lisanna, Elfman, and Fried Also eager to try.

"Come on! Defeat us, pass the assessment, and become an S-rank magister..."

Compared with the emotional ones, those who came to Sirius Island for the first time to participate in Fairy Tail S-level magister references were Kildas, Yin Wen, and Lakusa who had been S-level magisters in the guild for many years. Si, Erza, and Ulu are much calmer.

"Is this the Sirius Island?"

As for Miraj, who also came to Sirius Island for the first time, as an examiner, like other reference personnel, she looked up and down the entire island.

"Then let me explain the rules of the game!"

Makarov randomly found a stone pier and stood on it to make himself look taller. Then he looked at the candidates for the S-level magister assessment under him, and prepared to announce the S-level magister assessment of Fairy Tail this year. examination rules.

"There's no need to say anything about the rules~"

"To put it simply, as long as I am the only person left to participate in the assessment, then this year's S-level assessment of the guild, shouldn't I be the only one to pass?"

Just when Makarov was about to announce the rules for Fairy Tail's S-level assessment this year, Selene yawned lightly. She looked a little lazy and looked at Makarov on the stone pier. asked sweetly.

"Ah, this..."

After listening to Selene's words, Makarov was immediately devastated, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and his expression was extremely flustered.

Although this is true in theory, and Miraj has done the same thing, but among the people who participated in the assessment this year, besides Selene, Makarov also wanted to choose one among Yin and others. If Selene kills everyone, wouldn't Makarov's plan be in vain?

However, it seems that this can avoid the fight between Selene and Irene, that is to say, it is worth it!


So, after Makarov figured it out, he looked at Selene and smiled.


"Sao Fox, don't you even have the ability to listen to the rules?"

"Sure enough, a beast is a beast~"

Then, before Makarov spoke, Irene had already spoken first!

Irene saw that the corners of Selene's mouth rose slightly, and she saw the right opportunity, and she was about to say something to Selene.

"What did you say?!"

"If you have the guts, say it again!"

The corners of Selene's eyes twitched slightly, and the anger kept burning in her heart. She looked at Irene angrily and asked.

"Hehe, could it be that your cerebellum has shrunk, so you can't understand what I'm talking about?"

Irene looked slightly cold, she looked at Selene with an indifferent expression.



When Selene heard this, her expression became angry, and the atmosphere around her suddenly changed subtly!

Immediately afterwards, that cold white moonlight~www.mtlnovel.com~ the magic power with a faint golden light in the white was released from Selene's body and soared into the sky!

"Why do you want to fight? I will accompany you to the end!"

Irene seems to have been prepared to face Selene. She seems to have known that Selene will be excited by her words. The one who said those words!

After Selene began to erupt with magic power, Irene was not far behind. She was like a dragon waking up, with endless magic power soaring into the sky.

Immediately, a crimson magic power was released from Irene's body, soaring into the sky, reflecting with Selene's moonlight-like magic power!

For a moment, with the release of two terrifying magic powers that completely surpassed human beings and shot straight into the sky, the entire Sirius Island began to shake violently.

Makarov: "It's over!"

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