Fairy Tail: Start To Capture The Fairy Queen Erza - Chapter 273

Chapter 273

, the fastest update of Fairy Tail: Start to capture the latest chapter of Fairy Queen Erza!


With the opening of the gates to Elentia...

With the sky dark and cloudy

In an instant, Yin Wen, Mistgang, Naz and Kurnuki appeared in the world of Alentia.

The four of them floated in the air and slowly fell towards the ground...


Yin Wen's expression was calm, and she applied anti-gravity force to Mistgang, Naz, and Kurnuki, and the four of them floated in mid-air immediately, observing the wonderful mountains and rivers in the world of Alentia, a different world.

"The magic of this world is very abnormal."

"It's not that the total amount of magic power in this world is higher than that of Eslandon, but that the magic power in this world floats in the world but no one absorbs it, and eventually all of it is concentrated in the earth, air, and even the origin of the world. If things go on like this, this world will probably really be destroyed..."

Yin Wen frowned as she felt the magic power of the world of Alentia.

The world of Alentia, like the world of Eslandon, belongs to a world with sufficient magic power...

But different from the world of Eslandon, the world of Eslandon has produced countless strong people, and the infinite magic power belongs to the strong people themselves. On the other hand, in the world of Alentia, it seems that there are not many strong people, which leads to the world The magic power that was born has no one to absorb, no one uses it, the magic power is a bit overloaded, and it is about to reach the limit of a world that can carry unowned magic power...

"No, it's not right..."

"The speed at which the magic power of Alentia's world grows is very wrong."

"let me see"

After observing for a while, Yin Wen seemed to have discovered something, and he continued to explore the depths of the world of Alentia with his knowledge and knowledge.

"That is"

After Yin Wen released his knowledge to the extreme, he finally found something, his eyes widened, and a hint of shock flashed between them.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources and switch, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used.

"Is that thing Fez?! There is also Fez in this world?"

"However, unlike the Fez in the Eslandon world, which is used to eliminate magic power, the Fez in this world seems to be used to create magic power, which is the exact opposite of the Fez in the Eslandon world..."

"This is really shocking!"

A flash of shock flashed across Yin Wen's expression, and then he narrowed his eyes, thinking about some issues.

That's why, is it a coincidence that Fez will be born in the world of Eslandon and the world of Alentia? Or is it intentional by some kind of existence? Is there any connection between the two? This is what Yin Wen is constantly thinking about...

"Maybe the moon **** dragon Selene can give some answers."

Yin Wen had a premonition that the moon **** dragon Selene should know something, so she chose the world of Alentia.

At the same time, Black Moon Mountain...

A beautiful woman with long platinum hair like moonlight is lying naked in the warm pool water with her plump and **** body.

"Huh? What is this magic power?!"

The woman, who was resting with her eyes closed, seemed to feel something and suddenly opened her narrow and beautiful phoenix eyes, raised her chin that was stained with water droplets, and looked into the distance.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect that ineffective child to find this world?"

"In addition, there is an aura that makes me feel very familiar..."


"Girls, we have guests here~"

A touching smile suddenly appeared on the woman's beautiful cheeks. She jumped up from the pool, then tapped the water surface with her toes, followed by ripples, and lightly came to the edge of the pool.

Immediately, several servants who had been waiting took the towels and wiped the woman's body clean, and then put on a kimono with bare shoulders, which vividly outlined the plump bodice...

At the same time, the woman put on a hood that looked like a witch hat, with a full moon symbol printed on it.

The woman is none other than the moon **** dragon Selene who rules Alentia!

As Selene finished speaking, beautiful women in kimonos suddenly came from all directions.

And standing in front of this group of women are three women of different shapes...

A muscular figure, about two meters tall, looks like a professional bodybuilder.

A short stature, wretched face, wearing a modified hunting suit with the Selene full moon logo...

As for the one standing in the middle, she has a graceful figure and a handsome face. A thin kimono is lightly draped over her body, and it seems that she may slip off her body at any time.

"Three beauties under the moon! Go and treat our guests~"

Selene looked at the three people with different shapes behind her, and gave an order softly.

"Obey! Lord Selene!"

Called by Selene as the Three Beauties under the Moon, the three girls of different shapes knelt down on one knee immediately after hearing Selene's words, and accepted the order arranged by Selene.

the other side

Yin Wen and others have already landed on the land of Alentia.

"Sniff ~ Sniff ~"

Kurnuki stepped on the ground of Alentia, and kept smelling the air vigorously. He looked nervous, as if he was trying his best to distinguish something.

a few seconds later...

Kurnuki's expression changed, as if he had finally found what he wanted to confirm.

"Master Yin Wen, something is wrong, don't tell me, my mother is really in this world! Before my mother finds us, let's run away! If my mother finds us, we must Something bad is going to happen!"

Kurnuki looked anxiously at Yin Wen who was beside him as he preached.


After Yin Wen heard what Kurnuji said, she slapped Kurnuji's head hard.

"It hurts..."

Under Yin Wen's domineering slap, Kurnuji showed a painful expression.

"Idiot, we are here to find Selene, wouldn't it be bad if Selene wasn't in this world..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, and quickly guide us~"

After Yin Wen finished speaking, she rubbed Kurnuki's little head vigorously, because Kurnuki's nose is better than a dog, so Yin Wen hoped that Kurnuki would do what navigation should do for him . Use Kurnuki's keen sense of smell to find the location of the Luna Dragon Selene.

"Master Yin Wen, my mother smells everywhere in this world, no matter how good my nose is, I can't find it!"

Kurnuji rubbed his little head, watching Yin Wen helplessly preach.

"Then there is no other way, let's go west!"

Yin Wen sighed helplessly after hearing Kurnuki's words, the world of Alentia is too big, even if he has all the knowledge, he can't detect it, but since the Luna Dragon is called the Luna Dragon, he probably doesn't like it the sun? After Yin Wen confirmed that the sun also rises from the east in this world, she decided to lead everyone towards the west...

"That's the only way to go."

Hearing the words, Mistgang nodded slightly, no matter which way to go now, only forward is necessary anyway.


Just as Mistgang and the others were about to move westward, with a roar, the ground on which everyone stepped on suddenly cracked, and a huge hand blocked Yin Wen and the others like this, knocking Yin Wen away. Wen, Mistgang, Naz and Kurnuki completely stopped him.

"Is this a human hand?"

Mistgang looked at the huge palm in front of him, his expression was startled, and there was a trace of disbelief in his eyes.

"It looks like this."

Yin Wen seems to have expected it a long time ago. The powerful knowledge has already made Yin Wen see the future scenery, so he already knew that there would be a huge palm blocking their way. Even when Yin Wen came to this world, it had already consumed With a lot of knowledge and knowledge, one can get a glimpse of the origin of the giant hand in front of him.

"Is it amazing? Why do palms grow out of the ground? Is there a giant living underground?"

Natsu lay on the ground, sniffing the ground continuously.

"It's so big, I really want to eat it! Can I eat it?"

As a food-eating dragon, Kurnuki has different thoughts in his mind than ordinary people. He just wants to taste whether the huge palm in front of him is edible, whether it is delicious...


Just when Yin Wen and the others were amazed at the huge palm in front of them, countless black and disgusting black bubbles emerged from the nail cover of the huge palm. Bubbles are like the silt hidden in the crevices of the nails that humans haven't washed their hands for a long time, but the silt seems to be full of life and twists and falls towards the ground...


In this regard, Yin Wen opened a shield casually, directly blocking the sludge.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The mud hit Yin Wen's shield and roared, and then was bounced off by the shield, fell to the ground, and then began to twist and deform. Eyes, noses, and Mouth, ears, human facial features, limbs, body, and even human clothes...

One by one, the sludge turned into puppets wearing priestess costumes, holding bows and arrows, and expressionless faces as if they were living people.

"What are these things?!"

Naz stared at the mud that had turned into a human being, and his eyes widened. He had never seen such a miraculous mud since he was a child. He was thinking about whether he should dig some out of the giant hand and take it home to play with the mud. .

"It's unbelievable, it's chilling."

Mistergang's face covered under the mask was dripping with cold sweat. Mistgang, who had just joined Fairy Tail and had normal thinking, felt a burst of fear when he saw the unreasonable scene in front of him.

"Can I eat it?"

Kurnuki looked at the cute three-no-witches, stuffing the index finger of his left hand into his mouth. He just wanted to know what these cute gadgets tasted like. Those black things looked like chocolate. , the taste must be very good.

"Obviously inedible..."

Yin Wen looked at Kurnuji beside him and sighed. Kurnuji, a fool who wanted to stuff everything into his mouth, had to change his personality.

At the same time, Yin Wen raised her left hand to the expressionless shrine puppets made of mud, ready to wipe them all out...


Just as Yin Wen was about to make a move, he seemed to have noticed something and turned around to look.

At the same time Yin Wen turned her head, several white lights fell from the sky and landed on those witch puppets...


Immediately, with a roar, those priestesses imitated by sludge were instantly beheaded to the ground.


Mistgang, who was taking out the staff behind him and preparing to fight, turned around immediately after noticing the white light.

I saw a few beautiful girls wearing priestess costumes, almost exactly the same as the dolls that the sludge mimicked, walking towards the crowd.

"You are?"

Mistgang instantly understood that most of the sludge was imitating the people in front of him.

"We are priestesses living in the Land of White Death!"

One of the priestesses with a gentle face smiled at Mistgang and the others, revealing their identities.

"What is the witch in the land of Baimie?"

Mistgang looked puzzled, he couldn't understand what the witch was saying in front of him at all.

"Don't you know who we are? Could it be that you are not from this world?"

"Really, don't always run around in other people's worlds! It will cause us a lot of trouble..."

"Obviously the arm has not grown nail dirt for many years, but because you guys disrupted the magic power of this world, the palm of the hand has become irritable again..."

And beside the witch with a gentle face stood a hot-tempered priestess, and the priestess frowned after listening to Mistergang's words, and looked at Mistergang and pointed angrily.

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

"In fact, we have no choice but to visit the world where you are."

"In fact, the magic power of Edras in our world is almost exhausted. For this reason, we have found Alentia, a world with plenty of magic power. We hope to transport the excess magic power of Alentia to Edras. world, to solve the problems of our two worlds

Mistgang first bowed and apologized to the priestesses, and then told the priestesses the purpose of himself and others.

"Your world's magic power is about to run out? You need to borrow magic power from our world..."

"Wait, if we send the excess magic power from our world to Edras, will both worlds be saved?"

The witches were startled after hearing Mistgang's words.

"In theory, this is the case. Originally, our plan was about to succeed, but it was stopped by the moon **** dragon Selene..."

"Do you know where Selene lives? We hope to have a good relationship with Selene..."

Mistgang told the witches about the tasks of himself and others.

"It's Selene again, **** it!"

Among the witches, the most irritable one became angry when she heard Selene's name.

In fact, the magic power of their Alentia world had been stabilized, but with the arrival of Selene, the magic power began to riot again...

And now there was a situation that could solve the problem of Elentia's magic riot forever, but it was stopped by Selene again, which made the witches even more angry, but they were helpless...

"If you want to negotiate with Selene, I advise you not to go..."

"That guy is so powerful that it makes people desperate. He is the type who can't communicate with humans at all. Give up!"

The witches sighed, looking tired. Obviously, they also tried to communicate with Selene, but the final result was very unpleasant.

Especially when they think of Selene's endless power, the priestesses can't help but tremble and feel terrified...


Just when the maidens looked a little lonely, black sludge grew in the huge palm, and countless sludge gathered to form a black giant with a height of more than ten meters, sneaking towards Yin Wen and others .


Seeing the huge black giant, the witches panicked, and shouted anxiously at Yin Wen and the others.

"Additional burning!"

Before the witches finished speaking, Yin Wen's ethereal voice rang in everyone's ears.


Followed by overwhelming flames, the black giant behind Yin Wen, and even the huge palm that was still secreting black matter were instantly ignited, and the fierce flames shot straight into the sky, directly burning through the clouds in the sky!

Even the whole atmosphere was raised a few degrees because of Yin Wen's flame...

In the blink of an eye, both the pitch-black giant and the huge snow-white arm were all turned into fly ash and burned up!


Natsu looked at the disappearing flame and licked the corner of his mouth, he was really greedy...

"What did you say to be careful?"

Regarding this, Yin Wen just smiled lightly, and he looked at the witches in front of him with a smile and asked.

From the end to the end, he didn't turn around to look at those black monsters, even a single glance.

Do you still need to be careful with that docile little thing? Yin Wen doesn't even need to change to the green dragon form, even if he is in this human posture, standing still and letting these monsters attack, even if these monsters beat him for a year, it will be difficult to break through Yin Wen's defense.


All the witches were silent, UU reading www.uukanshu.com because they knew that, like Selene, Yin Wen and others in front of them were also monsters.

Perhaps it is precisely because of such power that he dared to negotiate with Selene?

"Then some beautiful maidens..."

"Excuse me, can you tell us now where the moon **** dragon Selene is?"

Yin Wen smiled slightly at the witches and asked.

"Selene in the Night Mountains..."

The witches looked at each other, and after thinking for a while, they whispered to Yin Wen.

The strong are always respected by others.