[357] G.o.d's Glory in the Heavens, 168.
[358] Annual Scientific Discovery, 1863, 324.
[359] Cosmos IV. 378.
[360] See this proved chapter XI., _Daylight Before Sunrise_.
[361] See the possibility of such a source of volcanic action, of such a formation of plutonic rocks, proved by Lyell. _Principles_, chaps.
x.x.xII. and XII.
[362] Sir David Brewster, K. H., D. C. L., F. R. S., _More Worlds than One_, p. 56.
[363] _Rudiments of Geology_, W. & R. Chambers, p. 10.
[364] Lyell's _Principles of Geology_, p. 3.
[365] Miller, _Old Red Sandstone_, p. 25.
[366] Hugh Miller, _Footprints of the Creator_, p. 313.
[367] American Cyclopaedia, 1863, p. 374. Annual of Scientific Discovery, 1861, p. 351.
[368] London Quarterly Review, 1866, No. 51, p. 240.
[369] Lyell's Second Visit to the United States.
[370] _The Advance_, Chicago, May 28, 1868.
[371] Geological Time.
[372] _Principles_, Chaps. III. and IV.
[373] _Principles_, chap. XI.
[374] _Principles_, p. 530.
[375] _Principles_, chap. x.x.xI.
[376] Chambers' Cyclopaedia Art. Appalachians.
[377] Types of Mankind, 329, 335, 338.
[378] The American Journal of Science and Art, edited by Profs. Silliman and Dana, XXVI. 235, 300.
[379] Frazer--Blending Lights, p. 113.
[380] De Vore's _Modern Magic_, 58.
[381] Isaiah, chap. xlviii. 22.
[382] John, chap. iii.
[383] 2 Timothy, chap. iii. Read the whole chapter.
[384] Romans, chap. x. Read the chapter.
[385] The Sermon on the Mount. Read it all.
[386] John, chap. iv.