Extreme Martial Arts Modifier - Chapter 1438

Chapter 1438

Ji Dao Martial Arts Modifier Chapter 1438 Activated

After killing all the witnesses, Xiao Ning carried the small-scale "Lava Gate" and flew westward all the way.

Fly to the location of the real Lava Gate.

Only after Xiao Ning flew away with the "Lava Gate" did some people come to the edge of the tiankeng.

"Why did so many people die?"

"What the **** happened here? Why all of a sudden?"

"It must be related to the explosion just now."

The people who came here were all shocked when they saw the corpses all over the ground.

In fact, when they heard the explosion just now, they sensed that something was wrong, so they rushed over in a hurry.

As a result, after coming over, what caught his eyes was this scene.

There are dead workers everywhere on the ground, and there are still many people who died without whole bodies, leaving only a lot of corpses.

"It must be related to the explosion just now, but these people don't look like they were killed by the explosion."

Professional criminal investigators came here and began to investigate the cause of the incident.

Judging from the situation at the scene, the people who died here did not seem to be killed by an explosion.

Firstly, there was no explosion around here, and secondly, judging from the sound of the explosion just now, the intensity of the explosion was not high.

So even if the explosion happened among these workers, it would not have caused such a large amount of damage.

"what is going on?"

All the staff present looked at each other in blank dismay.

The scene in front of them was full of weirdness, making it impossible for them to analyze it.

At this time, a person said: "Do you still remember the oriental master who came here a month ago? He said that if anything strange happens here, please contact him as soon as possible."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present immediately recalled the two Eastern masters who came over that day.

Those two people were very powerful, they gave them a big blow as soon as they appeared.

Immediately afterwards, one of the two asked them to keep an eye on Cass City and contact him whenever there was an abnormal situation in Cass City.

And everything that happened now fits the definition of abnormality very well.

"Yes, yes, contact him quickly."

"Let him handle it."

Several staff quickly made a unanimous decision and decided to tell the Eastern expert about the strange things that happened here.

Of course, the oriental masters they mentioned were Tai Yi and Taoist Tianbao.

Xiao Ning carried the "Lava Gate" and quickly flew to the original location of the volcano.

The volcano had already been blown up in the last explosion, and there was only a huge hole floating above the ground at the scene, with hot magma flowing in the hole.

In addition, it is the lava door suspended in the air.

At that time, the explosion was caused by this lava gate.

"At that time, I tried to destroy it, and it caused an earth-shattering explosion."

"Fortunately, I didn't die in that explosion."

Xiao Ning nodded secretly.

At that time, there was a mysterious invisible force protecting him, otherwise, with his disabled body at that time, he would definitely have died in the explosion.


Suddenly, Xiao Ning gasped in surprise, and glanced at the "Lava Gate" he was carrying.

"Yeah, I should have thought of it earlier!"

Xiao Ning suddenly realized.

He found that he had missed a very important piece of information.

The big explosion here at that time was caused by his attempt to destroy the lava gate.

Before that, Varuk also caused a big explosion in Karth City.

The two explosions were remarkably similar and of about the same intensity.


"So, the explosion must have been caused by the lava gate, which is the one in my hand!"

Xiao Ning finally figured it out.

The two explosions were caused by the lava gate, and the one here was caused by the lava gate suspended in the air.

And the scene in Karth City was triggered by the fan he was carrying in his hand.

After all, this lava gate was originally in Varuk's castle in the city of Karth.


Xiao Ning firmly believed in this conclusion.

Then everything makes sense.

But after thinking about this point, Xiao Ning suddenly remembered a very important thing.

"Perhaps Varuk is...alive?"

Xiao Ning frowned slightly.

The big explosion here was caused by his attempt to destroy the lava gate, while the one in Kath City was caused by Varuk.

Now that Xiao Ning is still alive and well, then Varuk is probably still alive too.

"I survived because I was protected by a mysterious invisible force, and Varuk may have experienced the same experience as me."

Xiao Ning took a deep breath.

This possibility is very, very high. He was deceived by Varuk, and now Varuk is still hiding somewhere underground.

"From this point of view, what I should do now is not to study this lava gate, but to find Varuk first."

Xiao Ning nodded slightly.

Varuk's knowledge of the Lava Gate is definitely far ahead of him, so as long as he can find Varuk, he can force many things out of his mouth.

For example, the origin of the lava gate, and the function of the lava gate, etc.

And, why does the lava gate trigger such a big explosion.

There is no need for him to study all this by himself, as long as he finds Varuk.

"However, what about the lava gate in my hand?"

Xiao Ning looked at the small-scale lava door in his hand again.

The Lava Gate must be hidden before Varuk can be found.

Xiao Ning thought about it, and decided to hide this lava door in the crater below.

After all, this lava gate is not afraid of high temperature and will not be scalded by magma.

"It can only be done first."

No longer thinking about it, Xiao Ning moved his body and quickly flew towards the magma below.

After coming to the edge of the huge crater on the earth, he directly threw the lava door inside.

In an instant, the scorching flames enveloped the lava gate.

However, due to the extremely high density of magma, the Lava Gate did not sink into the magma.

"Sure enough, the high temperature can't hurt it."

After carefully observing for a while, Xiao Ning was completely relieved.

When he just threw the lava gate into the magma, he was still a little uneasy, fearing that the lava gate would be destroyed, so he was always ready to use his true energy to pull the lava gate out of the magma.

Judging from the current situation, this worry is completely unnecessary.

Because the lava gate is not afraid of the high temperature of the magma.

"Leave it here first, and go to Varuk quickly."

Xiao Ning was about to turn around and fly away.

But at this moment, the lava gate in the magma suddenly changed.

I saw that the lava gate that was lying on the magma suddenly stood up.


Xiao Ning groaned.

After this small lava gate stands up, it looks like the large lava gate in the sky.

The only difference between the two is the scale.

"Could this magma activate the lava gate?"

Xiao Ning secretly guessed in his heart.

He couldn't help touching his chin, and looked up at the large lava gate suspended in mid-air.

"It looks like it should be what I guessed."

Xiao Ning let out a breath slowly.

There is no doubt that magma has the effect of activating the lava gate.

Throwing the Lava Gate into the magma by himself is like throwing a dying fish into the water.

"I don't know what the consequences of this will be."

Xiao Ning was a little worried.

He couldn't predict the consequences of doing so, after all, he didn't know the origin and function of the Lava Gate.

And just did it on a whim.

"Forget it, now that things have happened, it's useless to think about it any more. Let's find Varuk first."

Xiao Ning quickly retracted his gaze, then soared into the sky and flew towards the east.

Not long after Xiao Ning left, a figure flew over from the north.

The one who came was Taiyi.

He rushed over to the lava gate as soon as he received the communication from the criminal investigators of Cath City.

He didn't know who did what happened in Cass City, but his intuition told him that it was most likely related to Xiao Ning.

So after thinking of this, he immediately rushed over to the Lava Gate.

"There is no trace of Xiao Ning."

Tai Yi flew to the side of the large lava gate in the air and stopped, searching around.

But after searching, he found that there was no trace of Xiao Ning around, and he didn't know whether Xiao Ning had been here.

And just as he was about to leave here for Cath City, he suddenly lowered his head and noticed something abnormal below.

There seems to be something particularly eye-catching in the huge crater on the ground.

That thing looked a bit like the lava door beside him.

"what happened?"

"How come there are two lava gates?"

Tai couldn't believe it.

He clearly remembered that there was only one big lava gate here last time, and there were no small ones.

As a result, a small door shaped like a lava door appeared in the crater below.

With a movement of his body, Tai Yi flew to the edge of the crater on the ground at an extremely fast speed, and observed the situation inside at a close distance.

"It really looks exactly like the lava gate above."

After a period of investigation, Tai Yi already knew that this strange arch was called the Lava Gate.

Of course, he is still unclear about the origin and function of the Lava Gate.

But one thing he has confirmed is that the lava gate is not an ordinary magic weapon.

Because he couldn't shake the lava gate at all, and couldn't move the lava gate from its original position by even a millimeter.

And after he asked the Juggernaut, the Juggernaut did not give any answer.

I don't know if it's because the master doesn't know the origin of the lava gate, or he doesn't want to tell him.

All in all, there are indications that this lava gate is definitely not an ordinary treasure.

"Such an extraordinary thing, how could there be two at once?"

Tai frowned in thought.

For a magical treasure like the Lava Gate, it was already surprising that one appeared, but another one suddenly appeared.

Tai Yi didn't know how this lava gate appeared here, so just its origin made him think for a while.

It's a pity that after contemplating for a while, he couldn't draw any conclusions at all, nor did he have any guesses.

"Forget it, let's see if this lava door is as unshakable as the big one."

Taiyi withdrew his thoughts and decided to study this small lava gate first.

He had studied the large lava gate floating in the air before.

At that time, he urged the real yuan to try to move it, but no matter how hard he tried, it was useless.

And when he tried to increase his strength, he immediately received a warning from the master.

Therefore, he did not dare to use all his strength to destroy the lava gate.

"This lava gate is so much smaller that it might be able to be moved."

Tai Yi resolutely activated his true energy, trying to move the small lava gate in the magma.


With an inaudible sound, the lava gate was enveloped by the invisible force driven by the sun.

Immediately afterwards, Tai tried to move the lava gate.

But soon he discovered that no matter how hard he tried, the small lava door remained motionless.

Everything was the same as the last time he encountered it.

"This small one can't move either?"

Tai Yi withdrew his power, and became more and more curious about the origin of these two lava gates.

This thing is definitely not a mortal thing. If you can figure it out and use it, your strength will definitely improve a lot.

"Master? Master!"

Taichi called Juggernaut in his head.

However, the master didn't respond to him at all, and there was no sound at all, as if it had never appeared in his mind.

No way, Taiyi frowned and stopped thinking.

Regardless of the reason why the Juggernaut didn't respond to him, it was useless to ask the Juggernaut about the Lava Gate.

You can only find a solution by yourself.

"This lava gate cannot be moved, so let it stay here and go to Cath City first."

Tai Yi turned and left, and flew towards Kath City in a hurry.

Let's put aside the matter of Lava Gate for now, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will go to find out the matter of Cath City first.

Those staff contacted him suddenly, nine out of ten it was Xiao Ning who appeared and made a bunch of things that ordinary people would find weird.

Tai Yi's figure quickly disappeared into the sky.

And when Tai Yi was heading all the way to Karth City, Taoist Tianbao was also approaching Karth City from a certain direction.

Of course, Taoist Tianbao came here because he discovered Taiyi's movements. He has been following Taiyi and monitoring Taiyi's every move during this time.

Karth City.

The lights of Karth City under the night sky are sparse.

Since the big explosion, most of the people in the city have died, and various infrastructures have been destroyed.

So the current Kasi City has completely lost its former glory.

You must know that the former Cass City was brightly lit at night and very bustling.

Beside the tiankeng in the middle of Cass City, many people were cleaning up the scene, while those criminal investigators gathered together and chatted about something.

At this time, a figure flew past in the air and fell to the ground at an extremely fast speed.

The speed of this figure was very fast, so no one on the ground could clearly see how he flew and landed.

After Tai Yi landed, he walked directly towards the group of staff.

Seeing him approaching, everyone stopped talking and approached him actively.

A group of people quickly gathered around Taiyi.

"What the **** is going on here?"

Taiyi asked straight to the point.

When he flew over from the sky, he had already taken a rough look at the situation on the ground.

And when he saw the piles of scattered corpses, he was immediately sure that this matter was definitely related to Xiao Ning.

Because this is what Xiao Ning is good at.

"Sir, it is so."

A staff member introduced the scene to Tai Yi.