Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology - Part 89

Part 89

Vacuolate: with vacuoles or small cavities, empty or filled with a watery fluid.

v.a.g.i.n.a: the tubular structure formed by the union of the oviducts in the female, opening externally to admit the pa.s.sage of the egg to the ovipositor: receives the p.e.n.i.s of the male in copulation and is sometimes called oviduct: "every part, the office of which is to cover, protect or defend the tongue": "the bivalve coriaceous sheath or cover of the spicula": generally, a sheath.

v.a.g.i.n.ata: sheathed: an obsolete ordinal term for Coleoptera.

v.a.g.i.n.ate: inclosed in a bivalved sheath.

Vagus: sympathetic nervous system; q.v.

Valgate: enlarged at bottom: club-footed.

Valve or Valvulae: the expanded plate-like galea of the maxilla in many Hymenoptera.

Valve: a small, transverse or triangular piece behind the last full ventral segment, at base of plates in male Ja.s.sidae and allies.

Valves: in Orthoptera, the corneous pieces of the ovipositor:= corniculi in Lepidoptera, sometimes used to = harpes; q.v.

Valvula = v.a.g.i.n.a in its application to Dipterous mouth parts.

Valvulae: in Hymenoptera, branches of the genital forceps of male.

Valvular: when two parts join so as to form a valve between them.

Valvular process: in Odonata, a slender, unjointed process at the apex of each genital valve.

Valvule: any small, valve-like process.

Variation: a departure in color or form, from the normal: the sum of the departures from a mean type of any species: it is continuous when there is no break between the extremes; discontinuous when there are gaps without intermediate forms.

Variety: any departure from the normal type of a species which, while retaining the specific characters, is yet recognizably different because of climatic, seasonal or other influences; may occur with the type form or as a geographical race.

Variola: a deep, rounded impression with defined edges.

Variolate -ose: with large, rounded impressions like pock-marks.

Vas deferens: = vasa deferentia, q.v.

Vasa deferentia: tubes from the seminal vesicles or testes of each side, which usually unite into a single ductus ejaculatorius; q.v.

Vasa varicosa: the malpighian tubules.

Vascular: relating to the blood-vessels or circulatory system.

Vasiform orifice: in Aleurodidae, an ovate, triangular or semicircular opening on the dorsum of the last abdominal segment.

Veinlets: in Orthoptera, are the minute transverse ribs or ridges between the longitudinal veins.

Veins: the chitinous, rod-like structures supporting the wings, and especially those extending longitudinally from base to the outer margin nerves nervures; nervules.

Velum: a membranous appendage of the spurs at the apex of anterior tibia in bees a broad process at inner end of fore tibia.

Velum p.e.n.i.s: the thin membranous covering of the male intromittent organ also applied to ether covering or shield-like structures of the p.e.n.i.s.

Velutinous: velvety: clothed with dense, soft, short hair, like velvet.

Vena: a vein.

Vena dividens: that longitudinal vein of secondaries that marks the beginning of the a.n.a.l area: = a.n.a.l 1 (Comst.).

Vena plicata: on the wings of Dermaptera, the vein around which the folding occurs.

Vena spuria: = spurious vein: q.v.

Venation: the system of chitinous frame-work supporting the wings: in Lepidoptera, the veins are usually referred to by numbers which are as follows: on primaries: 1 = a.n.a.l; 2 = cubitus 2; 3 = cubitus 1: 4 = media 3; 5 = media 2; 6 = media 1; 7 = radius 5; 8 = radius 4; 9 = radius 3; 10 = radius 2; 11 = radius 1; 12 = subcosta: on secondaries: 1, 1a, 1b = a.n.a.l; 2 = Cubitus; 3 = cubitus 1; 4 = media 3: 5 = media 2; 6 = media 1; 7 = radius 1; 8 = sub-costa. See plate III for typical venations of all orders.

Venter: the belly: under surface of abdomen as a whole and of each ring.

Ventose: inflated; puffed out.

Ventrad: extending or directed toward the under side.

Ventral: pertaining to the under surface of abdomen: in Diptera, that face of the leg which is inferior when laterally extended.

Ventral chain: refers to the series of ganglia of the nervous system.

Ventral comb: in Trichoptera, a transverse row of fine teeth on venter.

Ventral diaphragm: is a fine membrane covering the central nerve cords and ganglia: also called ventral heart.

Ventral heart: = ventral diaphragm, q.v.

Ventral plate: a thickening of the blastoderm of an egg from which the embryo, but not the amnion or serosa is formed.

Ventral scale: in Diaspinae, the under part of the puparium, interposed between the insect and the plant.

Ventral tube: in Collembola, a tube or tubercle proceeding from the ventral side of the first abdominal segment.

Ventricose: with a big belly: distended; inflated.

Ventriculus: the true stomach, = chylific ventricle; q.v.

Ventri-meson: the middle line of the ventral surface of the body.

Ventro-cephalad: toward the lower side and anteriorly.

Ventro-dorsad: extending from belly to back.

Venules: the branches of the main veins.