Teneral: that state of the imago just after its exclusion from pupa or nymph, in which neither coloring nor clothing is fully developed.
Tensor: a muscle which stretches a membrane.
Tentacle: a flexible sensory or tactile process; in some cases retractile: usually prefixed by a descriptive term indicating the structure to which it is attached.
Tentacular -um: retractile processes on the larvae of Lepidoptera.
Tentaculate: a margin when fringed with soft tactile processes.
Tentiform: shaped like a tent: see mines.
Tentoria: Diptera; two hollow, cylindrical struts which pa.s.s from the ventral border of the occipital foramen to the cheeks.
Tentorium: a chitinous frame-work within the head, upon which the brain rests.
Tenuis: thin, slender; long drawn out.
Terebra: a borer or piercer: an ovipositor fitted for boring or cutting as in saw-flies: a mandibular sclerite articulated to the basalis; forms the point of the structure and = the galea of the maxilla.
Terebrant: with an ovipositor fitted for piercing or boring.
Terebrantia: Hymenoptera with sessile abdomen and valved ovipositors: Thripids in which the ovipositor of female is borer-like.
Teres, Terete: cylindric or nearly so.
Tergal: belonging to the primitively upper surface: see dorsal.
Tergal suture: the Y shaped dorsal suture on the head of many insect larvae.
Tergite: the primitively dorsal part of a segment, especially when that part consists of a single sclerite; usually applied to the abdomen.
Tergo-pleural: the upper and lateral portion of a segment.
Tergo-rhabdites: the lower pair of corneous appendages forming the ovipositor in gra.s.shoppers: plates on the inner dorsal surface of the abdominal wall.
Tergum: the primitively upperor dorsal surface whether it consists of one or more than one sclerite and specifically of the abdomen: in Odonata and Orthoptera, applies to thorax as well.
Termen: the outer margin of a wing, between apex and hind or a.n.a.l angle.
Terminal: situated at the tip or extremity; opposed to basal.
Terminal line: in Lepidoptera, runs along the outer margin of the wings.
Terminal s.p.a.ce: the area between the s. t. line and terminal line in certain Lepidoptera.
Terminology: the technical nomenclature of any science.
Termitarium: a nest, natural or artificial, or a colony of Termites.
Terrestrial: living on or in the land; opposed to aquatic.
Tessellated: checkered; more or less like a chess-board. {Scanner's comment: More correctly, it means "tiled", covered with possibly regularly shaped areas or pieces. They may or may not be square or otherwise regular.}
Test: the secretionary covering of Coccidae, and especially such as are waxy, h.o.r.n.y or gla.s.sy.
Testaceous: dull yellow brown; tile colored [pale cadmium yellow+burnt sienna].
Testes: the tubular structures in the male, in which the production of spermatogonia, and often also of later stages in the development of the sperm takes place.
Testicular follicles: in the larva, are those structures which in the adult form the tubes composing the testes; in the adult applied also to the tubes forming the testes.
Testudinate -us: resembling the sh.e.l.l of a tortoise.
Tetra-: four: a combining form.
Tetrachaetae: applied to those Diptera in which the mouth structures consist of four longitudinal blades or piercing structures.
Tetradactyle: with four fingers or finger-like processes.
Tetragonal: having four sides or angles: quadrangular.
Tetramera: applied to Coleoptera with four-jointed tarsi.
Tetramerous: having four-jointed tarsi.
Tetrapoda: applied to those b.u.t.terflies in which the anterior legs are atrophied in whole or in part.
Tetraptera: a term proposed for all insects with four naked, membranous reticulated wings.
Thamnophilous: applied to species living in thickets or dense shrubbery.
Theca: a case or covering: specifically applied to the fleshy covering of the fly-mouth; to the cases of the Trichopterous larvae; to the lower piece of the male genitalia in h.o.m.optera; and to the outer covering of the pupa.
Thelyotoky: parthenogenetic reproduction when the progeny are all females see Arrhenotoly and Deuterotoky.
Thigh: see femur.
Thigmotactic: contact-loving: applied to species that tend to live close together or in touch, one with the other.
Third longitudinal vein: in Diptera (Will.):= radius 5 (Comst.).
Third posterior cell: in Diptera, = 2d medial 2 (Comst.).
Third submarginal cross-nervure: in Hymenoptera (North.):= radius 4 (Comst.).
Thoracic: belonging or attached to the thorax.
Thoracic dorsal bristles: in Diptera, the specialized bristles on the dorsum of the thorax.